Monday, October 18, 2010

Hawking said give up the ultimate truth of the universe

 2003, the world famous scientist Stephen Hawking to give up to the world that the ultimate truth of the universe, which, he quoted a famous British writer's language, said: to be incredible. From the emotional to the rational, this is not a coincidence.

Hawking thought that the ultimate truth of the universe can be a simple scientific formula to summarize. But when he found Shensui immeasurable universe far beyond the broad and mysterious and ability of his expectations, indeed, beyond the expectations of mankind and all life and ability, he decided to abandon the ultimate announced to the world Study of truth.

universe the real universe, physicists have found that the phase-like.

2004, the international space physicists announced the discovery of the true shape of the universe, is an inverted pyramid, the pyramid-shaped top of the Eiffel Tower is like a general, unlimited extension of the time and space. In fact, the inverted pyramid shape of the universe is a unit of the universe.

Buddha two thousand five hundred years ago, the discussion about the universe.

this, as early as two thousand five hundred years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha in the A true Dharma. One thing scientists say collision, and that is an inverted pyramid-shaped top of the universe is infinite stretch, stretching to where to? Extension unit to another universe. Time tunnel predicament justice. So, what is the universe of a unit it? Like family is a unit, a unit of the sea dripping. Say this is not in the exaggerated, as I have in the In a universe of units, we had amazing galaxies, clusters, nebulae, galaxy of many, only in our galaxy alone, over a two hundred billion stars like the sun, and planets like Earth to countless the. How many stars can be described as heaven on earth, how many people. More precisely, it is the number of stars in heaven, the earth is the number of lives. Each unit in the universe, there is tens of billions to hundreds of billions of galaxies like the Milky Way, each have hundreds of billions of galaxies, stars and planets orbiting around it is even more impossible to calculate. But this is only the physical universe and the physical universe.

universe into three levels, the physical universe, that science of the universe, is visible, including the use of a variety of scientific instruments, such as: radio astronomy telescopes can confirm that the universe; Second, the philosophy of the universe, that is, rational thinking and reasoning philosophy of the universe, is not evidence of the universe; third is the spirit of the universe, that religion of the universe, and in some religions it is empirical.

but in the physical universe around us, we can see countless galaxies, nebula and galaxy, the universe was only a matter significant energy only. The universe is dark matter and dark energy more. They account for the total universe of material and more than 95% of the total energy, which formed a so-called multi-dimensional space and emptiness. As the The so-called

Moreover, Shakyamuni Buddha 2,500 years ago and expected to have described the scientific principles and development.

early as 2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha pointed out: 2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Foji said: Is to reveal the rationale of modern medicine. Foji Buddha 2,500 years ago, said: Foji Buddha 2,500 years ago, said:

Throughout the scientific development of mankind, all evidence to the contrary the great Buddhist wisdom and truth, if on the nano, the Buddha says: If the line shape of the universe, the Buddha says: Prove that today's science, demonstrated the universe as a pyramid. If the theory of human cells, the Buddha says: Eleven cases and many others.

Shakyamuni Buddha also said: In fact, the modern science of cloning, the splicing of plant cuttings gardening, copy the training of social technology, human and national constitutional system requires people's thinking and behavior norms, including the tens of thousands of copies of the publication of various books and texts , are to a fire without burning out thousands of fire to a light to transmit the meaning of greenery. Education of today's civilization as we, like, passed from generation to generation all the future generations. This is a metaphor, but also a reality.

Tathagata, Yan non-cloning and replication, which is also great view of tonight's sense of equality. Gein origin one and nothing, respectively. Mental awareness and body cells avatar avatar, Pu Jie and things outside of God as one, so for the legality, law of the land also. The meaning of what? Hundreds of billions of avatar Tathagata, are not a clone and copy it? This is great awareness of equality concept it! Because the origin is one, no difference, whether it is internal commitments, or external commitments, as long as the frequency of homonyms speak with one voice, one mind with the behavior. So, external avatar Ye Hao spiritual consciousness, the inner body cells cloned both mean outside as in, as the material and spiritual. So called: Law and Law of the soil. Why Buddha

have such insights, and the reason is thought to enter the static nature of things, nature and origin.

