Tuesday, October 26, 2010

After receiving the letter from Arthur

 I almost immediately decided to set off, in addition to childhood friend I really can not ignore the earnest request that between the lines, the main reason is because I am really worried about my friend because of his congenital Jingshenhaoruo and ─ ─ despite the total collapse time I saw him, his condition is not so bad, even at the time of my opinion, he is almost same as the general population (in addition to being too nervous a little outside), even though I understand that he the pressure came from old families with congenital mental weakness that he must not work as normal people from the office, but then I told myself ─ ─ now want to come may be some tough ─ ─ pushing yourself to believe that Arthur could get through it all , as normal as life, however, now received this for his anxiety and uneasiness that handwriting a letter written, I will force myself not to face the facts how can easily see that he lived a long time In that ancient residence of the solitary brought Gujue and weak consumption have been almost cost him his little barely support their own rational ─ ─ that he seems to have become captive of paranoia and nightmares from the crazy does not seem far, I feel deep remorse for this, even though people will not condemn me, the better, however, as Arthur is the only best friend, and I feel drawn can not be not required to bear any responsibility.

mansion coming to Arthur, I continue to ponder, whether under his own right, I do not know in my mansion on the way to Arthur, Arthur's mental condition had deteriorated to whether more serious stage, along the way, I can only hope that the embrace of unfounded hope that Arthur's heart can be improved during this period, perhaps when I saw Arthur, he is still who I remember friends, rather than a weak and near insane patients.

However, I hope that modest, but when I saw Arthur at the moment mansion was completely shattered.

─ ─ stands that are isolated or the more appropriate, she existed in the dark and cold on top in the wilderness, like a black widow, under the veil of ambiguity is a pale like the dead faces, a candle guttering in the wind, like a remote control-like collapse at any time; and when I saw the tall dark, dark, but very pale house, the depression will be a strong pressure on my heart, so that I can not breathe, or even feel that depravity and vomiting, in the autumn on the occasion, even then the ancient ruins of the old King shortage, should also give rise to more or less able to feel it more poetic, but Arthur is the seat despite a complete residence and the grand old house, but can not make any bit of poetic or solemn feelings, only the endless hate, resentment, and the idea of depravity escape; only just looked at this house, maddeningly enough, not to mention long years the people living in the inside ─ ─ I do not want to imagine today that Arthur was tortured into what even looks like.

I did not give up to the horse forward, climbing up a hill, thinking that perhaps a change in vision, be able to present this gloomy house into another picture of a more angry, but it is futile, not only Arthur mansion itself, colorless her monotonous scenery surrounding it, only deepened the solitude of it may, I looked down to its pit under the Tanzi ─ ─ This residence is located next to Arthur, some close enough too, I Tanzi really do not see how deep this, can not see where the head is a biological survival, reflected the dark lake in the dead branches on it, weeds, and Arthur mansion itself, there was a moment, I was just there motionless, looking at lake side, until I realized that a certain part of the standing water is about to be swallowed up.

I left it was too dark, the Tanzi, but also approached a number of looked at this old house, in which I desire to live in the next few weeks will be the place to find the color a little more angry But looking ahead, in addition to gray defeated the windows, pale walls, and the dense knot of spider web, but I did not find, however, look carefully, I am only to find that the surface of the Arthur residence, there is a not obvious cracks, jagged to extend all the way from the roof into a corner, and finally hidden in the pit just in looks, this rift is not as deep, maybe only the surface material due to disrepair and cracking it, but actually this house is absolutely no one thought to repair the wall, it is unbelievable.

the door to the mansion, the servants had to wait a long time to open the horse, somehow, I suddenly felt the eyes seem to have a road with me, I looked up and saw the top of the window, there is a white The shadow is standing Lianhou, peeping into my place, and when I want to be more Kangezixi, that the white will soon disappear in the window, leaving only the white lace curtains swaying in the window, it seems That seems to be a certain lady's boudoir.

As I step

Ruya Se servant mansion, the door closed behind me, as if at any time accompanied by a collapse of the babbling sound of the collapse, but I think that view still seems to follow me.

