Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bull market will continue to

 China's economic growth and accelerated earnings growth, stock returns increase,UGGs, improve profit margins and corporate dividend payout ratio, dividend yields rise, which makes the strong fundamentals of China's stock market bull run to continue
Hong Kong to celebrate the tenth anniversary of reunification International, H shares, red chips and wear on the Hang Seng Index have an important range and hit a new high. So far, the global Chinese the fundamental driver of the Hong Kong market.
the current bull market in line with our expectations. Recently, the market have requested the implementation of more aggressive interest rates and monetary tightening, but we believe that A-share market to solve the excess liquidity and the potential bubble risk, the Government should introduce more specific industry and market policies, rather than the implementation of macro-tightening. Our view is still inconsistent with market expectations, the economy is not significant inherent risks of inflation, food, pork price inflation is not by raising interest rates to curb.
the same time, given the significant improvement in the quality of growth, China's future growth prospects are more uncertain. China's economic growth, more importantly, accelerating earnings growth, stock returns increase profit margins to improve and corporate dividend payout ratio, dividend yield to rise. We will continue to inject assets, corporate restructuring and the appreciation of the RMB, as a positive factor for the stock market. In the context of strong global growth, China to achieve economic growth of nearly 11% insufficient Odd.
our view has been widely recognized by the market. In a recent roadshow in the U.S. marathon, seven days I have received nine cities in the United States hundreds of investors. Even in the A-share market has experienced increases in stamp duty amendment, and after the U.S. market down and bond yields experienced by the amendment of the week, they agree that the bull market in China far exceeded my expectations. fundamentals and China's economic growth is customer focus. I think China's optimistic view than are more easily accepted by investors.
A shares of the public is very concerned about,UGG boots cheap, but mainly in A shares adjusted for H shares, red chips to create a better opportunity to absorb. even for A shares, many investors believe that taking into account more than 30% earnings growth, A shares of 25 times earnings (expected) is not high.
visible, investors want to choose the right time to buy China stocks (especially H shares, red chips). Many investors A recent stock sell-off adjustment or not the United States on H shares and red chips constitute a greater impact on the performance somewhat disappointed, because they did not find opportunities for bargain hunting.
the current high level of U.S. Treasury bond yields, the United States and around the world stocks under great pressure, but I think that the U.S. Treasury yield curve has been inaccurate. global growth strong, the yield curve inversion, which do make sense it? But now we have experienced high growth expectations (rather than high inflation expectations ) triggered by interest-rate normalization. So, why inaccurate pricing of bonds have been selling too nervous? Asian and Chinese market this does not appear over-reaction. Asia and China's economic growth is relatively high, interest rates raised further shocks and volatility reasonable. However, as long as the continued strong growth in the Chinese stock market's bull market will be sustained.
cyclical industry and we are optimistic about the global and China's growth-sensitive sectors, such as raw materials, energy, transport, ports, shares of machinery and engineering equipment.
market generally optimistic about the coal industry, especially in China Coal Energy and China Shenhua. for the purpose of valuation, we are more optimistic about the Yanzhou Coal Mining (H). For a year or two , the spot price of the stock is more sensitive for the coal.
to the steel industry is concerned, so far this year, China exported to the global market a large number of iron and steel, but the global steel prices have not significantly affected; In addition, although the Chinese government steel export tax rebate cut, and class of the export tariffs, steel prices have not declined. In fact, the demand for all final decisions.
we are optimistic about the oil and gas fields H Shares of Sinopec. However, this is not the general mentality of the market. Some investors are optimistic about the upstream oil producers, CNOOC and other.
U.S. investors in China's banks and insurance stocks remained cautious. to insurance stocks, this is mainly due to A bubble of speculation. Many Investors worried, A shares adjusted or down will affect the prospects of the insurance stock returns, thus causing stress. to banking stocks, the market is too concerned about interest rates and reserve increases. The market also expects interest rate and reserve ratio will be further increase. We view interest rates and inflation is relatively modest, which is contrary to market expectations. Given the current bearish market sentiment, I think it is to attract banks and insurance stocks a good time. At that time, the increase may far exceed the market expected.
investors generally agree with us on the Morgan Stanley Capital International China Index (for H shares and red chips) and optimistic attitude, they want to pursuit of market shares. In view of investors in banking stocks, financial stocks cautious at the same time Oil stocks have rebounded recently, telecommunications stocks in particular, China Mobile has begun sought after by investors. Most investors believe that despite the risk of 3G and industry restructuring, however,UGG boots clearance, the share price move is still low relative to its growth prospects.
We will continue to be optimistic about the Chinese real estate developers. our Shanghai Real Estate (Hong Kong Stock Exchange Code: 1207), and other property stocks also bullish expectations have been further confirmed. Interestingly, have sought after in the market and growth-sensitive cyclical industry stocks, some investors are selling shares of some of the consumer price higher,UGG bailey button, which is the most recent consumer stocks underperformed reasons. consumer stocks may not be able to provide the best short-term returns, but in the long term, we remain optimistic about them. < br> The author is managing director of JP Morgan Chase, head of China research and Greater China chief economist, this year in the

Thursday, October 28, 2010

About 24 to 26 degrees

 But I think I am not afraid of the cold system, but the body still does not meet Gan ~ ~!

summer morning, plus a coat uniforms,UGG boots, all kind of good feeling!

in school, my body slowly adapted to the weather change! Do not feel cold. In school, girls wear winter uniforms to see all D steaming cold shock,UGG shoes, but I was calm,Discount UGG boots, not cold!

Oops! The arrival of the evening I know what cold. When I shower, I think of some memories .....................

I, together with other brothers and washed in cold water, bath shower room. At that time Fast! OK friends for 10 minutes, and with hot water, not only time-consuming and more hot water systems may not. Since then, I have been cold showers Department,bailey UGG boots, however, have Yeshi after showers! Although very simple, but not even the wrong system: ice cream (a D heart in turn) surface (instant noodles) pepper and so on.

tonight, in my bath, I actually still hesitant, but I insisted, Department of bathing in cold water! I believe that, even if my body will be less robust campaign! I want to maintain the best condition, to greet the new day! I believe I will wait until I thought the day would never willing to live .................. vague new day a new beginning, I believe I will always succeed !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blessings ~ ~ ~ ~ this topic a bit, but the theme was Doha a few days ago to the more desirable Amoy

 YY and KK  ~ ~

into their season, do they have to say should be in the autumn to buy desirable since the Jiu KK ~ ~ Of course, the main span is mainly denim but do not ha ~ ~ known as the hair a little bit this year's pantyhose feet jeans are the type of friends ~ ~ I could not wear, mainly to show its wear high heels, the effect of Graceful not? But I can not really wear high heels, nice heels roots are high you, to me is too high and then one is I can not wear high heels; Jiu depressed when every time you buy shoes; as good-looking hair high-heeled shoes are the pinch? ~ ~

In fact, is looking a bit frustrated for some time, and to start with a piece of black models in fashion this year feet jeans you, this kind of thing can be proved absolutely can not pay attention to the ~ ~ bought a paragraph in fashion this year is nearly 180 KK went to Mimi La ~ ~ to wear once again after no contact with the ~ ~

~ ~ waste of the ocean, although this kind of thing is not the first time ~ ~ but there was still a factor depressing, but bought with a T-shirt enjoy it, first to an upper body effect drawing ~ ~

clothes to wear with that piece of KK with a buy, very significant overall is still pretty thin like him ha ~ ~ But before this pants I KK can not find the right days you, to dig out or do not know the year before last year's black KK  ~ ~ straight style, Anjiu like this type of pants, and also more suitable for this style of   ~ ~ even a year older than I bought that piece together like ~ ~ that is depressed, every time you want to try the next year's new-style feet KK, tried every folk feel good good soil, do not know the Mao? 
YY few days ago, is also a coincidence rarely wandered in a clothing store, in fact, that pieces of clothing than the downtown area is somewhat remote point, earlier bought a few clothes, and basic, but still satisfactory, but several were later to not satisfied then go to a few, also happened that day, just ready to go after lunch when there is not hopeful of go shopping, but did not expect to Amoy to the satisfaction of this year, so I have been looking for autumn ~ ~ KK 
want to buy clothes and Donald Duck wandered after lunch when NIKE monopoly, but he did not get satisfactory agreement letting a jacket I Amoy ~ ~ s ~ ~ Sometimes RP is too broke ha dedicated to find no satisfactory, so I have no intention but to their desired set of Amoy YY   ~ ~ 
on the map below Baa ~ ~ 
packaging with the ~ ~

open ~ ~

are deep color you, Kazakhstan are mainly simple, I do not for fancy clothes, do not fit I could not wear the style of your friends, so the clothes are relatively simple matter, of course,Discount UGG boots, is not classified outside the Rights ~ ~

first to NIkE sports jacket ~ ~ in fact a single, but that is relatively thick layer, and for this season ~ ~ In fact, this whole set, but I rarely wear pants in the matter, is not used to not? To buy a coat ~ ~

what pattern is the back ~ ~ ~ ~ All hair is to clean the main  ~ ~ me my style ~ ~

Model ~ ~ In fact I see the clothes to wear M number of basic, but this just your friends ~ S because it is elastic,UGG boots, mainly through the M number is tested along the lining of the shoulder is not the armpit up, but was too fat fat ~ ~ finally choose S No.  ~ ~

care I brother's blessing; 8.5 discount off the original price of 448 is 381 Mimi Mimi ~ ~ hehe ~ ~

~ ~ 
pants again below ~ ~

picture has flash, and to see a little black, the actual is a washed-style dark blue pants  ~ ~

the straight type is suitable for I-type, the words I was looking for was hard this year, Caesar ~ ~ That is clearly the price of clothing prices, discount off 8 200 Mimi ~ ~ a little expensive, but the material is more popular than those of the feet this year, nine sub-type of jeans material and also a lot of friends ~ ~ a little bit with soft feeling, or very warm ~ ~