Throughout the world, no religion has a scientific and philosophical wisdom of the truth, and even talked about cosmology, space science, and deep into the realm of the universe of all time and space to reveal its inherent laws. However, the Buddhist about it, and described so clearly, so detailed. Why? As mentioned earlier, we live in a multi-dimensional space-time space-time, not just a sense that we can, we can see, touch four-dimensional three-dimensional space and time, and also includes a five-dimensional, six-dimensional, seven-dimensional, and even Broadway thousands of dimensions. The limited human dynamic thinking three, four-dimensional shallow space, but not deep into the multi-dimensional space, and even over time.

So, how to enter the multi-dimensional space-time and even the Macross it? Only from the static thinking the door. We know that the human mind is also a big science, and natural sciences, social sciences side by side for the three science, three science side by side the only relatively complete only a manifestation of a more whole form and content of natural science. The so-called thinking science, regardless of thinking form the number of species, such as thinking in images, inspired thinking, concrete thinking, abstract thinking; man thinking, a woman thinking, Western thinking and Eastern thinking, Jewish thought, the Chinese people's thinking, people thinking, thinking animal, but the enclosed system, only two kinds of thinking, that is, a person is dynamic thinking, one who is still thinking. What

dynamic thinking it? In short, what we and ideas, from small Tai, from less to old, from morning to night and even dreams, read the flow continuously, forever, or study and work, or living thinking, or recalling the tragic, or a sense that watery, or sorrow sorrow joy, one by one in which all the flows are endless. What is static

thinking it? Static thinking is not purely a static, but to the deep penetration of thought, and it ruled out the inner emotions and external sound and light tone, the so-called be silent, Ganersuitong. Thus beyond the three-dimensional and four-dimensional space, and deep into the five-dimensional, multi-dimensional space-time and six-dimensional Macross. As Sakyamuni Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree seven days and nights, that is the case.

So, he exclaimed: capacity, which caused all sorts of wild mountain Unbelievable interest, to produce In fact, the scientific principles are in here. We can not avoid the natural and social phenomena, but should be addressed, and to the scientific explanation, to cover two major areas of material and the spiritual scientific theory be explained.

thinking about the movement of static, like Engels pointed out: The dynamic action is Vitalizing Endlessly with Passion of the move. Yang Xin

Confucian, Taoist static from the Christian confession, the Indian yoga meditation, and Buddhist meditation is known, in fact, belong to the static thinking, in other words also belong to the scientific mind. Are entering or ideas beyond the mind, the nature of the soul, or essence of the soul, nature, and even the origin and extent of integration with the origin? This determines the depth of religious realm and the empirical wisdom of the level of truth possession. On the contrary, all religions are based on the level of intellectual and empirical truth possession of the depth of the realm of time and space to enter a different universe.

As Confucius

I though that Only remain in the In this regard,UGG bailey button, this described as a Zen monk monks Most of the other religions and in moderation and stay in between state.

Buddha but only through Cover the Central and the Tai, and, by the Japanese and to the wonderful and, by the wonderful and rather to the discord, and, no, and all and. Senior monks of Zen Buddhism as a pole and stabbed in the end this state, and of how thoroughly the fundamental exquisitely carved, large bright over the body, one of the big bright realm. Same applies Tibetan Buddhism Great Perfection. Therefore, in view of Buddhism to all the Heart in the Heart of all the static thinking is the highest, and its significance and effect is immeasurable.

correct understanding of Buddhist scriptures. We can not be read as a Buddhist tale, myth and fiction to read.

Thus, evidence that Buddhist thought into the room from static, this is a scientific theory and empirical realm. Therefore, the Buddhist scriptures that says every word is real and every word is true, as the Buddha says: No one is lying, but no one lie language. And many of us today just to read the Buddhist scriptures as a myth, fairy tales to read, even as a kind of imaginative work to read, which is actually quite wrong. But most people are like to read Buddhist scriptures, and they stay in the perceptual knowledge, and little knowledge, it is the doubt and not doubt, and know the how but not the why, so many people in society and the world believe that Buddhism is superstition, is the custom, religion, or even just a form of culture, including many described in the Buddhist life, such as Tian Long Ba Bu, people, etc., are treated as non-human characters in mythology and life to come back.

known varieties of life on Earth is actually the range is incalculable, and the unknown about the lives of over one hundred million kinds also reached eighty million to one hundred million kinds, not to mention all the universe there are different time and space vitality, wisdom, strength, sense of power, spiritual power. Therefore, the world of the popular UFO and alien phenomena, from this sense, are undoubtedly is understandable.