It is a pernicious view.

servant led me to where his master's study, upstairs with the doctor, I just passing, his expression is quite strange, cheeks flushing, in which it actually braved the cold big Zhaizi Khan is just like a fire to escape to the drunk, see his face, I really do not think he can have sophisticated medical skills, I do not even think he looks matter,bailey UGG boots, although only the look I never panic in the eyes of his detection, he likely will not come back this house a ─ ─ whether he is even afraid in the end.

came to Arthur's study, I also confirmed this idea.

this study between the dark ─ ─ I remember when my friends here, some sensitive habits, he was afraid of the light, always said he would light skin lesions, and blinded him vulnerable eyes; the original study, I still have some hope that more students in the fireplace to the fire so that the room warmer, but the room air and elsewhere in the same house cold, but outside the room as more closed than reason, is simply a step into this room to be cold and surrounded by a kind of feeling, but also shares lingering, dreary stagnation.

dark red on the couch, lay a thin, pale body, at first glance might think it was a corpse, but found that the body will still look thin to breathe, a pair of big eyes staring at the hole in the ceiling sometimes will blink, and I speak out Qinghuan, and the eyes will be turning Gulu Lu, came to look in my direction.

me, he suddenly reveal a face of joy too, lying on the sofa from the original rose to welcome me, perhaps because it had previously been in the gloomy atmosphere of Zhaizi, he suddenly made me feel so warm and some false, is acting like a blunt clown, but when I saw that earnest look in his eyes when I discovered his true passion is completely out.

I noticed that some relaxation of his clothing boast, but I pretended not to, we sat down, he did not speak long, I do not know What to say, only in the side looking at him secretly who we are. He nearly

with friends who I remember like two different people, the frail, he is now to become more gaunt cheeks sag down too thin, a too become more difficult to take care of thin and long hair disarray around my shoulders, the pair embedded in the pale face and big eyes staring ─ ─ godless land even though he has no intention to stare, but only looked at a trance place, but his face is too thin that he seems to always stare; I am trying to search out from his face and memory of Arthur similarities, but found that I can not seem to this man in front of Even with my old friends together ─ ─ there in that moment, my mind actually give birth to a crazy idea, perhaps in front of the person simply is not Arthur, but Arthur body occupies a ghost, erosion his flesh and spirit, making him an empty dead, twisted roots in this gloomy mansion, it is not pulling.

look to me he looked up, and I noticed at this moment, his face still remained a little there I had the impression that things ─ ─ even though I can not say it is, maybe he expression, perhaps the person when he looked up hope that the unique habits, I found that unless he is so gaunt thin, he may still have chance to be called handsome, and I still remember his past that is more normal and handsome appearance, and He is described at this time I could not help but spontaneously give birth to the meaning of sympathy.

I'm not sure it can not claim to be seen, so I said:

, suddenly uncomfortable again.

. his long fingernails into a gray shirt, but he was not aware of like a little: Richard can not come out. That is how she was suffering from the kind of infectious diseases?

and I stared at him, to say a word.

I found this Zhaizi Arthur was not reluctant to leave, but he wanted to leave but can not,UGG boots clearance, since childhood, he has more than once told me that He must not want to inherit this Arthur residence, if possible, throwing all his anxious, runaway, and though I can clearly feel dull again, that when he actually wanted to me for help, but I this has always turned a deaf ear, for me, petty-bourgeois origin, I do not know, as the successor of an ancient family will be how much pressure to bear, even though I could see that Arthur is very much marginalized and anxious to escape, But I always think it is actually not that serious, I believe it is only because his nature is easy for anxiety to anything due to his imagination is always hopelessly exaggerated to give in on everything, And he always believed it would certainly lead to the most unfortunate consequences, precisely because he was such a pessimistic character, so I think he is just magnified his imagination, and then the issue for fear the family inheritance, he was in fear of Arthur residence, even in fear of his own blood, I have never seen anyone like him for their own existence feel so insecure.

I always think that when he inherited the family, his original fear will vanish in all this, he will find that not even a big deal ─ ─ course, this is for me to imagine a unilateral, ─ ─ expectations or that, and I hope that he one day will find him just a nervous habit of unnecessary hope that somehow he can no longer fear their own family, maybe everything will be fine in time, that time I, is This expectation was unfounded.

However, I was very wrong.

years past, here and now to see the friend, not only for themselves, and more that I thought well, and have actually become worse, Arthur sensitive nature of the year has been the occasional nervous deteriorate into complete mental breakdown, had only a slightly thin body has become completely and immediately became haggard, and thought he had worked more than once, in front of me all he hinted very unwilling to return to the will of Arthur mansion, but I mercilessly to be ignored, and he was not willing to promote in every possible way that he stepped into the abyss of my heart unspeakable remorse, even if I had to face some of his suffering, and more on his position to care for My friend, perhaps he would be tortured would not be the appearance of vice, and I do this deep self-reproach, but Arthur seemed to be able to discern the idea in my heart wildly, from the reluctance many better talk, but as often as in the past with me to read many books we cherish, consumption weak in view of his eyes, unable to read, so I often read to him that our only conversation, only in his occasional questions or discussion on the book when the plot, other times, he does not always ask me even more, and I fear that he was weak and easily frightened of the mental condition often take the initiative to talk with him, but, despite this, we There remains between some kind of understanding, I know I never complained when he will need in the side, he knew where to find me, and between all of this intimate companions do not think disobedient.

there that day, when I study for the dim light inside the school to listen to Arthur, he suddenly raised his eyes to, like a frightened rabbit-like look to the door, I followed His eyes looked over and saw a white shadow being through the porch, and next to me squirm a fixed Na Liangpian Arthur pale lips and said quietly: Even a weak voice, his side were hard to hear me, but the white seemed to receive this Qinghuan, stopped and stood there Youde Turn your face to, although when I saw that the white , then of perceived she is, Miss Madeleine, but when I looked at the pale face goes, my heart still can not help a cold.