~ ~ 
on the back, watching the little bells and whistles you, the first sight of the back is really a bit vulgar, but better to wear, when to buy part of the mainly the front surface of the simple and fancy styles, and did not buy with the NIKE on the back of the jacket is a simple monochrome,UGGs, but quite Chende, did not feel vulgar  ~ ~ It seems a lot of clothes or to know the upper body Effect of Kazakhstan ~  
pants size; fact, half the clothing store to buy normal jeans to have a much more attractive 27 But most of the hip and slightly loose that area, and wear 26 waist and a little tight, after all, there are so big in the hip bone ha ~ ~ KK so I and this other surprise is just right, 26 waist, hip generation Also Chende overall very close from ~ ~ ~ ~

the following effect on a few upper body map it! Or half-length mirror inside the shot ~ ~ 
a positive to a belt or I ~ ~ love the old classic has been in use for three years or a belt  ~ ~ 
near point of detail to a ~ ~ 
quite fitting to see KK ~ ~

haze for a few days the weather has finally   ~ ~ but the sun is gorgeous ~ ~ feel the winter to see I put the snow boots are friends ~ ~

 So much for clothes and the overall effect of diagram   ~ ~ after all, is self in the mirror the night only took ~
 UGG boots 1873 snow effect drawing dividing lines on the feet ~-
1873 that Double snow boots bought last with the group Ha, the last sun to see when there is a MM that effect on the feet,Bailey UGG boots, and today I just took out the cold to wear them, and passing shots to effect drawing on the right foot! But also because of the self-timer, and will look! 
condescending shot ~ ~ 
take away the basic front shot ~ ~, or shoot a pair of boots that the positive effect diagram Rights ~ ~

but to be honest; to the simplicity of the main character of I, I still prefer the classic 5815 ~ ~ 5815 was bought three pairs, and this year want to change the taste to choose this new version 1873 matter, but the actual description of the 5815 classic is a simple dish I   ~ ~

do not know if there is buy with you? I would also like to buy a dual 5815  
behind ~ ~

Micro-heels beat a bit blur ~ ~ ~ ~ but basically it still has several pictures of the 1873 snow boots sold on the real Jiaogan ~ ~ 
Hyun Chan 04 this trial makeup eye shadow I had some time ago, and painting is also a show here; try it today, just as micro-concentrated version is light gray in the plate before the eye socket, the most dark eyeliner color shaded half of the orbital area after painting the matter, do not know whether this reflects a lot of eye shadow that was a dirty little girl is painting a large area outside the orbital eye liner color? Test the next day a large area outside the orbital chunks of blooming was dirty really easy to start with 239 brush outer orbit halo was dirty really easy, I was immediately converted the 217 brush blooming remedy, and start with light point, in fact, Fortunately, the painting better than the eye makeup a little earlier that the painting is also a strong point of comparison ~ ~ OL-style makeup friends. In fact, Chan-hyun is the temperament of the plate tray 04 啦 ~ ~ but relatively speaking I still prefer the ratio of the earlier painting friends. The painting may still be more suitable for large double-fold the little girl now! ~ ~ 
Following a few simple results on map   ~ ~

false eyelashes is also no main eyeliner effect Rights ~ ~ 
single glance of the ~ ~ looking finish is Anessa + LAMER Powder ~ ~ 
The overall effect
Figure ~ ~ 
hair cut I can see you, but quite depressing that I had a hair cut in June that the barber the first time to cut my hair and I have quite fond of, and the second time in August or early September, it! Who knows too short to span, and is also playing a little thin, ugly thief, there is no feeling of the first victims of friends ~ ~ I depressed for a short time ~ ~

finally grow I want to go some repair, some hope that the barber is still looking for the original, expect to give the effect I cut out the first time proved to Figure ~ ~ But do not, I returned to more short hair cut above, are unable to tie a tie, but could not place the front bar but a bit like hair cut short so I thought of the ~ ~ But I really hesitated to cut short hair, and I can remember from childhood is the long hair, is 11 years old That year there with his head to the grandmother's cousin had lice I slept a long lice also infect you, I took my mom to cut the hair I ~ ~ 
~ ~ that After I cut short hair is firm and never diminished, and can now look at some factors still pretty neat short hair ~ ~ 
~ ~ Small Heart ~ ~ 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

After receiving the letter from Arthur

 I almost immediately decided to set off, in addition to childhood friend I really can not ignore the earnest request that between the lines, the main reason is because I am really worried about my friend because of his congenital Jingshenhaoruo and ─ ─ despite the total collapse time I saw him, his condition is not so bad, even at the time of my opinion, he is almost same as the general population (in addition to being too nervous a little outside), even though I understand that he the pressure came from old families with congenital mental weakness that he must not work as normal people from the office, but then I told myself ─ ─ now want to come may be some tough ─ ─ pushing yourself to believe that Arthur could get through it all , as normal as life, however, now received this for his anxiety and uneasiness that handwriting a letter written, I will force myself not to face the facts how can easily see that he lived a long time In that ancient residence of the solitary brought Gujue and weak consumption have been almost cost him his little barely support their own rational ─ ─ that he seems to have become captive of paranoia and nightmares from the crazy does not seem far, I feel deep remorse for this, even though people will not condemn me, the better, however, as Arthur is the only best friend, and I feel drawn can not be not required to bear any responsibility.

mansion coming to Arthur, I continue to ponder, whether under his own right, I do not know in my mansion on the way to Arthur, Arthur's mental condition had deteriorated to whether more serious stage, along the way, I can only hope that the embrace of unfounded hope that Arthur's heart can be improved during this period, perhaps when I saw Arthur, he is still who I remember friends, rather than a weak and near insane patients.

However, I hope that modest, but when I saw Arthur at the moment mansion was completely shattered.

─ ─ stands that are isolated or the more appropriate, she existed in the dark and cold on top in the wilderness, like a black widow, under the veil of ambiguity is a pale like the dead faces, a candle guttering in the wind, like a remote control-like collapse at any time; and when I saw the tall dark, dark, but very pale house, the depression will be a strong pressure on my heart, so that I can not breathe, or even feel that depravity and vomiting, in the autumn on the occasion, even then the ancient ruins of the old King shortage, should also give rise to more or less able to feel it more poetic, but Arthur is the seat despite a complete residence and the grand old house, but can not make any bit of poetic or solemn feelings, only the endless hate, resentment, and the idea of depravity escape; only just looked at this house, maddeningly enough, not to mention long years the people living in the inside ─ ─ I do not want to imagine today that Arthur was tortured into what even looks like.

I did not give up to the horse forward, climbing up a hill, thinking that perhaps a change in vision, be able to present this gloomy house into another picture of a more angry, but it is futile, not only Arthur mansion itself, colorless her monotonous scenery surrounding it, only deepened the solitude of it may, I looked down to its pit under the Tanzi ─ ─ This residence is located next to Arthur, some close enough too, I Tanzi really do not see how deep this, can not see where the head is a biological survival, reflected the dark lake in the dead branches on it, weeds, and Arthur mansion itself, there was a moment, I was just there motionless, looking at lake side, until I realized that a certain part of the standing water is about to be swallowed up.

I left it was too dark, the Tanzi, but also approached a number of looked at this old house, in which I desire to live in the next few weeks will be the place to find the color a little more angry But looking ahead, in addition to gray defeated the windows, pale walls, and the dense knot of spider web, but I did not find, however, look carefully, I am only to find that the surface of the Arthur residence, there is a not obvious cracks, jagged to extend all the way from the roof into a corner, and finally hidden in the pit just in looks, this rift is not as deep, maybe only the surface material due to disrepair and cracking it, but actually this house is absolutely no one thought to repair the wall, it is unbelievable.

the door to the mansion, the servants had to wait a long time to open the horse, somehow, I suddenly felt the eyes seem to have a road with me, I looked up and saw the top of the window, there is a white The shadow is standing Lianhou, peeping into my place, and when I want to be more Kangezixi, that the white will soon disappear in the window, leaving only the white lace curtains swaying in the window, it seems That seems to be a certain lady's boudoir.

As I step

Ruya Se servant mansion, the door closed behind me, as if at any time accompanied by a collapse of the babbling sound of the collapse, but I think that view still seems to follow me.

It is a pernicious view.

servant led me to where his master's study, upstairs with the doctor, I just passing, his expression is quite strange, cheeks flushing, in which it actually braved the cold big Zhaizi Khan is just like a fire to escape to the drunk, see his face, I really do not think he can have sophisticated medical skills, I do not even think he looks matter,bailey UGG boots, although only the look I never panic in the eyes of his detection, he likely will not come back this house a ─ ─ whether he is even afraid in the end.

came to Arthur's study, I also confirmed this idea.

this study between the dark ─ ─ I remember when my friends here, some sensitive habits, he was afraid of the light, always said he would light skin lesions, and blinded him vulnerable eyes; the original study, I still have some hope that more students in the fireplace to the fire so that the room warmer, but the room air and elsewhere in the same house cold, but outside the room as more closed than reason, is simply a step into this room to be cold and surrounded by a kind of feeling, but also shares lingering, dreary stagnation.

dark red on the couch, lay a thin, pale body, at first glance might think it was a corpse, but found that the body will still look thin to breathe, a pair of big eyes staring at the hole in the ceiling sometimes will blink, and I speak out Qinghuan, and the eyes will be turning Gulu Lu, came to look in my direction.

me, he suddenly reveal a face of joy too, lying on the sofa from the original rose to welcome me, perhaps because it had previously been in the gloomy atmosphere of Zhaizi, he suddenly made me feel so warm and some false, is acting like a blunt clown, but when I saw that earnest look in his eyes when I discovered his true passion is completely out.

I noticed that some relaxation of his clothing boast, but I pretended not to, we sat down, he did not speak long, I do not know What to say, only in the side looking at him secretly who we are. He nearly

with friends who I remember like two different people, the frail, he is now to become more gaunt cheeks sag down too thin, a too become more difficult to take care of thin and long hair disarray around my shoulders, the pair embedded in the pale face and big eyes staring ─ ─ godless land even though he has no intention to stare, but only looked at a trance place, but his face is too thin that he seems to always stare; I am trying to search out from his face and memory of Arthur similarities, but found that I can not seem to this man in front of Even with my old friends together ─ ─ there in that moment, my mind actually give birth to a crazy idea, perhaps in front of the person simply is not Arthur, but Arthur body occupies a ghost, erosion his flesh and spirit, making him an empty dead, twisted roots in this gloomy mansion, it is not pulling.

look to me he looked up, and I noticed at this moment, his face still remained a little there I had the impression that things ─ ─ even though I can not say it is, maybe he expression, perhaps the person when he looked up hope that the unique habits, I found that unless he is so gaunt thin, he may still have chance to be called handsome, and I still remember his past that is more normal and handsome appearance, and He is described at this time I could not help but spontaneously give birth to the meaning of sympathy.