Since the Chinese people to create the Chinese world, Americans can create a world the Americans, Russians can create the world of Russia, France to create Lancey of the world, people can create the human world, wolves can Wolf created the world, the sheep to create sheep of the world, bees to create a world of bees, ants, ants can create a world, then all kinds of mental strength and vitality can also create their world, God can create a world of God, God can create God's world, God can create the world of Allah, and Buddha Tathagata Buddha can also create a variety of different Pure Land, because the universe is infinite time and space and the vast empty. The so-called gods, God, God, Allah and Buddha and all the title Tathagata, are also to name it, and so to name it. Just as we today call the bees, ants, insects. Haw Par, like beasts of cattle and sheep, including our case were no different title.

Buddhism is big science, great wisdom, great truth.

reason Buddhism is big science, great wisdom, great truth, because it is the areas of financial material and the spiritual one, which shows the changes and now the birth and death, the macro illustrates a million things are natural laws of law, as conservation of matter, energy conservation, information Mi deposit, and spirit forever.

line as Sir Arnold said: >
the same time, Buddhism as miscellaneous, as the science of Mind, as a dynamic science of thinking and still thinking, but also a human and even the death of all life and soul of the pain and trouble.

In fact, all religious, cultural, and even science are committed to study the human mind, its constraints, norms, guidance, and to reveal its inherent laws. But science is only the external consciousness stay in the mind, such as Freud's unconscious, sexual awareness; medical mental disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia; literary stream of consciousness. Culture and religion are deep into the inner nature of the mind, including the traditional Chinese culture of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and moderation advocated by the three, and in with the concept, not only represent a shallow, middle and deep thinking in the form of three static and state, but also represent the three different levels and forms of harmony, that harmony of Confucian values of the social order; Taoist harmony of the natural order of price values; Buddhist values combined spatial and temporal sequence. Hop a

fact is wisdom, the truth is the law. Reflect the truth and the laws of harmony in all areas and aspects, including culture, harmony, harmony of science, high-tech harmony, harmony of art, philosophy of harmony, thinking of the harmony, the inner subjective and objective laws of thinking and external harmony.

harmony that is the doctrine of the standard points, the criterion of truth points. All areas and aspects of the terms, Pujie the case. Including Buddhism and revealed the nature of the fundamental law of the mind, but also by the static harmony and into the mind of thinking, and by the extreme inside and outside pole, but accessible by the universal nature of the mind the nature of space and time. That is two thousand five hundred years ago, Shakyamuni Buddha describes the coverage of modern physics, the universe, a fundamental theory. The other meaning of the Buddha, such as impermanence, atheism, karma, and the Buddhist ethics and meditation, etc., were among the other schools or can find out more or less similar ideas, and denied real change For many, this theory is very difficult to understand a meaning, and often causes people to carry out violent attacks on the Buddha. However, my theory is no basis for the Buddha, the Buddha and all the laws are closely related to the doctrine. Interpretation of the meaning of the Buddha is very positive, there is no room for compromise. Once he asserted that: it? In short, this so-called Some cases that only humans have this Each person is considered an individual The Although it is not visible can not say incredible things, but to recognize that people have to believe it based on existence. It is said that if there is no With the

Overall, this is another case of justice. Buddha denied the argument that I have the same God that faith is an extremely dangerous and hazardous of the erroneous ideas that it is bound to lead to the abyss of suffering people to go. The Buddha said that this idea is the root of all suffering, because faith has a separate existence from the physical reincarnation.

without my meaning is derived from the analysis, so the Buddha is also known as Buddha said that man is composed of two main parts, the so-called Buddha neither recognizes the phenomenon of substance is the ruler of all, do not recognize the heart (spirit) is not subject to the disposal of the material conditions of physical, spiritual and material life is the phenomenon of interaction of mutual influence.

