Sunday, December 19, 2010

Understanding of Buddhism - a happy education

Giving Dharma teaching curriculum standards we know the contents, then in their daily lives, how do we live? How politics matter? Buddha In these places there is no clear guidance? I think it is each one of our fellow practitioners are very concerned about. these issues in all Mahayana Buddhism which has been on our extensive description of its content is the Bodhisattva's degrees. also That is, in our daily life, on people, on the matter, on the property, to abide by these six principles: charity, precepts, patience, diligence, meditation, Wisdom. mouthwash from the morning to get up, brush your teeth at night sleeping all day is in contact with the six perfections, which should be the real practice.
general, the first men of the world in pursuit of wealth. because there is no wealth, life would be flies bitter, so wealth is The first effort to pursue. followed by the pursuit of smart, intelligent. people have to do not like dull, but also want to pursue longevity mm long and healthy life! give up the pursuit of all these three goals, all times, no exceptions . Buddhism is to satisfy our desire, desirability, and these three things can not get it? can get. saying goes well: l Fr gate responsive. r some people ask why can not it? because he was unclear the truth, do not know how to pursue the method. the truth is the truth! If you know how to reason, know the way, can not find none. Buddha to tell us the principle, the principle is to help us the right answers. Therefore, this important code, and we experience to be thin. Buddha tells us, wealth, wisdom, health and longevity, are of retribution; To get the fruit, must be pre-result. good for me for a good result, due to be evil for evil; a result there must be a result of there because there must be results. This is the eternal truth. was rich! wealth come from? definitely not he is smart, or his many ways, you can make money. because a lot of people smarter than him, than he methods were more flexible, why those people do not get rich and he made a fortune? Buddha to tell us to get wealth, is the pre-existence because of species. What kind of a result of it? financial generosity! So there six times, giving out in the first. l r be giving financial wealth; l r method was giving wisdom; l r giving a healthy long life without fear. Therefore, to have wealth, wisdom, health and longevity of these three results is reported that certain financial facilities to repair, France facilities, giving of fearlessness because of these three. worldly human life was reported in this fruit, most pre-existence of cultivation, and few people are in this life, cultivation of. in this life, if the repair is very active, have retribution in this life, do not wait the next life This is the fruit. must depend on repair because of retribution, this is the law will never change.
(1) giving financial donation
l r in the entire Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva practice is the most important one. limitless the Dharma, is summed up in six degrees. The six then be summarized, is giving one. so the Buddha teaches us first of all giving Paramita repair. l giving r, it is generally difficult to understand its true meaning. often heard giving to catch a donation little money to the temple to go. This is the wrong solution! such an understanding, and giving too narrow! there is a Buddha repair it? In fact, in daily life, every thought for others, not for themselves, is giving, that is, for support. So every day giving everyone in the repair Paramita, Bodhisattva line every day, just do not know, do not know. For example in the morning, wash the family what you have prepared properly, breakfast and tea are burned, you in giving, to support your family ah! your professional Bodhisattva, repair giving perfections, in the repair of extensive repair support Samantabhadra. You see how happy your heart. can say is to not say: l Oh! family When my mother, Maid, maid, asking me to serve them every day. r complain so every day, all giving no merit. You see, the idea of a turn, whining, pain becomes Busch Paramita, immediately happiness and wisdom of Buddha to be beneficial. In some systems the United States, as people have to donate. such as medical insurance, everyone should buy it. Why? afraid of their own sick time, medical expenses can not afford, so before buying insurance, by the insurance companies pay for medical expenses for you. pay medical insurance premiums each month, if their illness in order to prepare, and it will certainly get sick; do not get sick, there is no way the money cost of ah. If the idea of a turn: I was giving in the repair, maintenance support; help sick people, dependent people who are sick. This Give it away, your life will never get sick. Why? your repair is not sick because ah! you give, take care the elderly, you have good results in the future! even older, there will be many young people care for you, take care of you, serve you! what and what kind of retribution for a certain end. say one service line number in the company, the daily work , if it is in order to win some more money, or to position to slowly increase, it is not giving out. If we can keep this mind: I