Sunday, October 24, 2010

Introduction born again Christian faith

 Introduction born again Christian faith, this is a fundamental of our Christian faith in the truth. This truth in the But because many people's 'knowledge' and Satan's work, it often makes clear that the problem has become blurred, complicated by the simple exception; and even make us feel the need before the Lord, to sum up this issue again it. Brothers and sisters want to be helpful.

according to our own spiritual condition, it is impossible not going to talk about this issue very comprehensive and just want to touch on some issues, do we receive before the Lord to talk about, which inevitably wrong, please a lot of brothers and sisters in the Lord, correct me.

Second, the letter to be saved

chapter 17)

started the Christian faith is not relying on themselves to good turn deserves another, not how many times to participate in the Sunday meeting, not baptized, but Jesus Christ is the Son of God 'letter'. A Section 16 which is the that was the life of God is the Lord Jesus had said Nicodemus 'rebirth', this was a 'born again' condition that the 'letter' the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

. Only in Old Testament times, this truth of justification by faith not as the New Testament as revealed to humans, as well as Jews mistakenly believe that they can rely on the law of righteousness.

Belief in Jesus Christ is the letter entry; believe in? Believes that Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross, Jesus Christ has ascended to heaven, Jesus Christ will come again; letter and promises. Does not depend on compliance with the law, not by their good deeds, not by all the religious ceremonies, but by faith alone, can make us righteous, so that we can have eternal life God lives. This is the entry of our Christian faith.

was asked: know, is manifest in them; because God has revealed to them. honest and worship Him, because such people to worship the Father to him. God is spirit; so worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. has a soul, can communicate with the heart of animals with the gods, as people have eyes to see things, there are ears to listen to the sound the same. The difference is, we can find the eye, ear position, to see their structure, but can not find the location of the mind, can not see its structure. They can not find the location of the construction can not see them, is not no it? Our will, thoughts, feelings, life, we are unable to find them in the anatomical position, do not know their structure. (We can only generally say that they are in the brain, perhaps one day, scientific development, and will find that this view is wrong.) We can not say they are not.

human beings, regardless of any nation (from the most civilized to the most backward), in any historical period, (from ancient to modern), have their religious beliefs, have their gods the (right or wrong). One of the most materialistic person, or one of the most savage people, but also will be All these show that people have to pass God's mind, a belief in God is a human instinct.

make an example: I read junior high school, one time physical education teacher taught us 'goose go', he first told us that the way of the walk way: After the right leg swing, lift the left leg is placed after the left hand, ... ... Association. The teacher finished, do a demonstration, just called out that students exercise; that the students thought it was learned the walk, can not go as usual, so uncharacteristically awkward lift right leg is placed before the right hand, lift left leg is placed before the left hand, which makes us evoke a hearty laugh. It tells us that human instinct is not taught, and to do naturally in the herd.

some of the 'letter' to do a lot of notes: Faith is faith ... ...; the letter is the letter from the ... ...; letter is convinced ... ...; letter is to accept ... .... According to these comments to people to check to see if the letter was on the right. The reason we feel that these comments are right, can be used for reference; just asking people to consider whether such a letter is a problem, because the mind of God Budan Shi complex, intelligent people of God, is the simple-minded, like a small the style of the people of God children. Speaks more truth would seem more confused.

four, 'Road' seed

If not sent forth, how can they preach it? as it is written: 'who bring good news, what their short-tailed bird feet of the United States!' > While we do not teach people how faith, but faith comes from hearing come. Whether to believe the gospel with us is very much related. Jesus in Matthew chapter thirteen, the parable of the sower mentioned, the seed is the word of God; we have sown the seeds if the Word of God, listening to people and willing to accept to be bound to it in the human heart germination, growth; we have no life if Caesar's sense of sand, you can not expect it will germinate and grow. Person who is the tares sown the seeds of heresy Satan, in his heart will grow the weeds come. Do not believe in a resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and again, only good reason respected Christian social theology is not true Christians come with; one in the hands of Satan, Satan allowed manipulation of the letter from the heretics who can not lead the people onto the right path of faith.