us to analyze these two components of life, see if there is any permanent change things with the divine. Let us look at the body part. On the surface, since the beginning, when we have the memory, the body is our own thing. In fact the body is not our own things, because we can not control it. It is gradually getting older, and sometimes sick, and finally bound to die. In each moment in some parts of the body is dead. Such as skin, nails, hair, these things are very obvious example, but numerous cells in our body all the time metabolism is not what we usually can get the police. Demise of the body at any time, there are certain parts of our body is actually dead things. In fact, our survival is to live cells and dead cells to maintain a balance between the state. Although we have a man around their own, and in fact not the case. Everyone is from an early age and become teenagers, and from young and become old. A living to seven-year-old man whose body has all the transformation several times, each time after the cells are completely different. So what is the heart

know it? Change their mind faster than the body. There are a temporary phenomenon of the same body, at least ostensibly so. The so-called Know a person's heart, character, desire to change at any time must be, otherwise there can be no more development and progress. All intelligence is so, we infer strength and discernment, will and memory are constantly changing. None of these things among us to think: This is the eternal

no evidence that we not only have a permanent physical change being the Therefore, to discuss or think about this thing, in fact, a waste of time. Of course we can also argue that: . The so-called Composition of the live in the same rainbow. The rainbow appears in children is a real thing, but adults do know it was just some light and water particles to form the illusion of it. The light itself is not physical, but just a wave, the water is nothing but hydrogen and oxygen molecules of the compound, and no water in the body. Like all things,UGG boots cheap, and the rainbow, are dominated by the conditions of the change process, in which the same thing without any signs of permanent residence.

causality So life is a phenomenon arising from, or a series of continuing many of the phenomena. The existence of the individual can not be considered a state of permanent change, but a constantly changing phenomenon of birth and death. Each of us is but a combination of material and spiritual things, all things are true, that is, the Buddha called Each of us, without exception, these combined factors is the relationship between changes at any time, so the composition among the two moments before and after and never the same. The composition in reincarnation among the individual exists. The individual nature of life, that is miserable. I am me, you are you, I do not eat your dinner, my toothache you do not suffer. This is because our experience in the individual's body among Han Cang. Hunger and pain they must feel the experience of individuals. Only the final result of elimination of these experiences, these feelings can be eliminated, along with the individual nature is naturally extinguished. Elimination of these things before, each of us in this life and many future lives are all coherent in nature. We are now into the life of only a part of many lives, continue to survive is to form the phenomenon of life of those factors, coherence, as we assemble the various parts of the battery will generate electricity with the same.

life for as long as there is, as long as the individual sense of greed, life will continue. Destroy his life because, life is gone. Not attached to life, life stopped. Joint continuity of life as if light flame. Before and after the light is the same as if overnight, and in fact burning lamp oil wick and help change the air all the time. So this is a light which is not one. Year old infants is different from today, but yet a man. As long as there is oil lamp flame will continue burning as long as greed, life will continue to continue. The continuity of life is not permanent change of Buddhist analogy often used to describe light Enlightening: Although there is no truth reincarnation me. With a lamp burning in another lamp, the lamp lights the fire did not go to He, however, coherence among them. Although there is no reincarnation of

Buddhist and the ultimate goal is Nirvana (Nibbana). From ancient times, many people write a lot of books to explain what Nirvana is. It must be pointed out that words can not explain Nirvana, and must be pro-permit to know what it is. People who do not eat sugar, no matter how you explain what he did not know sugar taste. Only personal taste of sugar, he knows how to taste.

Nirvana is a state, it is the natural result of greed after eradication. It is our so-called end of life, in a sense, it is a mortal things, but it is not quiescence, because it is not even the meaning of mortal things exist. Like to make lamp oil in general, After reaching this final objective, we can truly understand the real nature of all things, complete dispassion. Hearts no desire to no attachment, no attachment or no pain, no pain or no variation. Therefore, Nirvana is not the same immortality is not easy big break the eternal realm of great interest. Someone asked Sariputra said: departure from the bitter, bitter is the form of Six Primary Afflictions. Thus his righteousness that men from suffering, that is, deny Six Primary Afflictions. From suffering that is the final goal. From bitter to leave the bitter, in this shifting and did not produce anything new, just the wrong ideas into just the right view. Nirvana is not anything else, it is and This huge change in consciousness in the very depths of our hearts occurred at the moment. A flash are observed to the real nature of everything that is Nirvana.

is the suffering of pure state of Nirvana, dispassion to leave the bitter, to understand the real nature of all things to dispassion. The state itself is ineffable match. For example, what is the light it? The opposite of darkness is light. What is it static? Movement that is still negative. Nirvana same is the case: the opposite of suffering is Nirvana. There is no darkness is light, no movement is still, no pain no variation is Nirvana.