That is a very haggard, still reveals a gorgeous little face, her face strangely similar characteristics and Arthur, Arthur at the moment if not next to me, I simply must I believe that he stood there; her eyes across the empty ─ ─ perhaps behind me looking at Arthur, After a child, she will gaze slowly moved my face, but face the same hole and at a loss, Then, I saw her like that even wildly Cu Qimei head, exposing a deep disgust, and revealed a hate feeling like, if the eyes could kill, I believe that perhaps looked at me with her at the moment the eyes of magnitude.

I do not understand why Miss Madeleine instant there such a drastic change, I turned to look to the side of friends, but he was trembling lips could not say a word to And when I come again, raised his eyes, the pale figure has long disappeared.

here I think in the beginning, they feel the same line of sight, it is a very intense hatred hostility, originally I just have some doubts, however, Miss Madeleine had just seen, I am more sure that the line of sight is out of hostile to her, but I did not understand why she is so offensive to me, I'm sure he had never made a mess with her unhappy, because just before I first met her I subjected to such inexplicable hostility that I really can not forget, whether she even get me wrong, I think I said she should have a clear destination is; me to drop the book,UGGs, stood up and walked Wang Menwai, however, Arthur has gripped my hand.

a. staring at me, I first became aware that the threat implicit in his tone, but his face is in more of a feeling almost in supplication. where she did not even know she was doing, I'm rude for her to apologize to you, but please promise me ─ ─, in any case not to manage her, let her rest a little time to do anything she wants do, Do not you say in ... ... okay? time, because he looked terrified, and I do not even know he was afraid.

... ... : I'm not sure whether I should be so Arthur asks, but I think the answer will almost certain; I obviously should not have to unmask, but can not stop myself.

is like a sponge to be those of the more shrinkage is smaller. in the end there are even things without telling me? My question, but I just stood there, waiting for his answer.

silence continued for a while, he bowed his head, a long time without speaking, and when I decided to give up, that little voice was issuing from his mouth: . , but his next words, but structured so that I can not question.

from his mouth, I began to understand the history of this ancient family of origin, and gradually understand why Arthur is so afraid of his family; He told me that Arthur did not offshoot of the family for generations, but the generation of Inbreeding after generation, because of this, the family has always been rooted in the old blood in the sick, through the generation of pathological inheritance is more serious, debilitating their spiritual and intellectual family descendants, make them more mad and deteriorate to this generation, Arthur was the last one still maintain sensible people know, but he also acknowledged that this is simply and long lived in the same damned old house, he was on the verge of collapse, if he did not contact with the outside He is only one way to destroy mad, so he sent for me, begging me recover from that rational spirit, if he can recall the past so little study with me, together a time or two, perhaps much to be helpful ─ ─ Although he did not think it was enough to make him come forward to a long struggle against the curse of his fate, but at least he was completely mad before, but also be able to hold out for some time longer.

I asked him to even want to leave this house, but he just shook his head, he said he had help before, but did not use,Discount UGG boots, in the end he was still on the desire to flee back to his childhood Arthur mansion, hear his confession, I dropped his eyes, because I understand that the object of his help me, but I turned a deaf ear, as one that Arthur did not want all that serious.

Arthur see my remorse, he said he did not blame me, that fear in addition to the parties, the outsiders can not understand, if he meant to be returned to this cursed house, that he can only be resigned; now I would also like to come here with him, and he has very grateful, and yet listening to him that said, I was only more ashamed.

While I'm not sure that the lady asked him what Madeleine when he went down.

in the Arthur family, birth cohort men and one woman only, and in their adulthood, they will marry each other, continuing the family crazy and morbid fate, although there has been some doubt I have, however, really listen to him that said, I am still shocked his parents with him and Madeleine is also a brother and sister, and until his adult life, he must be married to Madeleine, of course, he was in no way May this do that for him is basically brutish behavior, but he can not defy the pressure of the family, so he had to try to drag out the name by the school for some time, try to avoid to inherit the family concerned, however, After his father died, he still had to follow his father's last wish to return Arthur residence.