God have mercy on us, cleanse us so that we can pass the pure truth of the Gospel, can lead the people turn to God, faith in Jesus Christ!

V. rebirth

and born of the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. born of the flesh is flesh; born of the Spirit is spirit. I said: you must be born again, do not be surprised. the wind blows, you hear the sound of the wind , but can not tell whence I come, and whither I go; where born of the Spirit as well. '... ....' I tell you, we say that we know, we are witnessing is that we seen; you do not receive our witness. I told you earthly things, ye have no faith, if I speak of heavenly things, how can we trust? '... ...' Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, the Son of man shall be lifted up; whosoever believeth in him may have eternal life. 'not born again, not see the kingdom of God. ... ... Unless one is water and born of the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. the door is our Christian faith started. Second, the rebirth of this matter, is the earthly things that we know, we've seen (in this case does not say, 'Son of Man' and said that we should include follow the Lord's disciples.) Third, the front said, 'born again', the latter said, 'eternal life', is born again to eternal life; conditions of eternal life is the 'believers' (Son Jesus Christ.)

the kingdom of God where God --???? eternal, not our physical beings can get in, but by the rebirth of 'students' into the. For example, 'dead', there is no living material is in any case can not enter the human world; though those substances can live with us day and night, such as tables, benches, utensils, etc., but they are the 'dead' thing is ignorant. You have to enter the 'dead', you must be 'born'. A child of a 'birth', though he died, to him as his unconscious, but he entered the 'dead'. A person, whether young or old, one day die, and though his body was still there, he has left the 'dead'. Wherein God, where 'forever', is 'raw' go in; what time we have, through the word of God 'born again', and we will have eternal life as God, we are in God's eternity, but also that is in the kingdom of God; so born again Christian faith is that we started.

reason why we 'born' in the world, not relying on our own, can not say I was born to be born, (we were born of God, we can birth). Rebirth, too, can not we have to be born again born again, born again of God as in us. But we can believe in Jesus Christ, we 'believe', God according to His promise: We need to do is believe in the name of Jesus Christ, only Son of God, 'born again' is the God responsible. We want to enter the door of the kingdom of God is faith; the results because of our faith,UGG bailey button, God regenerated us, and we entered the gates of the kingdom of God.

third chapter in the Gospel of John, Nicodemus find it difficult to understand, it is no wonder that the; because Jesus was not affected by death and resurrection. Today we have a good understanding of this issue is much more; because of ancient and modern, with thousands of Christians have actually gone through with.

I have seen an introduction 'to insect pest control', named 'Trichogramma' of popular science. Trichogramma is a parasitic wasp the size of a grain of rice, and their reproduction is very special: they lay their eggs inside the eggs in He Chong, and its eggs in the larvae grow and develop in the Wo, and ate there all the nutrition, to break the shell of the He Chong mature when it was actually a small Trichogramma. This is a pattern of our Christian experience: Originally, we had inside the life, is an almost life-blood of Adam, but because of our letter, which God in our rebirth into a life of Christ. This is the life of Christ grow in us, and slowly ate the flesh of Adam is our life. When we hatched (the resurrection at the last day), we no longer than the earthly body of Adam's sin, but the heavenly glory of the Son of God. Praise the Lord!

six, introspection

(II Corinthians Chapter XIII 5)

have many brothers and sisters among us, is the electronics factory workers. We know that in the electronics factory, to produce an integrated circuit board to go through many processes: printed circuit, the water in the molten solder dip soldering, skewer pieces, welding, repair, and finally have to test. While one process is very strict, but in the end have to test, because I am afraid that will go wrong in unexpected places. The inspection process is now referred to as QC.

I think the same is true of our Christian faith, we have heard many people testify to us, many people have heard sermons, and some people still read a lot of spiritual books, we do not know what it is exposed to pure reason, we do not know if I have it wrong, wrong letter; plus the failure of this process has not reconciled to the devil to destroy. We need to examine what we 'believe' here? Scripture says the 'introspection', 'test' is the test.