I'm not sure it can not claim to be seen, so I said:

, suddenly uncomfortable again.

. his long fingernails into a gray shirt, but he was not aware of like a little: Richard can not come out. That is how she was suffering from the kind of infectious diseases?

and I stared at him, to say a word.

I found this Zhaizi Arthur was not reluctant to leave, but he wanted to leave but can not,UGG boots clearance, since childhood, he has more than once told me that He must not want to inherit this Arthur residence, if possible, throwing all his anxious, runaway, and though I can clearly feel dull again, that when he actually wanted to me for help, but I this has always turned a deaf ear, for me, petty-bourgeois origin, I do not know, as the successor of an ancient family will be how much pressure to bear, even though I could see that Arthur is very much marginalized and anxious to escape, But I always think it is actually not that serious, I believe it is only because his nature is easy for anxiety to anything due to his imagination is always hopelessly exaggerated to give in on everything, And he always believed it would certainly lead to the most unfortunate consequences, precisely because he was such a pessimistic character, so I think he is just magnified his imagination, and then the issue for fear the family inheritance, he was in fear of Arthur residence, even in fear of his own blood, I have never seen anyone like him for their own existence feel so insecure.

I always think that when he inherited the family, his original fear will vanish in all this, he will find that not even a big deal ─ ─ course, this is for me to imagine a unilateral, ─ ─ expectations or that, and I hope that he one day will find him just a nervous habit of unnecessary hope that somehow he can no longer fear their own family, maybe everything will be fine in time, that time I, is This expectation was unfounded.

However, I was very wrong.

years past, here and now to see the friend, not only for themselves, and more that I thought well, and have actually become worse, Arthur sensitive nature of the year has been the occasional nervous deteriorate into complete mental breakdown, had only a slightly thin body has become completely and immediately became haggard, and thought he had worked more than once, in front of me all he hinted very unwilling to return to the will of Arthur mansion, but I mercilessly to be ignored, and he was not willing to promote in every possible way that he stepped into the abyss of my heart unspeakable remorse, even if I had to face some of his suffering, and more on his position to care for My friend, perhaps he would be tortured would not be the appearance of vice, and I do this deep self-reproach, but Arthur seemed to be able to discern the idea in my heart wildly, from the reluctance many better talk, but as often as in the past with me to read many books we cherish, consumption weak in view of his eyes, unable to read, so I often read to him that our only conversation, only in his occasional questions or discussion on the book when the plot, other times, he does not always ask me even more, and I fear that he was weak and easily frightened of the mental condition often take the initiative to talk with him, but, despite this, we There remains between some kind of understanding, I know I never complained when he will need in the side, he knew where to find me, and between all of this intimate companions do not think disobedient.

there that day, when I study for the dim light inside the school to listen to Arthur, he suddenly raised his eyes to, like a frightened rabbit-like look to the door, I followed His eyes looked over and saw a white shadow being through the porch, and next to me squirm a fixed Na Liangpian Arthur pale lips and said quietly: Even a weak voice, his side were hard to hear me, but the white seemed to receive this Qinghuan, stopped and stood there Youde Turn your face to, although when I saw that the white , then of perceived she is, Miss Madeleine, but when I looked at the pale face goes, my heart still can not help a cold.

That is a very haggard, still reveals a gorgeous little face, her face strangely similar characteristics and Arthur, Arthur at the moment if not next to me, I simply must I believe that he stood there; her eyes across the empty ─ ─ perhaps behind me looking at Arthur, After a child, she will gaze slowly moved my face, but face the same hole and at a loss, Then, I saw her like that even wildly Cu Qimei head, exposing a deep disgust, and revealed a hate feeling like, if the eyes could kill, I believe that perhaps looked at me with her at the moment the eyes of magnitude.

I do not understand why Miss Madeleine instant there such a drastic change, I turned to look to the side of friends, but he was trembling lips could not say a word to And when I come again, raised his eyes, the pale figure has long disappeared.

here I think in the beginning, they feel the same line of sight, it is a very intense hatred hostility, originally I just have some doubts, however, Miss Madeleine had just seen, I am more sure that the line of sight is out of hostile to her, but I did not understand why she is so offensive to me, I'm sure he had never made a mess with her unhappy, because just before I first met her I subjected to such inexplicable hostility that I really can not forget, whether she even get me wrong, I think I said she should have a clear destination is; me to drop the book,UGGs, stood up and walked Wang Menwai, however, Arthur has gripped my hand.

a. staring at me, I first became aware that the threat implicit in his tone, but his face is in more of a feeling almost in supplication. where she did not even know she was doing, I'm rude for her to apologize to you, but please promise me ─ ─, in any case not to manage her, let her rest a little time to do anything she wants do, Do not you say in ... ... okay? time, because he looked terrified, and I do not even know he was afraid.

... ... : I'm not sure whether I should be so Arthur asks, but I think the answer will almost certain; I obviously should not have to unmask, but can not stop myself.

is like a sponge to be those of the more shrinkage is smaller. in the end there are even things without telling me? My question, but I just stood there, waiting for his answer.

silence continued for a while, he bowed his head, a long time without speaking, and when I decided to give up, that little voice was issuing from his mouth: . , but his next words, but structured so that I can not question.

from his mouth, I began to understand the history of this ancient family of origin, and gradually understand why Arthur is so afraid of his family; He told me that Arthur did not offshoot of the family for generations, but the generation of Inbreeding after generation, because of this, the family has always been rooted in the old blood in the sick, through the generation of pathological inheritance is more serious, debilitating their spiritual and intellectual family descendants, make them more mad and deteriorate to this generation, Arthur was the last one still maintain sensible people know, but he also acknowledged that this is simply and long lived in the same damned old house, he was on the verge of collapse, if he did not contact with the outside He is only one way to destroy mad, so he sent for me, begging me recover from that rational spirit, if he can recall the past so little study with me, together a time or two, perhaps much to be helpful ─ ─ Although he did not think it was enough to make him come forward to a long struggle against the curse of his fate, but at least he was completely mad before, but also be able to hold out for some time longer.

I asked him to even want to leave this house, but he just shook his head, he said he had help before, but did not use,Discount UGG boots, in the end he was still on the desire to flee back to his childhood Arthur mansion, hear his confession, I dropped his eyes, because I understand that the object of his help me, but I turned a deaf ear, as one that Arthur did not want all that serious.

Arthur see my remorse, he said he did not blame me, that fear in addition to the parties, the outsiders can not understand, if he meant to be returned to this cursed house, that he can only be resigned; now I would also like to come here with him, and he has very grateful, and yet listening to him that said, I was only more ashamed.

While I'm not sure that the lady asked him what Madeleine when he went down.

in the Arthur family, birth cohort men and one woman only, and in their adulthood, they will marry each other, continuing the family crazy and morbid fate, although there has been some doubt I have, however, really listen to him that said, I am still shocked his parents with him and Madeleine is also a brother and sister, and until his adult life, he must be married to Madeleine, of course, he was in no way May this do that for him is basically brutish behavior, but he can not defy the pressure of the family, so he had to try to drag out the name by the school for some time, try to avoid to inherit the family concerned, however, After his father died, he still had to follow his father's last wish to return Arthur residence.

Madeline and Arthur different, she was brought inside the growth in this house and never left the door step, from the time she was very young was constantly taught the future will be his brother wife, so when Arthur came back to inherit the family, she will continue to struggle Arthur, she thought that Arthur was her property, and she rightly belongs to Arthur, she thinks she in love with his brother, but she did not understand is that it is this crazy idea to give her family, she will not have any other ideas, do not think that she should marry a person other than Arthur, because she is being taught with this.

her, that she may accept this morbid education ... ... Windsor Arch will be by next of kin marriage is said to ensure that blood of a clock, they think outside the noble blood should not be contaminated by blood, but to my knowledge, none of these nobles and later into the rust is not lost, perhaps in their efforts to When their blood to keep clean, even the evil in the blood of their ancestors also be preserved it.

Nevertheless, despite the young age to be so old and crazy family that was educated, Arthur is very clear that he should not have blood renewal, he told me, his body so the blood through the generations After transmission, it has become rotten and rancid lost, the old aristocratic beauty who has long ceased to exist, and no hope of a comeback again, and he and Madeleine on the best way is to cut off the blood of this generation, he would have preferred life lonely, do not want to let such a meaningless thing continues indefinitely, unwilling to let his body decay back to the blood retained in any person.

But Madeleine is not the thought. He was quite embarrassed and

vaguely that Madeleine more than once to try a relationship with him, she always climbed onto his bed at night, so he did not dare to sleep at night, Madeleine I do not know where did you get a strange drugs (Arthur thought it must be from the cellar of the family got the thing), she definitely has the way to make him her bed, which made him very frightened and had her locked in the room years, but Madeleine has threatened to self-mutilation, he can not do anything but to replace the bedroom every night, try to stay away from her some, he could not leave the Arthur residence, as Madeleine will never die onslaught, he could hear every night She stepped in the footsteps on the corridor, calling his name, and open every door to find him, so he can not sleep well the night.

one night, he is supporting not go on, they unconsciously fell asleep in the room, he woke up is midnight, but even more his fear that Madeleine to curl at his feet, exposing slut smiles and told him she had with him a couple of the real line, he was scared and fell off the bed, scratching and scrambling to get out the door, after several nights, she did not then come to him, and he did not dare to see Madeleine, a few weeks after a gloomy afternoon, Madeleine stood on the stairs, with a chilling smile told him she had a stomach Arthur flesh and blood, he was very afraid, not sure but he did not dare ─ ─ also determined that night he really did to her even, but he is more afraid of Arthur's blood will continue at home, he only knew When he heard her say to him that, his mind went blank and did not even know they do, and when he recovered, he saw Madeleine had been lying under the stairs, his eyes tight such has been closed fainted, he screamed, and then, his eyes a black servant came in before he realized that they fainted.