Nirvana ended all greed, greed and attachment to the fundamental life and death. Now that only greed, death has also come full length. Therefore, the most concise definition of Nirvana is the Nirvana beyond the scope of the law of causality, is an absolute realm. Therefore of no students, no there is variation. It is the only constant thing, not a combination of causes and conditions, so it is eternal, not all pain.

many cases the ultimate goal can be achieved only after death, the Buddha is not the case. Buddha's Nirvana is the earthly life to be attainable, not wait until the afterlife. It is not a passive state, but a positive state can not describe the joy of silence. Permit those who could not all things have to Nirvana, nor for all the things that, like clouds, air floating by.

was asked: it is all greed is bad, does it not bad lust Nirvana? fact, the If the attachment is a good thing it was not Nirvana. Ananda's story is an example. He was craving fruit sanctification nirvana can not permit. This explains the heart of Nirvana who is also from the craving was Nirvana not permit. Why Buddha

have such insights, and the reason is thought to enter the static nature of things, nature and origin.

Throughout the world, no religion has a scientific and philosophical wisdom of the truth, and even talked about cosmology, space science, and deep into the realm of the universe of all time and space to reveal its inherent laws. However, the Buddhist about it, and described so clearly, so detailed. Why? As mentioned earlier, we live in a multi-dimensional space-time space-time, not just a sense that we can, we can see, touch four-dimensional three-dimensional space and time, and also includes a five-dimensional, six-dimensional,bailey UGG boots, seven-dimensional, and even Broadway thousands of dimensions. The limited human dynamic thinking three, four-dimensional shallow space, but not deep into the multi-dimensional space, and even over time.

So, how to enter the multi-dimensional space-time and even the Macross it? Only from the static thinking the door. We know that the human mind is also a big science, and natural sciences, social sciences side by side for the three science, three science side by side the only relatively complete only a manifestation of a more whole form and content of natural science. The so-called thinking science, regardless of thinking form the number of species,Discount UGG boots, such as thinking in images, inspired thinking, concrete thinking, abstract thinking; man thinking, a woman thinking, Western thinking and Eastern thinking, Jewish thought, the Chinese people's thinking, people thinking, thinking animal, but the enclosed system, only two kinds of thinking, that is, a person is dynamic thinking, one who is still thinking. What

dynamic thinking it? In short, what we and ideas, from small Tai, from less to old, from morning to night and even dreams, read the flow continuously, forever, or study and work, or living thinking, or recalling the tragic, or a sense that watery, or sorrow sorrow joy, one by one in which all the flows are endless. What is static

thinking it? Static thinking is not purely a static, but to the deep penetration of thought, and it ruled out the inner emotions and external sound and light tone, the so-called be silent, Ganersuitong. Thus beyond the three-dimensional and four-dimensional space, and deep into the five-dimensional, multi-dimensional space-time and six-dimensional Macross. As Sakyamuni Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree seven days and nights, that is the case.

So, he exclaimed: capacity, which caused all sorts of wild mountain Unbelievable interest, to produce In fact, the scientific principles are in here. We can not avoid the natural and social phenomena, but should be addressed, and to the scientific explanation, to cover two major areas of material and the spiritual scientific theory be explained.

thinking about the movement of static, like Engels pointed out: The dynamic action is Vitalizing Endlessly with Passion of the move. Yang Xin

Confucian, Taoist static from the Christian confession, the Indian yoga meditation, and Buddhist meditation is known, in fact, belong to the static thinking, in other words also belong to the scientific mind. Are entering or ideas beyond the mind, the nature of the soul, or essence of the soul, nature, and even the origin and extent of integration with the origin? This determines the depth of religious realm and the empirical wisdom of the level of truth possession. On the contrary, all religions are based on the level of intellectual and empirical truth possession of the depth of the realm of time and space to enter a different universe.

modern science is used to explore the universe from outside France, and religious and traditional Oriental culture is used to explore the method for finding the relationship between themselves and the universe. To actually hole out the truth of the universe and life really are, to must seek out the heart into the concept, then will find another world and the universe in a static in order to communicate with the appropriate, and ultimately Heaven.

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