Madeline and Arthur different, she was brought inside the growth in this house and never left the door step, from the time she was very young was constantly taught the future will be his brother wife, so when Arthur came back to inherit the family, she will continue to struggle Arthur, she thought that Arthur was her property, and she rightly belongs to Arthur, she thinks she in love with his brother, but she did not understand is that it is this crazy idea to give her family, she will not have any other ideas, do not think that she should marry a person other than Arthur, because she is being taught with this.

her, that she may accept this morbid education ... ... Windsor Arch will be by next of kin marriage is said to ensure that blood of a clock, they think outside the noble blood should not be contaminated by blood, but to my knowledge, none of these nobles and later into the rust is not lost, perhaps in their efforts to When their blood to keep clean, even the evil in the blood of their ancestors also be preserved it.

Nevertheless, despite the young age to be so old and crazy family that was educated, Arthur is very clear that he should not have blood renewal, he told me, his body so the blood through the generations After transmission, it has become rotten and rancid lost, the old aristocratic beauty who has long ceased to exist, and no hope of a comeback again, and he and Madeleine on the best way is to cut off the blood of this generation, he would have preferred life lonely, do not want to let such a meaningless thing continues indefinitely, unwilling to let his body decay back to the blood retained in any person.

But Madeleine is not the thought. He was quite embarrassed and

vaguely that Madeleine more than once to try a relationship with him, she always climbed onto his bed at night, so he did not dare to sleep at night, Madeleine I do not know where did you get a strange drugs (Arthur thought it must be from the cellar of the family got the thing), she definitely has the way to make him her bed, which made him very frightened and had her locked in the room years, but Madeleine has threatened to self-mutilation, he can not do anything but to replace the bedroom every night, try to stay away from her some, he could not leave the Arthur residence, as Madeleine will never die onslaught, he could hear every night She stepped in the footsteps on the corridor, calling his name, and open every door to find him, so he can not sleep well the night.

one night, he is supporting not go on, they unconsciously fell asleep in the room, he woke up is midnight, but even more his fear that Madeleine to curl at his feet, exposing slut smiles and told him she had with him a couple of the real line, he was scared and fell off the bed, scratching and scrambling to get out the door, after several nights, she did not then come to him, and he did not dare to see Madeleine, a few weeks after a gloomy afternoon, Madeleine stood on the stairs, with a chilling smile told him she had a stomach Arthur flesh and blood, he was very afraid, not sure but he did not dare ─ ─ also determined that night he really did to her even, but he is more afraid of Arthur's blood will continue at home, he only knew When he heard her say to him that, his mind went blank and did not even know they do, and when he recovered, he saw Madeleine had been lying under the stairs, his eyes tight such has been closed fainted, he screamed, and then, his eyes a black servant came in before he realized that they fainted.

So I ... ... I reached out a hand to it ... ... her ... ... If the change for me, in that situation, my response will probably not wise than he where to go.

really thought she was pregnant ─ ─ always make some out of her daydream delusions, perhaps she can not tell the difference between dreams and reality or perhaps ... ... but, no matter what she says is the reason for even those who so, now and then ... ... there is no way confirmed ... ... difficulty in saying this sentence. , in the end ... ... she will not even walk and talk that can not be, can only lie on his sick bed waiting for death to come on ... ... ... ... , can not say a word to.

him, ... ... I was too selfish, I will hurt you with ... ... What say? shoulder, neck and his delicate under this fierce shaking like a general about to break. What does that mean? Do not you well? Do you ─ ─ ─ ─ Charles, I never that thought, I ... I ... I do not know at this time even ─ ─ Why I do not know what I would write that letter ... ... I have ... ... head, I saw a string of transparent water drops rolled from his eyes. I do not want to see what his eyes saw, but he did not, but nodded slightly.


night, Miss Madeleine has died.

next morning I have had the intention to leave, but also had to delay this thing down; Arthur asked me to handle the funeral with him various matters, and despite a dispute with his remarks of the previous lump in my heart I do not hover, but I think this is the same for him, and he is willing to speak to me for help before, in fact, a way of apology, he said, based on his understanding of this point, I understand that he did not wish to lose my friendship, but also no mention of that will matter, so I simply agreed to his request, agreed with him to deal with the death of Miss Madeleine.

encoffined dead, I will work together with Arthur both men carry the coffin into the cellar, taking into account the Arthur family cemetery is not secret, and Miss Madeleine cause of death was unusual, and I agree that this did not even hurt, but when I go there with Arthur into a dark, damp cellar quiet, I still had a sense of trance, as if the devil is our apostle, not seen in this Password the light of day some kind of strange underground ceremony, see Arthur and reveals Huangran pale face, I tried to throw off this idea, he was terrified enough, no need to let my dream of trying to scare him .

despite fears that the other half of the hand, foot and Arthur now dead, but from my knowledge of him, he totally can not feel the slightest joy therefore, a long time, he was only in this world

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