So I ... ... I reached out a hand to it ... ... her ... ... If the change for me, in that situation, my response will probably not wise than he where to go.

really thought she was pregnant ─ ─ always make some out of her daydream delusions, perhaps she can not tell the difference between dreams and reality or perhaps ... ... but, no matter what she says is the reason for even those who so, now and then ... ... there is no way confirmed ... ... difficulty in saying this sentence. , in the end ... ... she will not even walk and talk that can not be, can only lie on his sick bed waiting for death to come on ... ... ... ... , can not say a word to.

him, ... ... I was too selfish, I will hurt you with ... ... What say? shoulder, neck and his delicate under this fierce shaking like a general about to break. What does that mean? Do not you well? Do you ─ ─ ─ ─ Charles, I never that thought, I ... I ... I do not know at this time even ─ ─ Why I do not know what I would write that letter ... ... I have ... ... head, I saw a string of transparent water drops rolled from his eyes. I do not want to see what his eyes saw, but he did not, but nodded slightly.


night, Miss Madeleine has died.

next morning I have had the intention to leave, but also had to delay this thing down; Arthur asked me to handle the funeral with him various matters, and despite a dispute with his remarks of the previous lump in my heart I do not hover, but I think this is the same for him, and he is willing to speak to me for help before, in fact, a way of apology, he said, based on his understanding of this point, I understand that he did not wish to lose my friendship, but also no mention of that will matter, so I simply agreed to his request, agreed with him to deal with the death of Miss Madeleine.

encoffined dead, I will work together with Arthur both men carry the coffin into the cellar, taking into account the Arthur family cemetery is not secret, and Miss Madeleine cause of death was unusual, and I agree that this did not even hurt, but when I go there with Arthur into a dark, damp cellar quiet, I still had a sense of trance, as if the devil is our apostle, not seen in this Password the light of day some kind of strange underground ceremony, see Arthur and reveals Huangran pale face, I tried to throw off this idea, he was terrified enough, no need to let my dream of trying to scare him .

despite fears that the other half of the hand, foot and Arthur now dead, but from my knowledge of him, he totally can not feel the slightest joy therefore, a long time, he was only in this world

Monday, October 25, 2010

1. Gansu explosion in a mudslide death toll to 300

 Those missing, it is estimated very slim chance of rescue ... ... how many there are indelible scars of the.

read today Tangshan earthquake, the earthquake that period was quite touching, and the rest a bit before. Fan Xu tone that there is so much like the Spring Festival Evening clouds how Aunt it?

words, Tangshan, then not so vibrato bar, Lirong Tangshan aunt does not say is that if it? In short, this film is by the Chinese people's sympathy for the earthquake Bo slightly, the film itself, the general feeling.

review has not been reading, I have sinned, I repent ... ...

mudslides have killed more than 700 people of the troubled China ... ....

2. Sunday to see the men all living creatures, a bit ... how should I say, interspersed with dense, resulting in some part of the continuity and smooth enough, is clear for a while, confused for a while ... Mo! After the men cover up the purported

language, behavior, in the care of the household's eyes, is more absurd?

In short, this movie is the only thing I know, people, men and women, both hidden in the heart, did not mention the feeling of the people, whether right or wrong, not about the affinity between the people ... just want to reach their own purposes, according to the other's personality traits to mix different languages, a common response to the real ...

So, do not simply believe that all surfaces of the phenomenon, if not resolved, no choice, that to follow your heart it ... then again, because the response to the heart and wrong, not too sad.

and the party of mutual encouragement.

3. so much of a coincidence do not know can mean anything, life is never to expect too much, the reality has repeatedly warned us.

4. tonight only slightly into the state of pro forma, a little bit at ease, whatever the outcome may flicker a few of the bar. Beijing's day, actually frequent thunderstorms, but a problem Oh what to wear.

tonight on the train slightly, I do not share beds, La la la la.


5. I read the book dizzy, train Shanghai Triad, if not to test the more wonderful. Count slightly, sleep, lack of sleep last night, tonight filled.

6. heinous BT test questions ... ... I actually pay three big issue is basically a quiz, the time te tense moment of the last ten minutes short head.

sleepy, then I do not want to say, sleep.

7.BJ subway really is convenient, accessible, cheaper, huh, huh, that is, exports are so many, for my people, this geographical idiot, a bit tangled.

fact, a person to travel in such a city, feeling pretty good, do not know anybody, so you can be more free to do self, I was not quite a hidden? No way, hidden is the protection of infrastructure.

good storm, do not drink wine, slightly long, Oh, let me actually smoked smoked two bottles of pre-drunk, in the end is quite an enjoyable get together with friends, or BJ's beer too much staying power, in short, I'm sleepy < br>

8. in other people staying at home is not convenient, people would very artistic, I listen very helpless ... ...

9.BJ hot S you, hold you like the sun ... ...

10. a BJ's trip to play for the U.S. when I abruptly interrupted, television dial to call to go, could not find a program can be seen, the most abhorrent is Movies, Cage so long to find out how to broadcast the film? I will not even have to get, do sleep at this point?

11. Well, today the opening of the Youth Olympic slightly, is too Luo Li concentration camp, haha.

12. finally returned to his home, sleep in my own bed, pillow own pillow, quilt cover their own ... is called the one it was great ... I Ai Xian:)

home in the Tanabata this day, in fact, or should mark what, huh, huh

13. life really is not the worst thing worse ... ...

just do not know who this sentence first of the ORZ ... ...

14. From Today onwards, to be a low profile people ... ...

15. colleagues that I haggard, shit, who do not meet such a bunch of things to be seen to be, safe and sound Down?

I can come to work, is a miracle.

16. night read a very detailed and cell phone on Twitter Client G's text, the result is still very confused, as Mao did not master classes around me? Twitter

just think the style looks like this time it take me to a message recorded vent confused insist that time ... ... one of their own.

17. for a long time without listening to the radio slightly, the university abandoned the night waiting for the most persistent. I did not expect such a night is still carrying memories of these old songs flowing in the frequency space, it seems that nothing changed, but, when I was in the music experience of their feelings, and, now, I was looking for in their music with the pain of their same frequency. From casual to deliberate, how can the result of manipulation of time alone.

18. is different from the mp3, never know what song the next song, random listening to every sound coming out, there may be a surprise, of course, also possible that pain.

19.TX system bad to not work as far as saying I replied too fast, do not space was or malicious? TY ah you when he is sleeping slightly, do not play with you slightly.

20. life is one way, I was reluctant to reverse growth.

21. slightly last week, several times late this week, my gorgeous wages, ah, so no more.

22. Since the examination came to an end, I decided to move pen to paper, 818 movies seen it, many have forgotten, I was gone again, the youth exclaimed.

empty out a list when it, hee hee.

23. into a new era ... ... ... ... Zhang is also the theme quite nicely, just a close-range

Kazakhstan, see also the bags under the eyes Zhang, Faye Wong's lyrics vividly out: time is how to climb out of my skin, only I know best

woman ah, are afraid of old creatures, even plain lazy like me, still hoping to sixteen-year-old time forever, for the hair I did not at that time become a vampire! ! !

the most sad thing is that I have not been first owned, yeah the West, really upset!

24. in an unknown radio station to listen to the whole song is a girl, so that the rain of the night, listening to is not bad ... ...

present, only two people to listen to them , Video search and Na Ying.

25. Since that Sina is a homonym of Shina, how it since been slightly, but found more and more people around the playing Sina slightly, contact imbalance.

26. afternoon to brush the machine, what also did not dry it, actually gave me to play restarted, the small P, tenderness is not do not want to mix too? Kaka

wow, I want to see e-books, 555555555

27. Gechuang listen to rain, facing the wall sighed years

not rhyme, so the time being it

28. What a big rain, simply did not want it, the evil capitalists! Up, suffering people around the world, the British Turner nacional, it must be true!

finished singing the Internationale, get up to go to work, sad reminders!

29. Even if I ran logan to go, but the kiss so let me jump ... ... not jealous not jealous, Oh, who believe ah. Closer to home, the feelings they too jump slightly, although I guess logan will save care of the household, but also some small touch, but it definitely did not imagine such a story, the director, but strong man!

there are three sets in the first quarter to the end slightly, seems to care of the household's ex-boyfriend suspected of the most, so get to the bottom ... ...

30.zz recommended Kim Ki-duk's work, except that the Department of To hear a slight drift chamber, the other of the film, really do not know ... message ... good stuff to keep too much time is not enough,Bailey UGG boots, eh, I would like to become a vampire ...

Na God, you, right from my heart ...

drifting like room, could not find online resources, are being removed ... Could it be the legendary forbidden movie? Good challenging ah ...

31. Called yesterday read, But now the horror film, is difficult to introduce new, basically looked at the beginning of the end to roughly know ... this is no exception, from the beginning, I was wondering, research Hee has been hung up, and sure enough ...

with Also the scene slightly, the plot is weak, it seems, I have increased the level of movies, like this one!

whether film or literature, it seems that the previous one by one trying to be possibilities, then those who still can not break through, silent.

33. Veronica Mars in the first quarter ended in victory, I have been convinced that logan is innocent, but never realized his dad is the murderer. The child is too lilly promiscuity of the bar, watching her out of this mess with a bunch of things, though I say so, some of disrespect for the dead, I can ... ...

really is a very traditional man!

sensitive words is how many? Also allows people to free speech does not ah?

abuse ‖ cross with the word shield?

34. sleep ing ... ...

35. Although always knew my parents are very, very good man, but tonight in particular, the simple rustic feel that they are cute:) < br>
I love you.

36. I bring up memories of their long history of the shuttle, and his numerous past encounters separation, in the countless moments, I look around at a loss, in the end, what is the real you?

fact, which is not the real me. I would have lost in their own stubbornness and blind in the ... ... 37.'re Late, I am trying to find fault with the wages of it? TMD really do not want to ... ...