work hard today, is giving the company is supporting the community, plus not my pay and promotion sought, that is the line the Bodhisattva path. to make Buddha's heart charity work, never tired tire will do more more happy. This is the saying used to say: who promises a good harvest. If it is had to do it yourself do not want to do, it will fatigue, will be annoying. On the contrary, happy, happy to do, the more spirit would do more. I like today to introduce the world where Buddhism is my joy to do! This is the law giving ah! you do not understand, and I'll teach you, tell you the hope that we can reduce the worry, pain, can get the joy and wisdom of Buddhism to enrich lives and enhance the happy life! I am in a ninety-eight four years, the third time to Los Angeles, the plane, auditorium has a good layout and immediately went to lectures. about nine hours a day, but also I stood about, sat listening to the people under; sit and listen to the people tired, I'm not tired of people talking, the more talk about the more spiritual, more about Louder. Why? because the concept is different frame of mind. If I am preaching to calculate the number of part-time fee for an hour to bring it, and then listen to see people do not vigorously, it will be tired, tired. I did not come to this, I used the very heart of the supreme joy, profound, subtle Buddhism introduced to everyone. This joy is the happiness of ah! is the most good nutrition. Today, we emphasize the nutrition that nutrition, it is false ah. take a look at Zen Buddhism inside for food r. l What is Zen? heart pure; Wyatt is a happy heart, this is the most nourishing (the most rich nourishment), so health is not diet! too zealous, suitably hi, will be healthy, long life, young, not old. make people worry about the old, sick people every day facial expression, and susceptibility to disease, old age will be very fast. joy, health factors, it is derived from giving Paramita. We cite an example to illustrate, gentlemen, here, to buy car insurance. Why? when a car accident was compensated. If you're idea of a turn: I'm giving this amendment is to help people who have an accident. so you will never be out of the car accident, will always have the Buddha blessing you. of you see, the idea of a switch, is the Buddha; idea does not turn, is Bono ! Buddha with the ordinary person what is the difference? one sense, one is lost. mm fans are everything for themselves; enlightened mm everything to all beings. everything for all living things, that she has the benefits of real weird, can do nothing about imagination! like samples are for themselves, the benefits a little bit, and got to no. you say, who is smart? Who is the fool? So as to be obsessed with all living beings, not for themselves. this life, you have wealth, money It is good fortune; money is wisdom. money can be used in the community, can be used in public, this is great wisdom, is the real money will be used. If all for their own sake, it was stupid, and repair to a little bit of good fortune, just a few days to enjoy the end. if the idea of a turn, giving the good fortune to all beings, the more good fortune by Sheng, until there is no end. giving meaning limitless. each of us, every days in daily life, anytime, anywhere for further studies. as long as the idea of a turn, that is, the Bodhisattva Path; turn, however, it is a six ordinary man. more financial giving, just name a few examples, of you own to go to a lot of experience, a lot to contemplate, it will do a complete.
financial giving, the Buddha took it inside and outside into the financial wealth. foreign money is the worldly possessions, is the fiscal body. in the medical profession, there are a lot of donated corneas or internal organs were donated, which is a kind of inner wealth. Moreover, our strength to help others, but also in financial giving. If we do not seek compensation for others work, is the obligation to work (volunteer), which also belong to the financial donation . It can be seen, giving us all the time to do that is not the kind of giving heart, so it is not the Bodhisattva Path. If we have a giving heart, always so every day, all was revised six times, all is Bodhisattva repair method. So the Buddha Law in different places with the ordinary person there? is read in which the heart; a thought for all living beings feel mm, that is, the Buddha; a thought for their own fans mm, that is, ordinary man. Thus Buddhists standards of good and evil: those who both for their own evil, are good for others. The beginner who listened hard to understand!, why not for yourself? of you to know that ordinary person it is not Buddha, is composed of two persistent obstacles. s One is the ego and the second is law enforcement. If broken ego, and to permit Aluohanguo; law enforcement to make a break to become a Buddha. those obsessed with their own people, the ego is growing every day, even if repair all the good deeds, it is only persistent growth. Because attachment is not broken, so the Buddha said that this is evil. you do not want the three realms, it is another matter, think of the Three Realms, be sure to break me, law enforcement II. I perform is trouble barrier, the source of trouble; law enforcement is a source of knowledge barriers.