What criteria to test it? that hath the Son hath life; not the Son of God does not have life. ; the same time, Jesus Christ, but also by the Holy Spirit lives in us, our home which has become the Holy Spirit, became the house of God. Born of God lives in us, Holy Spirit living in us there is a difference already, but were not actually come out, whether it is from the Actually: With Christ through the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have the Son of God, there is 'eternal' life.

Christians on the Holy Spirit living inside of our you another Comforter, that He is always with you; the Spirit of truth, the world can not accept; because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but ye know him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. ... ... In that day you will know that I am in the Father, and ye in me, I am in you. seal of us, and given the Holy Spirit in our hearts (original credentials for quality) Christ; since the believers to the promised Holy Spirit as the seal; that the Holy Spirit is the quality of our inheritance, until the God of the industry, unto the praise of His glory. -14 Day)

the Holy Spirit lives in us, that is, the quality of our inheritance, that credentials. What are credentials? A father told his son: Son, the father does not know whether the count to speak, but his father only said, and will read his son a name, and then one million certificates of deposit to him, this is the credential certificates of deposit, is quality, although the son does not do regarding to the money, but he already has firm credentials.

our hands with a certificate of deposit, we will know; we have a born again, has eternal life, which we have with the change of life, which has the Holy Spirit, we know it? But also the know.

how do you know that we have already obtained a rebirth? How do I know the Holy Spirit living inside us? Our hearts in the end feel? The following four ways, said.

1, by prayer

said: Who will pray, who is born again; because prayer is our spiritual breath of life. A child just born, he just does not know, but instinct to breathe. Cry down his life; Why are you crying? Because he has to breathe. A born again Christian can not speak to make sense, but he will pray; he would shut the door of God in secret prayer. If someone never pray in faith for this man has not yet started.

a born again Christian life, his heart has the power, would urge him to go and pray before the Lord, this is called the burden of prayer. A sister witness said: home to eat there is a problem; pray it, for fear they laugh, pray mind was disturbed. Not very obvious at first this burden, then gradually grow in the Lord, will become more apparent, more and more powerful. When the burden of prayer upon us, we always want to leave the crowd, alone before God in prayer; After prayer, we relieved the burden of prayer. Of course, sometimes we will feel empty hearts, we may even forget to pray; this is a Christian believer will some circumstances, we do not doubt their own salvation. I only said that a person who never had had the burden of prayer, his life, there is a problem.

decades we have seen when the church, but never the person to pray before the Lord; even seen such a missionary priest, he will sing, will reading, will be preaching in a large crowd among the open sound of prayer (prayer time), but when he a person, but never pray. Everything he did posters for; no one saw, he would not do.

2, hearing

(Peter chapter 2)

Although born children do not know, but he will be hungry; he was hungry to cry, until he was with the nipple, came to a halt, forced to suck. The rebirth of our lives will be hungry; rebirth of the bread of life, is the word of God. A saved Christian, will be hungry to hear, anxious Sunday faster come, I go to the party. Although there are difficulties in reading the Bible, but it will valuable their Bible. Literate people will do everything possible to find spiritual books. If someone not interested in hearing, impatient; the rebirth of life of people is problematic, at least, is suffering from

often see people running tens of miles way to the party, but also on the side is not heard the word, and why? Very simple, the sheep eat the grass, no matter how far have run to find grass to eat; dogs do not eat grass, the nest does not eat grass edges. This is the life of a different reason.

3, knowledge of sin to repent

when God made man, who was originally placed in the heart of the law; as it is written: down the nature of the law on the matter, they having not the law, the law to themselves; This is the show of the law written in their hearts. >
God His law on our hearts, if we act contrary to conscience, that is, crime before God, we are sinners. But most people have no faith in the Lord, before all of the world with the standards of their own. Condemned by world standards, such as murder, arson, rape, fraud, people, most of them know they are sinners; world standards, but good people, they did not commit sin, they were better than they often do not know (do not recognize ) that they are sinners. I wear a white dress, although there are many faint stains, but when I stood in a group of people covered in mud the middle of sewage, I felt I was clean; so I entered the mansion, with the master of this elegant white dress a ratio, I then ashamed, how dirty they are found.