38. Sad discovery, log in to enjoy quite a number with the personal diary ...

39. Today, the bus ride home from work, waiting, only slowly a number of siege, and so when I went up to Big Brother can only stand next to the driver slightly, but fortunately, quite neutral. Nothing else to four stops, take the opportunity to observe the observation of the driver big brother. First, the great interest of the passengers to keep up with to explain the reasons for late trips (car broken before him on the road, resulting in a 15-minute intervals, into a half an hour), and secondly, the road is very happy to sing a minor, or not from the rear view mirror to see the way to follow up the situation of other vehicles, such as a red light when in a daze thoughtfully channeling cars until the next out, he launched the car on the road until it woke up; to station when parking, but also puts the rhythm, shaking his head with the melody, expression that was quite intoxicated, in the absence of passengers up and down after a while suddenly discovered, but also next to passengers with a smile said, so fast, I think also it was a while, and finally the end of the tunnel, when actually a small sleepy eyes closed feeling a bit ... OMG, Big Brother drivers are brave enough, your hard drive, you can also do on the road to sleep, ah, This year, the traffic so people do not worry, you are still a little on our little hearts on it ...

safety off, over.

40. extreme aversion to the unknown with the fear of flying insects that would make me nervous trembling ...

have to use the newspaper with a guy doing this fight, It did not see the body, or so I can not feel at ease.

is so unsafe at home, where they came out of?

What screens can not stop these things, shit!

hate listening to the vibration of their voice calls violently with its wings, cold!

I eventually eliminate it, you can safely go to sleep slightly.

41. the United States these children before high school only, how to love life so confusing ah! ! ! ! ! veronica logan with duncan in between the swing for a while with logan kiss, embrace the moment with duncan, can not stand! I still prefer logan some, though, I know the second season, said his life was falling, but that's okay, is not saying so what, the more beautiful the more degenerate.

42. in the second quarter third episode, I feel a little sad for logan. Of course, I can not blame duncan, after all, a good friend's father was the murderer killed his sister, any person who takes time to accept with calm the. However logan, mother jumped into the sea S, the father became a murderer, half-sister, no feelings at all, like the girl and brutally broke up, and himself was suspected of being a murderer, in the face for all The question, which for a high school kids, if it is too heavy?

wow ~~~~~~~~~~ director, too abuse the ...

43. had almost all countries, rich Machiavellian, fraud, hiding coax, one digging a bunker, wondering, despoiling, painstakingly accumulated occupation of the poor, the hard work. Stock and property markets, all of the back of the control of the game is rich, filled with their wallets.

they never told us about morality and conscience, but with money out of their base product with the taste of the dignity of the so-called style.

we do, we should abandon our part, to Xunfa, through honest labor, the result class, and even among themselves the cottage blocks are not available.

Mr. Du Fulao have said, enough! the selling, letting his retirement indefinitely.

gas inside the lie I'm just a capitalist, so how can they lie to investors when one pious, and the last in a thousand of the investors to pay for their rich life? shit! shit!

eye pain,UGG shoes, feeling as if the eye lashes fall, but can not find: (

finish this set sleepin ...

44. I was really The really want to know, the United States on the Internet so powerful, you can check a person's clearly Why?

Baidu, at least I did not find my name on any of my own personal information. Is The United States implemented the NRS? I do not believe!

quite like veronica father broke ... I do not like bald bald precedent. Wait, then Hunter, looks like bald is bald?

OMG, I have principles at all What!

Baidu actually posted with my name on it ... a small loli disgusting hair some sign posts, the world really is everywhere magic.

45.i really really really love logan!

slightly compared to the duncan serious, the ruffian ruffian's logan simply too liked slightly.

This guy is taking it every chance logan duncan split Taiwan ... Ah, I see ultra-cool!!

the reality of the film covers quite a number ... have a certain educational

weekend, slow download speed is simply amazing ... OMG, I lean friends.

cleverness of me, finally stopped the Thunder this fool running directly in the PPS point of view, really very effort , aha.

ps, the second quarter of th episode, can be frightened us logan ... but quite clever children, found that people with veronica will be a long time Threatened wit some, like .

not learn why I always look at it ... have to use the PPS down to the hard disk, is this an obsessive disorder?

46. just in someone else's blog see the evaluation of logan, Oh, who seems to find many like him. That said, in addition to logan black ring that let him down, the other is more like it. Aha, it seems that I am again The slightly reduced unprincipled advocates. they do not violate my moral bottom line, I like doing people are OK, so, logan now all is well with me, of course, slightly, the premise is that the style in the open country the United States . playboy exterior, logan really have a kind and generous heart. childish revenge is not, huh, huh, after all, is needed from the boy to a man after training. If duncan's confused when their own, then logan's lost more and more from around the total lack of security that logan is a child. logan father has won my heart saying, is his veronica said, he said, he likes to look like veronica logan together. Therefore, I believe,cheap UGG boots, logan with veronica is the destiny of a pair.

ps, logan daddy would let me in prison the death of Lilly had a doubt, it really is duncan fury? < br>
pps, duncan thought it was a fickle fellow, always feel this child is not logan mental health, mental disorders are recessive.


Jason dohring, 1982.3 .30, 23-year-old married the brats!

MS Veronica Mars did not end, just off the air, as with the fate of Moonlight,UGG boots clearance, but fortunately nothing more than two quarters.

know that such messages, but also makes the story very bad mood ... I hope to stay in LV moments of happiness.

message in their own space, but also frequently enter verification code, tencent TY What do you think you are? TY is not playing the issue of the verification code, please!!! not with the degree of learning, it is Korean games, you're a little Chinese characteristics into the no! can not stand you.

I slept slightly, tomorrow is I go all day, the four modernizations, we must keep enough strength.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Introduction born again Christian faith

 Introduction born again Christian faith, this is a fundamental of our Christian faith in the truth. This truth in the But because many people's 'knowledge' and Satan's work, it often makes clear that the problem has become blurred, complicated by the simple exception; and even make us feel the need before the Lord, to sum up this issue again it. Brothers and sisters want to be helpful.

according to our own spiritual condition, it is impossible not going to talk about this issue very comprehensive and just want to touch on some issues, do we receive before the Lord to talk about, which inevitably wrong, please a lot of brothers and sisters in the Lord, correct me.

Second, the letter to be saved

chapter 17)

started the Christian faith is not relying on themselves to good turn deserves another, not how many times to participate in the Sunday meeting, not baptized, but Jesus Christ is the Son of God 'letter'. A Section 16 which is the that was the life of God is the Lord Jesus had said Nicodemus 'rebirth', this was a 'born again' condition that the 'letter' the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

. Only in Old Testament times, this truth of justification by faith not as the New Testament as revealed to humans, as well as Jews mistakenly believe that they can rely on the law of righteousness.

Belief in Jesus Christ is the letter entry; believe in? Believes that Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross, Jesus Christ has ascended to heaven, Jesus Christ will come again; letter and promises. Does not depend on compliance with the law, not by their good deeds, not by all the religious ceremonies, but by faith alone, can make us righteous, so that we can have eternal life God lives. This is the entry of our Christian faith.

was asked: know, is manifest in them; because God has revealed to them. honest and worship Him, because such people to worship the Father to him. God is spirit; so worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. has a soul, can communicate with the heart of animals with the gods, as people have eyes to see things, there are ears to listen to the sound the same. The difference is, we can find the eye, ear position, to see their structure, but can not find the location of the mind, can not see its structure. They can not find the location of the construction can not see them, is not no it? Our will, thoughts, feelings, life, we are unable to find them in the anatomical position, do not know their structure. (We can only generally say that they are in the brain, perhaps one day, scientific development, and will find that this view is wrong.) We can not say they are not.

human beings, regardless of any nation (from the most civilized to the most backward), in any historical period, (from ancient to modern), have their religious beliefs, have their gods the (right or wrong). One of the most materialistic person, or one of the most savage people, but also will be All these show that people have to pass God's mind, a belief in God is a human instinct.

make an example: I read junior high school, one time physical education teacher taught us 'goose go', he first told us that the way of the walk way: After the right leg swing, lift the left leg is placed after the left hand, ... ... Association. The teacher finished, do a demonstration, just called out that students exercise; that the students thought it was learned the walk, can not go as usual, so uncharacteristically awkward lift right leg is placed before the right hand, lift left leg is placed before the left hand, which makes us evoke a hearty laugh. It tells us that human instinct is not taught, and to do naturally in the herd.

some of the 'letter' to do a lot of notes: Faith is faith ... ...; the letter is the letter from the ... ...; letter is convinced ... ...; letter is to accept ... .... According to these comments to people to check to see if the letter was on the right. The reason we feel that these comments are right, can be used for reference; just asking people to consider whether such a letter is a problem, because the mind of God Budan Shi complex, intelligent people of God, is the simple-minded, like a small the style of the people of God children. Speaks more truth would seem more confused.

four, 'Road' seed

If not sent forth, how can they preach it? as it is written: 'who bring good news, what their short-tailed bird feet of the United States!' > While we do not teach people how faith, but faith comes from hearing come. Whether to believe the gospel with us is very much related. Jesus in Matthew chapter thirteen, the parable of the sower mentioned, the seed is the word of God; we have sown the seeds if the Word of God, listening to people and willing to accept to be bound to it in the human heart germination, growth; we have no life if Caesar's sense of sand, you can not expect it will germinate and grow. Person who is the tares sown the seeds of heresy Satan, in his heart will grow the weeds come. Do not believe in a resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and again, only good reason respected Christian social theology is not true Christians come with; one in the hands of Satan, Satan allowed manipulation of the letter from the heretics who can not lead the people onto the right path of faith.

God have mercy on us, cleanse us so that we can pass the pure truth of the Gospel, can lead the people turn to God, faith in Jesus Christ!

V. rebirth

and born of the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. born of the flesh is flesh; born of the Spirit is spirit. I said: you must be born again, do not be surprised. the wind blows, you hear the sound of the wind , but can not tell whence I come, and whither I go; where born of the Spirit as well. '... ....' I tell you, we say that we know, we are witnessing is that we seen; you do not receive our witness. I told you earthly things, ye have no faith, if I speak of heavenly things, how can we trust? '... ...' Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, the Son of man shall be lifted up; whosoever believeth in him may have eternal life. 'not born again, not see the kingdom of God. ... ... Unless one is water and born of the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. the door is our Christian faith started. Second, the rebirth of this matter, is the earthly things that we know, we've seen (in this case does not say, 'Son of Man' and said that we should include follow the Lord's disciples.) Third, the front said, 'born again', the latter said, 'eternal life', is born again to eternal life; conditions of eternal life is the 'believers' (Son Jesus Christ.)

the kingdom of God where God --???? eternal, not our physical beings can get in, but by the rebirth of 'students' into the. For example, 'dead', there is no living material is in any case can not enter the human world; though those substances can live with us day and night, such as tables, benches, utensils, etc., but they are the 'dead' thing is ignorant. You have to enter the 'dead', you must be 'born'. A child of a 'birth', though he died, to him as his unconscious, but he entered the 'dead'. A person, whether young or old, one day die, and though his body was still there, he has left the 'dead'. Wherein God, where 'forever', is 'raw' go in; what time we have, through the word of God 'born again', and we will have eternal life as God, we are in God's eternity, but also that is in the kingdom of God; so born again Christian faith is that we started.

reason why we 'born' in the world, not relying on our own, can not say I was born to be born, (we were born of God, we can birth). Rebirth, too, can not we have to be born again born again, born again of God as in us. But we can believe in Jesus Christ, we 'believe', God according to His promise: We need to do is believe in the name of Jesus Christ, only Son of God, 'born again' is the God responsible. We want to enter the door of the kingdom of God is faith; the results because of our faith,UGG bailey button, God regenerated us, and we entered the gates of the kingdom of God.

third chapter in the Gospel of John, Nicodemus find it difficult to understand, it is no wonder that the; because Jesus was not affected by death and resurrection. Today we have a good understanding of this issue is much more; because of ancient and modern, with thousands of Christians have actually gone through with.

I have seen an introduction 'to insect pest control', named 'Trichogramma' of popular science. Trichogramma is a parasitic wasp the size of a grain of rice, and their reproduction is very special: they lay their eggs inside the eggs in He Chong, and its eggs in the larvae grow and develop in the Wo, and ate there all the nutrition, to break the shell of the He Chong mature when it was actually a small Trichogramma. This is a pattern of our Christian experience: Originally, we had inside the life, is an almost life-blood of Adam, but because of our letter, which God in our rebirth into a life of Christ. This is the life of Christ grow in us, and slowly ate the flesh of Adam is our life. When we hatched (the resurrection at the last day), we no longer than the earthly body of Adam's sin, but the heavenly glory of the Son of God. Praise the Lord!

six, introspection

(II Corinthians Chapter XIII 5)

have many brothers and sisters among us, is the electronics factory workers. We know that in the electronics factory, to produce an integrated circuit board to go through many processes: printed circuit, the water in the molten solder dip soldering, skewer pieces, welding, repair, and finally have to test. While one process is very strict, but in the end have to test, because I am afraid that will go wrong in unexpected places. The inspection process is now referred to as QC.

I think the same is true of our Christian faith, we have heard many people testify to us, many people have heard sermons, and some people still read a lot of spiritual books, we do not know what it is exposed to pure reason, we do not know if I have it wrong, wrong letter; plus the failure of this process has not reconciled to the devil to destroy. We need to examine what we 'believe' here? Scripture says the 'introspection', 'test' is the test.

What criteria to test it? that hath the Son hath life; not the Son of God does not have life. ; the same time, Jesus Christ, but also by the Holy Spirit lives in us, our home which has become the Holy Spirit, became the house of God. Born of God lives in us, Holy Spirit living in us there is a difference already, but were not actually come out, whether it is from the Actually: With Christ through the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have the Son of God, there is 'eternal' life.

Christians on the Holy Spirit living inside of our you another Comforter, that He is always with you; the Spirit of truth, the world can not accept; because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but ye know him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. ... ... In that day you will know that I am in the Father, and ye in me, I am in you. seal of us, and given the Holy Spirit in our hearts (original credentials for quality) Christ; since the believers to the promised Holy Spirit as the seal; that the Holy Spirit is the quality of our inheritance, until the God of the industry, unto the praise of His glory. -14 Day)

the Holy Spirit lives in us, that is, the quality of our inheritance, that credentials. What are credentials? A father told his son: Son, the father does not know whether the count to speak, but his father only said, and will read his son a name, and then one million certificates of deposit to him, this is the credential certificates of deposit, is quality, although the son does not do regarding to the money, but he already has firm credentials.

our hands with a certificate of deposit, we will know; we have a born again, has eternal life, which we have with the change of life, which has the Holy Spirit, we know it? But also the know.

how do you know that we have already obtained a rebirth? How do I know the Holy Spirit living inside us? Our hearts in the end feel? The following four ways, said.

1, by prayer

said: Who will pray, who is born again; because prayer is our spiritual breath of life. A child just born, he just does not know, but instinct to breathe. Cry down his life; Why are you crying? Because he has to breathe. A born again Christian can not speak to make sense, but he will pray; he would shut the door of God in secret prayer. If someone never pray in faith for this man has not yet started.

a born again Christian life, his heart has the power, would urge him to go and pray before the Lord, this is called the burden of prayer. A sister witness said: home to eat there is a problem; pray it, for fear they laugh, pray mind was disturbed. Not very obvious at first this burden, then gradually grow in the Lord, will become more apparent, more and more powerful. When the burden of prayer upon us, we always want to leave the crowd, alone before God in prayer; After prayer, we relieved the burden of prayer. Of course, sometimes we will feel empty hearts, we may even forget to pray; this is a Christian believer will some circumstances, we do not doubt their own salvation. I only said that a person who never had had the burden of prayer, his life, there is a problem.

decades we have seen when the church, but never the person to pray before the Lord; even seen such a missionary priest, he will sing, will reading, will be preaching in a large crowd among the open sound of prayer (prayer time), but when he a person, but never pray. Everything he did posters for; no one saw, he would not do.

2, hearing

(Peter chapter 2)

Although born children do not know, but he will be hungry; he was hungry to cry, until he was with the nipple, came to a halt, forced to suck. The rebirth of our lives will be hungry; rebirth of the bread of life, is the word of God. A saved Christian, will be hungry to hear, anxious Sunday faster come, I go to the party. Although there are difficulties in reading the Bible, but it will valuable their Bible. Literate people will do everything possible to find spiritual books. If someone not interested in hearing, impatient; the rebirth of life of people is problematic, at least, is suffering from

often see people running tens of miles way to the party, but also on the side is not heard the word, and why? Very simple, the sheep eat the grass, no matter how far have run to find grass to eat; dogs do not eat grass, the nest does not eat grass edges. This is the life of a different reason.

3, knowledge of sin to repent

when God made man, who was originally placed in the heart of the law; as it is written: down the nature of the law on the matter, they having not the law, the law to themselves; This is the show of the law written in their hearts. >
God His law on our hearts, if we act contrary to conscience, that is, crime before God, we are sinners. But most people have no faith in the Lord, before all of the world with the standards of their own. Condemned by world standards, such as murder, arson, rape, fraud, people, most of them know they are sinners; world standards, but good people, they did not commit sin, they were better than they often do not know (do not recognize ) that they are sinners. I wear a white dress, although there are many faint stains, but when I stood in a group of people covered in mud the middle of sewage, I felt I was clean; so I entered the mansion, with the master of this elegant white dress a ratio, I then ashamed, how dirty they are found.

people the feeling of sin is this: when we do not know when that holy Lord, we have to compare with the world, a world-standard if I am good, I feel I do not sin; If I were a condemned by world standards,bailey UGG boots, I will find many objective reasons to absolve itself. Until I believed in the Lord, to know that the Lord, holy and true, we will actually see yourself as a sinner.

was discovered when Peter stood up in their boat, holy Lord, he saw how dirty he is, he fell at the feet of Jesus: a sinner. God is light, when the light of His life in us, we will see how our hearts are unclean: hatred, jealousy, greed, hypocrisy, blaspheme, deceit, obscenity ... .... A sinner does not know who he is, is a heart of Jesus Christ, true light is not illuminated person; is no entry in the faith of the people.

heart was.

who believe in Jesus not only knew he was a sinner, and by faith the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ; Christians determined to follow God's command, stay away from crime; are just like people do not want dirty wash clean the room the same. Although the Christians because the flesh weak, but not completely over sin, but he would When his crime is on the way to go to slide, his heart will lose peace; when he wins, but the lure of sin, is caught in a sin, his heart will feel pain, contrition before God.

David's poem: . We saw how terrible the crime, will be grilled later hesitant to our offense. In addition to the Holy Spirit in our hearts the blame, as well as outside the discipline; our greedy little cheap, often provoke great loss, if we treasure some of the hearts of evil, refused out, tend to make our terminal one, until we The Lord of the crime, denied the hearts of the evil treasure, before the release of our Lord.

life with the growth of Christ, Christians have a mind to resist the evil forces, though still know they are a sinner, but rely on the strength of mind,UGGs, has been able to reject the idea of crime. We have seen such people, he said he was a Christian, he said that he believed God, of Jesus, believed to be saved; He said he was saved; but his actions are no different with the world, has been submerged in sin . We are the servants, not masters, not jump on the person; only Please note that the word of God: ; where the crime is not seen Him, neither known Him. Little children! Do not be tempted righteousness is righteous; as he is righteous. crime is of the devil, because the devil from the beginning crime. the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil. Whosoever is born of God does not sin, because the word of God in him; he can not sin, because he is born of God. From then on was who are the children of God, who is the devil's children; where not defined, not of God; does not love his brother is also true. learned a lot, as quoted in this paragraph is enough, it goes without saying.

are Christians br> (One book of John Chapter 14-15 Section)

people in groups, feather flock together; wolf, the lion looking for similar for company. Compelling man and his family, friends, separated, is a severe penalty, it is called jail or exile. The life of Christ who is also natural to love and his kind???? Of God for life. A true believer, no matter where, no matter to see a how kind of person, humble or noble, the poor or the rich, smart or simple-minded, the Chinese or foreign; long as they are true believers , we can hit it off. Why? Because we are in Christ, the same noble, holy race.