people the feeling of sin is this: when we do not know when that holy Lord, we have to compare with the world, a world-standard if I am good, I feel I do not sin; If I were a condemned by world standards,bailey UGG boots, I will find many objective reasons to absolve itself. Until I believed in the Lord, to know that the Lord, holy and true, we will actually see yourself as a sinner.

was discovered when Peter stood up in their boat, holy Lord, he saw how dirty he is, he fell at the feet of Jesus: a sinner. God is light, when the light of His life in us, we will see how our hearts are unclean: hatred, jealousy, greed, hypocrisy, blaspheme, deceit, obscenity ... .... A sinner does not know who he is, is a heart of Jesus Christ, true light is not illuminated person; is no entry in the faith of the people.

heart was.

who believe in Jesus not only knew he was a sinner, and by faith the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ; Christians determined to follow God's command, stay away from crime; are just like people do not want dirty wash clean the room the same. Although the Christians because the flesh weak, but not completely over sin, but he would When his crime is on the way to go to slide, his heart will lose peace; when he wins, but the lure of sin, is caught in a sin, his heart will feel pain, contrition before God.

David's poem: . We saw how terrible the crime, will be grilled later hesitant to our offense. In addition to the Holy Spirit in our hearts the blame, as well as outside the discipline; our greedy little cheap, often provoke great loss, if we treasure some of the hearts of evil, refused out, tend to make our terminal one, until we The Lord of the crime, denied the hearts of the evil treasure, before the release of our Lord.

life with the growth of Christ, Christians have a mind to resist the evil forces, though still know they are a sinner, but rely on the strength of mind,UGGs, has been able to reject the idea of crime. We have seen such people, he said he was a Christian, he said that he believed God, of Jesus, believed to be saved; He said he was saved; but his actions are no different with the world, has been submerged in sin . We are the servants, not masters, not jump on the person; only Please note that the word of God: ; where the crime is not seen Him, neither known Him. Little children! Do not be tempted righteousness is righteous; as he is righteous. crime is of the devil, because the devil from the beginning crime. the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil. Whosoever is born of God does not sin, because the word of God in him; he can not sin, because he is born of God. From then on was who are the children of God, who is the devil's children; where not defined, not of God; does not love his brother is also true. learned a lot, as quoted in this paragraph is enough, it goes without saying.

are Christians br> (One book of John Chapter 14-15 Section)

people in groups, feather flock together; wolf, the lion looking for similar for company. Compelling man and his family, friends, separated, is a severe penalty, it is called jail or exile. The life of Christ who is also natural to love and his kind???? Of God for life. A true believer, no matter where, no matter to see a how kind of person, humble or noble, the poor or the rich, smart or simple-minded, the Chinese or foreign; long as they are true believers , we can hit it off. Why? Because we are in Christ, the same noble, holy race.

are social bees, and bees each of them for the their group, can without reservation to make their own offerings. Groups when they are co-Wei, the kind of fought against the enemy, the spirit of sacrifice, really make us gasp in admiration. Why? Because of them, left the group they can not survive; no group, no individual. Thus God made them, gave them the concept of a strong group.

there are many natural things, it is implicit in the sign, so that we can understand God's truth. Church of God is a group, the universal church as a whole, is the bride of Jesus Christ. Not the whole church, individual Christians can not exist before God is of no significance. Church is not just a group, Lack of a swarm of bees a few bees are not hurt, a body if it is missing a limb, missing eyes, missing nose does not. Thus the Lord Jesus who asked us believers to love one another; He has personally set an example for us, personally died on the cross for us; He told us to be mindful of the Church in this group, between brothers and sisters to love each other, like He loves us. Christians inside the 'eternal' life, that is, members of the body of Jesus Christ lives. We are members of the body if the life of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ we are bound to love the other limbs.

is in the darkness, and in the darkness, does not know where to go, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. Needless to say we are.