are social bees, and bees each of them for the their group, can without reservation to make their own offerings. Groups when they are co-Wei, the kind of fought against the enemy, the spirit of sacrifice, really make us gasp in admiration. Why? Because of them, left the group they can not survive; no group, no individual. Thus God made them, gave them the concept of a strong group.

there are many natural things, it is implicit in the sign, so that we can understand God's truth. Church of God is a group, the universal church as a whole, is the bride of Jesus Christ. Not the whole church, individual Christians can not exist before God is of no significance. Church is not just a group, Lack of a swarm of bees a few bees are not hurt, a body if it is missing a limb, missing eyes, missing nose does not. Thus the Lord Jesus who asked us believers to love one another; He has personally set an example for us, personally died on the cross for us; He told us to be mindful of the Church in this group, between brothers and sisters to love each other, like He loves us. Christians inside the 'eternal' life, that is, members of the body of Jesus Christ lives. We are members of the body if the life of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ we are bound to love the other limbs.

is in the darkness, and in the darkness, does not know where to go, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. Needless to say we are.


the door of faith to test his faith is already started, the above mentioned four aspects. Again Christians, of course there are other feelings and experiences, such as: Most Christians know their saved time; there will be a believer after the first letter of heat, (also born in Christian families, who grew up believing there is no such experience). Christians will be saved a spiritual intuition and so on. Only as a yardstick when it comes to these four aspects, is sufficient. We use these standards to measure yourself, it should be clear whether the door into the faith.

if we have not yet started, this is a serious matter; we should go to the Lord to ask Him to open the door for us. Jesus said:

'. Into the 'narrow gate' is born again, to get that 'document' is obtained as 'quality' of the Holy Spirit.

when Christians into the 'narrow gate', to continue to move forward when a man turned over the wall from the street. Christian asked him how to get Tin Road not from the 'narrow gate' come in? The man replied: I do not like you go Tin Road in it? Why must it come from the narrow gate? Christian asked him if he did not 'document'? The man said: do not know about this.

it tells us that if people did not born again, does not have the Holy Spirit inside us, as Christians learn just looks like, not true Christians. Let us look at Christ Nvtu Tin Road to go into the 'narrow gate' case when: Christ Nvtu and her children have gone in, but the kindness and sisters with them but could not get her to cry at the door; Christ Nvtu encouraged her not to lose heart, do not be afraid to knock on the door, and she went in. Born again Christian should be aware of every experience.

Christian 'documents', in his climb 'tough mountain' Shihai lost; looking right back after he found the results found. Christians have the Holy Spirit in their hearts, they are feeling; feel not obvious at first, over the more obvious. This feeling will be lost. The sense of loss, not God forsaken us, but we know what's wrong; we're back to the Department lost, the feeling to come back again.

repeat: the belief in the entry is a major event, there is no entry if we find ourselves, we should earnestly pray for our door. If they have into the door, do not be deceived, wondered if he had saved.

eight, salvation of the

Corinthians chapter 30)

how God made Christ to be our wisdom it? The life of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts, we have the world does not know, is a day of peace, joy; we know that the world is empty, transient, only God is our eternal inheritance, so that we do not seek the world , and in all things and to seek, to comply with the will of God. To the return of Jesus, the world will find that we believers are the most intelligent. What is today is this: We do not know what will happen in the future, but our Lord knows, we do not ask why, but in everything by the anointing in us a lesson (the guidance of the Holy Spirit) to the action, heart,UGG boots, peace is the line , and my heart is just not safe. So that we can escape the danger and disaster, heavy, get unexpected peace and success. Later, we will see, our most intelligent people than there is wisdom. This is the God of Jesus Christ as our wisdom.

how God made Christ to be our righteous do? Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit living inside us, we also live in the Lord Jesus Christ; it in me Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, lives in me. I speak to God before he could not; but, I was in Christ, God saw his innocent son, my son there in His love can come to God. This is the 'put on Christ', the Lord Jesus Christ to be our righteousness.

how to make Christ as God is holy we do? Lord Jesus Christ lives in our hearts; His life is a holy life. His holy life, day by day grow in us, a silkworm eat every day with our sin nature that the old life. Our old people can not get the improvement, but the life of the Lord Jesus Christ to be my holy life, so I can refuse the idea of crime, demonstrate God's holiness. This is our God, the sanctity of Christ.

how God made Christ to be our salvation it? We had no power to do God's will, but Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit living inside us, as our strength; allows us to do God's will. . Absolutely not! Amen!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1, the Master said

 Qugongerzhen s, which are also fun. Riches and injustice, to me as a cloud. Obtained by improper means the rich, for me, like a cloud. Has behaved, do not impose on others. Do not want to own anything not to impose on others. Now people hate the humiliation at the heartless from the land but, like hate but from low-lying wet land of the same.

4, the heart can not bear people, who can not bear the political line, can rule the world of handheld operation. So that the person has a heart can not bear those men suddenly see Ruzi into a well, there are timid compassion - not so in the parents to pay in Ruzi, non-so reputation in Xiangdang out to friends also, non- A bad sound and ran. From this perspective, no compassion, non-human also; No Shame and Disgust, non-human also; no politely refuse the heart, non-human also; no right and wrong of the heart, non-human also. - So people have mercy on his people's psychology, people suddenly see a child to fall down the well, and will have a sympathetic heart of fear - not to in order to make a child's parents, not to friends in the neighborhood in order to good reputation in the win, nor is it so hated children crying. Seen in this light, there is no compassion, it is not personal; no sense of shame, it is not personal; no heart sometime, it is not personal; no right and wrong of the heart, not individuals.

5, my old old, and the old man; child I young, and immature person. The world can be transported in the palm. - By extension, the entire matter to the world, to unify the world as easily as a plaything in the hands.

6, Mencius said: Yi also my objectives; the two can not have both, those who care for justice born also 。bear paw is what I want; the two can not have both, they would choose to give up the fish eat. Life is my favorite, the moral is my favorite, the two can not get, I give up and choose to take the moral life.

7, students are my objectives, desires even in the living, it was also not Gou; death also I hated, the evil has even death, so do not avoid suffering too. - offensive, but I hate having something worse than death, so I do not avoid some vicious abuse.

8, Mencius said:

[Note]: ① weed: the rice, millet classes, strong minimal.

[translated]: Mencius said:

[said]: Everyone has the hidden side of the heart, namely, budding of benevolence. The effort to cultivate it all in life, it is lush, ripe fruit to make it perfect. If the goodness of the line in order to fame and fortune, or good beginning and can not hospice, or when you usually have violated Ren Ren and rapid, and so on, anti-German as evil.

9, the actual occurrence of a gentleman have all been seeking Morohito then, no non-Morohito all had then. Are hidden in the body does not forgive, but can be figurative Morohito who are not of too. Can not push himself has been and all the people, and to educate other people's things, does not exist.

10, the last evil, not to make the next; the evil in the next, not to things.

- serve my attitude, do not use it to serve their own ranks.

[said]: Zhu said: I, use a degree as the heart, but also not something of this infidelity.

11, benevolent to financial fat body, not benevolent to the body rich. -

[translated]: benevolent people dispersed to exposing the body of the virtues of family wealth, and unscrupulous people to amass property degrades physical and mental.

12, Confucius said: does not matter, ask the minister to make a non-shu also; have pro ① not been reported that some children find their filial piety, not forgive him; a brother can not respect,Discount UGG boots, there seeking their brother listen up, non-shu also. Shiming to these three sorry, you can carry on the body side. Forgiveness has been pushing and human: they have a king can not be faithful minister, he has his loyal retainers have to listen to, it is not afraid; their parents can not honor a debt of gratitude, but asked his son remain devoted parents, this is not excuse; brother can not respect that they have to obey, but requires the following Imperative listen to my brother, this is not excuse. Forgiveness can understand these three scholars to be the correct itself. > [Note]: ① days: that of the nature.

② gear: tie, held in contempt, shame and tied for the company of.

[translated]: Shi Renhui in man obsessed, not out benefits of the nature of benevolence, even the merchants who do not like this. Although the performance on both materialistic side, and in fact not the same.

[said]: Wang reported by grace, hypocrisy sinister motives to virtue and as arrows, and the self-interest as the subject is indeed the meaning of the great harm rape victims Ren giant evil. merchants making profits despite the side, and take Litan However, the situation is not Jiao Wei Shi, sound virtue.

14, Guan ① old, can not take things personally, off staying at home. Huan, called to ask: Although the Chen Wen: Chen Morrow Jun knowledge, 知子莫若父, king of the trial decision to the heart. Baoshuya froward and the fierce man, just the people to commit violence, perverse is unpopular, is not defended then the next use. The heart of fear, not Bazhe the junior also. Lady love the feeling of all working body, the good in public envy, self-Quan Ben vertical Diao within that rule, the body does not love, and security can Aijun! Qi Wei ten days between the lines, however, prescribe the Shijun, like the king of it is applicable, not under fifteen years are reflected in its parent, the non-human also. The parents are not pro, but also pro-Jun peace! Fu Yi Ya taste for the monarch, Jun Zhisuo eating a bad idea, the only human flesh ears, Yiya steam and into the first of his son the king is also known. Did not dare touched the love of his son, his son thought this meal was steamed king, his son Vladimir love, and security can Aijun peace! affairs, and casual living at home, Duke Huan to visit his home and asked him: . . Human nature does not do not care of their body, but jealousy Hello past and woman weight, vertical Diao amputated his penis on their own to manage the house for you, he does not even love their own bodies, how can love the king your it! Wei Qi between the ten-day journey, however, prescribe in order to serve you, to suit your sake, do not go back fifteen years to visit his parents, this is not human nature. His parents are not even my dear, dear, how will you? Yiya officer for your meal, you do not have tasted the food, only human flesh, and Yi Ya steamed into his son's head For you, this is you know. Human nature that no one does not love his son,cheap UGG boots, and now he has distilled his son's head to make your food, even his son did not love him, how would love you to it! This, no benevolence is all good are false.

15, Tom ① ② see the network who wish, set four, the wish, saying: ③ from my network. Best of men, and non-jie ④ For this reason its what? To the left are the left and the right who want to right, like the higher high, like the next person under my command who committed whichever. with br> ③ From: Tong suffer, suffer.

④ Jie: Xia last headed to the brutal loss of the world.

[translated]: Tom met a net of the fowler and the placement of prayer who placed the net on all four sides, and his speech is a prayer: Too much spare no pains to it! This is not a tyrant who jie do it? To the left are left to fly fly fly to right person to fly right. Those who want to fly fly, like those under the next Xiang Xiang. My net take only those who order the case. br>
16, who was on their wish to make in the next, who Eph wear? its Suoyu to do on it in the next, who Eph hi? - ]: If people can he hope to do long on demands on themselves, in order to deal with their subordinates, subordinates who does not love him? to his subordinates if the requirements to serve longer, and who do not like He does?

17, season lamb for the health of the judges, who cut off the feet of the foot. Eer chaos of Health has Kuai Ji Gao fled. go Guo door, cut off the feet are gatekeepers Yan, Gao said that the quarter : Now I am in the difficult, is when the child complained, I who fled three, He counseled? Jun Chen Yi law governing those former times, so that after the deceased minister, like Robinson is also free, Robinson knows it. Prison must be the crime, the Pro when on the punishment, Jun Qiaoran not music, Jianjun color, Chen and know it. Jun Chen Qi Zai private! Born gentleman, the road course. The reason why Chen Yue-chun. The use of a can, think Renshu the Shuter, tightened, then the tree storm complain. To the line of the public, the Zi Gao peace! thing, season lamb to flee. went outside the gate, is just off enough people that the goalie and his season Gao said: retaliation for the grievances of the time, but three times to help me escape, this is why? I did a crime of your rule, as people do after the first people I do, this is the last hope I get a pardon, I know; Case Closed And after the crime, will be the execution time,UGG bailey button, you looking Choucan, pity is not happy to see to your face, I know. Is your affair, and what I have it? This is the authentic natural gentleman's mind. This is what I like your reasons. Using the same legal standards, with the heart of running can create Renshu End to the heart of the harsh cruelty of running will provoke pernicious. Fair to do that, it is probably the season lamb. Benevolent Ruo He? Benevolent how? Without the virtue of self-love, no love of the wind, who has no love.

19, Lok Yang Wei, will, to attack Zhongshan. his son in Zhongshan, Zhongshan County, said his son, Yue Yang, sheep is not bad music blog, the more urgent for the attack. Zhongshan is survived by his son cooked the soup, cup of music do the sheep eat. Zhongshan is also reflected in its sincerity, could not bear to their wars, fruit under. Sui Wei Weiwen Hou open land. Wen doubt of its success and reward Hou its heart. Mang hunting too, who owned the Qin West. his mother with the Ming, Qin West can not bear, vertical and with it, by Qin West Mang anger. Habitat year , called that Prince Fu. so, saying: Active and happy to see the suspect sheep, Qin guilty of the benefits of West to the letter, also from the benevolence and heartless. the door to the music to see the sheep. Yue Yang Song decline without fighting, to attack even more violent. Zhongshan, then to his son gave him cooked meat broth, Le sheep ate a full cup. Zhongshan firmly committed people to see him, do not want and He crushed, Yue Yang finally capture it. so he opened the territory for the Weiwen Hou. Weiwen Hou Gong reward him, but doubt his intentions. Meng Sun obtained a fawn to hunt, camp to get back to the Qin West . fawn followed the mourning mother, Qin West could not bear, deer put put back to his mother. Meng Sun was outraged, and get rid of the Qin West. After a year, Meng Qin Sun and West recall Pakistan, so he made his Prince's official guidance. people around Sun Meng said: not said short straight, the Franciscans were not said, meaning evil. - br>
21, the wife of the feelings of love pro, the songs do their filial piety; in order to maintain a policy rich Feng Jun, no to infidelity. to the heart of responsible person in charge has been, the few over; to forgive is the Proverb, the full pay.

- filial piety. to preserve their wealth and status of the mind to serve the King, will make actions are faithful. to blame someone else's mind demands on themselves, few can fault; to wide width Rao Rao their mind to others, will be able to preserve the friendship.

22, full of virtue into a muddy square inch, no nothing desires, that is, as one of benevolence. over six feet into a red and muddy, no nothing pain is one of benevolence. Hop into a body full of muddy, no nothing interval, is the world together in order to become the kernel. benevolence of all, no slightest lack; benevolence is pure body, no fiber mustard flaw shelter; Jen is heaven, no more sub-pretentious. all points as one more for Hu ①, saints will be the world to become its body. Yu Chang Wei two ② nothing me, a breath vancomycin ③.

- ① Hu Yue: Hu in the northwest, the more in the southeast, distant.

② two: between heaven and earth.

③ breathing: means the air, that the ancient and modern world, stretch interlinked.

[translated]: the confusion between, totally full of virtue, not a cent of selfish greed, which is the heart of the kernel. the whole body among the Chiang Kai-shek and totally stressed, without the slightest pain, which is the whole body of the kernel. the whole universe, the earth, as seen with their own bodies, without the slightest interval, which is integrated into their own world to the Ren. Ren is a whole does not allow the slightest defect; Jen is homogenous, the capacity no slightest shelter flaw; Ren is the true nature, can not tolerate any tender feeling pretentious. most people the world as one see poles apart, the sage but can the whole world as that is their own. I said, between heaven and earth no matter each of the points, people I have the same past and present air.

23, words can not convey his ideas people who have their shape than their original mind who has framed the original mind who made appearance. Gentleman Conception who, instead of the police and falsely accused person had heart, rather than excuse to escape touched the.

- the case of his original mind,UGG boots cheap, with speech-like distortion of the situation the situation of his original mind. gentleman observing people, their misunderstanding of other people too smart and good intention, rather than the police over-generous intentions of other people's evil music.

[ ,said]: Alas, evil fraud, the total human-dementia, Bushi Jun child of grace. envy, especially deplorable evil, the total human-evil music, and often doubt the kindness of others. ancients called evil too much envy, that is a bad, that is what is called too.

24, Shu-six: or his knowledge and experience are not around, or he has not really heard, or should he have less strength Department, or his mind had grievances, or his have neglected the spirit of place, or he intended to be in place Micro. the first of this six-shu and not from life, teach do not change, then you can sin also. is the gentleman responsible for teaching people and then people, then angry people who the body. - difficulties of last resort where there may be others where the spirit of negligence may be selfish people in the place. start with the six areas to forgive others, and ordered him to not listen, to teach him not to correct before it can be aggravating to him . so the gentleman is always the first to teach others and then blame someone else, first considerate of others and resent others.

25, people have less to regret the situation, can appreciate removal of non-coherent meaning. - >
[translated]: People are not as strong, can from the facts on forgiveness; people out there is not a hearts and opening, and can rationally distraction.

[said]: selfish not moved for resentment, anger unintentionally offended that this NPC no benevolence.

26, has behaved, do not impose on others, who is also the difficulty of things. If people do not want to know, though not that have been bitter, shall not impose on others, is the Shu side. - people do not want, and that although not to difficult, and shall not be imposed, this is the excuse.

27, Shu Yang to the very heart of Office, only innocent people see the world before. - groan language people, scholars illness. ex post facto on the people, each right will be a very foolish Homo sapiens; outside of people, each will be extremely difficult to say. Both of these two do not forgive from birth to disloyalty.

- people, often very easy to be difficult to say. these two approaches are not faithful do not forgive from the heart arising out of.

with: good and evil

29, the body has ugly dream ① , triumphs over the line; state Yaoxiang ②, very good governance.

- Siu fierce.

② Yaoxiang: the specter of Xie Yi. If landslides, earth, eclipse, etc., the ancients that such phenomena are often trillion national disaster peril monarch.

[Translation] : As long as the body is the line repair, even if the nightmare is not afraid of fierce again; as long as good governance, even more branching off is not afraid of strange things happen.

30, less than a gentleman is not that good to have the small homes of the small improvement product and for the greater good. not that bad to not hurt too small to do this, the small poor plot and poor is large. Therefore in Yu Shen Zhou group product off-axis light. - br> [translation]: Gentlemen do not think for a small good deeds and give up its not worth the small improvement to become a major accumulation of good; do not think that a small harmless went over evil committed it, a small accumulation of evil will become a major evil. So the pressure can build up in feathers sink boats to pile up a lot of light material off the axle can be pressed.

31, world without parents, often with the good. in distress, trouble less; plot evil home, will be more than a calamity. -, festive; evil-ridden people, there will be a lot of unexpected calamity plagues.

32, can not be false to good and evil can not quit. -, [Translation]: the name of Virtue, not by hypocrisy provoke; evil in reality, it will not wash away by words.

33, for the good climbers such as weight, Chi Although still fear does the force less. evil, such as walking by Jun Sakamoto, although not adding enough could not spur the system. - Although strong-willed, and have less fear of the power still; evil, as by a horse down the hillside, though not necessarily focus on encouragement, hard to stop and control.

34, every dollar can be as good deeds, not mere luck Fu Wang newspaper; cent evil can not sprout, you should know that contrary to those working against Seoul Seoul. - or the heavenly bounty; a slightest idea of evil can not germination, should know from your body will eventually be sent to you reward him.

35, stingy person from the get rich, then across the street was something of a rat ; Xia seen their homes destroyed or cause, then something was a centipede ①. - but not stiff people shouting; cavalier sense of justice may be incurred by the person or the disaster of the ruined house, but there is danger of a large number of people will have justice Helping Hand.

36, the right to charge as high as the daughter of the node is satisfied, if the dumping semi-cooked scoop of grain to economic starvation; structure which attracted thousands of guests ① Ying, how about the number of rafters of dirty thatch to shelter miserly. - thousands of Ying, means a one thousand buildings housing the grand columns.

[translated]: spend large sums of money to make wealthy elite, as poured out half an food to aid to the hungry person; build a grand grand Hawker huge room to attract celebrities, as renovating a cottage only a few rafters purlins to cover poor widows and orphans who shelter.

37, known fear evil, evil has switched to the wing; is good people want to know, hi, is evil at the root. - evil.