the door of faith to test his faith is already started, the above mentioned four aspects. Again Christians, of course there are other feelings and experiences, such as: Most Christians know their saved time; there will be a believer after the first letter of heat, (also born in Christian families, who grew up believing there is no such experience). Christians will be saved a spiritual intuition and so on. Only as a yardstick when it comes to these four aspects, is sufficient. We use these standards to measure yourself, it should be clear whether the door into the faith.

if we have not yet started, this is a serious matter; we should go to the Lord to ask Him to open the door for us. Jesus said:

'. Into the 'narrow gate' is born again, to get that 'document' is obtained as 'quality' of the Holy Spirit.

when Christians into the 'narrow gate', to continue to move forward when a man turned over the wall from the street. Christian asked him how to get Tin Road not from the 'narrow gate' come in? The man replied: I do not like you go Tin Road in it? Why must it come from the narrow gate? Christian asked him if he did not 'document'? The man said: do not know about this.

it tells us that if people did not born again, does not have the Holy Spirit inside us, as Christians learn just looks like, not true Christians. Let us look at Christ Nvtu Tin Road to go into the 'narrow gate' case when: Christ Nvtu and her children have gone in, but the kindness and sisters with them but could not get her to cry at the door; Christ Nvtu encouraged her not to lose heart, do not be afraid to knock on the door, and she went in. Born again Christian should be aware of every experience.

Christian 'documents', in his climb 'tough mountain' Shihai lost; looking right back after he found the results found. Christians have the Holy Spirit in their hearts, they are feeling; feel not obvious at first, over the more obvious. This feeling will be lost. The sense of loss, not God forsaken us, but we know what's wrong; we're back to the Department lost, the feeling to come back again.

repeat: the belief in the entry is a major event, there is no entry if we find ourselves, we should earnestly pray for our door. If they have into the door, do not be deceived, wondered if he had saved.

eight, salvation of the

Corinthians chapter 30)

how God made Christ to be our wisdom it? The life of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts, we have the world does not know, is a day of peace, joy; we know that the world is empty, transient, only God is our eternal inheritance, so that we do not seek the world , and in all things and to seek, to comply with the will of God. To the return of Jesus, the world will find that we believers are the most intelligent. What is today is this: We do not know what will happen in the future, but our Lord knows, we do not ask why, but in everything by the anointing in us a lesson (the guidance of the Holy Spirit) to the action, heart,UGG boots, peace is the line , and my heart is just not safe. So that we can escape the danger and disaster, heavy, get unexpected peace and success. Later, we will see, our most intelligent people than there is wisdom. This is the God of Jesus Christ as our wisdom.

how God made Christ to be our righteous do? Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit living inside us, we also live in the Lord Jesus Christ; it in me Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, lives in me. I speak to God before he could not; but, I was in Christ, God saw his innocent son, my son there in His love can come to God. This is the 'put on Christ', the Lord Jesus Christ to be our righteousness.

how to make Christ as God is holy we do? Lord Jesus Christ lives in our hearts; His life is a holy life. His holy life, day by day grow in us, a silkworm eat every day with our sin nature that the old life. Our old people can not get the improvement, but the life of the Lord Jesus Christ to be my holy life, so I can refuse the idea of crime, demonstrate God's holiness. This is our God, the sanctity of Christ.

how God made Christ to be our salvation it? We had no power to do God's will, but Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit living inside us, as our strength; allows us to do God's will. . Absolutely not! Amen!

1 comment:

  1. “Have you been born again?” the Fundamentalist at the door asks the unsuspecting Catholic.

    Yes, they believe in Jesus. And yes, they try to live Christian lives. They probably have some vague awareness that Fundamentalists think being “born again” involves a religious experience or “accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savoir.”

    The Catholic Church has always held, being “born of water and the Spirit” refers to baptism, and then it follows that being “born again” or “born from above” means being baptized.

    Clearly, the context implies that born of “water and the Spirit” refers to baptism. The Evangelist tells us that immediately after talking with Nicodemus, Jesus took his disciples into the wilderness where they baptized people (John 3:22).