(2) The second method is giving
r. l law giving law giving wisdom, smart, talent and skill of the repair due. Therefore, It includes a very wide range. It is usually divided into the world and the world all the laws, is Buddhism and world law. all people want to know, want to learn, as long as I will, I can, to enthusiastic to teach him, These are laws giving. So law is not necessarily giving preached preached to the immeasurable Dharma is one of them. For example, a good cook, B will not, but would like to learn, a dedication to try to teach B, which is law giving. Another example is someone not to do works, I will do, I guide him, teach him, it is called charity. the children to explain the primary school curriculum, too, is giving. even all walks of life endless knowledge, technology, no conditions, no reward for teaching, all belong to law giving. If there is a price, school fees, and it is not giving out. Some people may ask: Now every month salaried teachers, they teach children , is this algorithm is giving is not it? This is a study of teachers heart. If a teacher is to educate the next generation, not the name of IDS, it is giving. If it was for salaries, or to upgrade, to rise from the instructor associate professor or professor, it is not a law giving the. really amend the law giver, is very enthusiastic, not too weak tire of. is not amending the law giver, not fame and fortune, to depression, despair, and teaching will not enthusiastic power is limited. So the endless compassion Buddha always to the benefit of all beings, absolutely no conditions, particularly in Buddhism. Wuliangshoujing Buddha told us, all giving, the law giving the most. where law Giving alms is the Dharma. because the world is not what the French charity, giving Dharma alone can help all sentient beings, and thus access to infinite wisdom, endless German energy, talent, Duan Fannao, the life and death, the three realms, Buddha Road. This kinds of giving is the most complete and most excellent, except there was surpassingly Mahayana Bodhisattva law, so if they visit all praise of all the Buddhas. look at our Buddhist community, and giving a classic is the most important; followed by the assertion preaching tapes, video tapes; then there are the parties to accept the invitation to introduce Buddhism to the public, to promote the social, giving it all is the law. But now we have been this open, the latter often printed Copyright or l are not allowed to reproduce r, which is not a law giving the. What is this? is a businessman and in selling books ah! Dharma are not all the virtue, that is to open a bookstore business world to do business only! tapes l Copyright is not allowed even a small number of copies requested r. preaching, but also dependent on a good first mm say how many hours, how much support to the trading mm and it has become, this is not charity. So be Bodhisattva only to benefit the people, definitely not for himself. If a place does not support, but the public really want Buddhism, the Buddha way on their own would like to charge full beings, absolutely not force anyone not difficult as long as we truly Buddhist Most Excellent interests.
(3) The third is called l fearless fearlessly giving
r. giving physical and mental unrest in living beings, fear, fear of the time, he will help him eliminate his fear that this type of donation is called giving fearlessness . their scope is very broad. For example, aggression by foreign countries, war; in that people panic when the army to the front to resist the enemy, protecting the rear, so that people can live and work behind it are fearless giving. Another example: Some people be afraid to walk at night; some ghosts, some are afraid of robbers, and very long road, I could take him back, a ride with him, he was not scared, and peace of mind, which is also called fear giving. Other examples to do not need to cite. It can be seen, as long as living beings is called physical stability, leave all fear, all called fear giving. fear of retribution may be giving health and longevity. Speaking of this place, I remind fellow practitioners, giving a vegetarian diet are fearless all living beings see you will not be afraid. Why? because you will not hurt him; really done successfully, too healthy to live longer. coupled with the law was giving wisdom, financial giving have wealth, which is the most urgent, basic needs, we want these three results have been reported, it is necessary to repair the three giving seriously. In Chinese history, wealth, intelligent, intelligence, health, longevity, largest and most successful is the Qianlong emperor. l you he is the Son of Heaven, full of universal r, concurrently smart, intelligent, healthy and long life. He did six years of the emperor, but also the overlord for four years. He said to himself: l the emperor of ancient Greece. r ancient Greece and some . it is true, is not false, nor is he boasts. This is his past life, life after life, are successful repair pure financial measures, the Dharma, giving of fearlessness, it was such a great blessing!
Buddha in the Mahayana, and often teaches us that we must repair the Buddha giving Paramita. Paramita l What is the meaning of a successful r. how to do what successful charity? This is an important subject of the Buddha. in our daily life, attitude of life from morning to night, others, Receiving, as long as the switch to a thought, always and everywhere there were not in the repair giving. But this is not satisfactory, not really. how successful giving is down, the house is to help others. how are we put it? l homes down will be followed by a word r. mm round was mm. small homes on small to large homes on large enough, to not give up. Buddha tell us what a successful round what is it? Members Do you have trouble? there! So why do not worry about giving (homes) out? Do you have any worries? you have worried about? Do you have life and death? There is no reincarnation? giving all these things out, then you for a large successful, too large a happier life. This is what's giving, that is, giving Paramita. We must proceed from external objects, practice slowly homes, homes that can care all, and finally even the troubles, all give it life and death, and that to be able to recover from the pure light of.
2. precept precepts r. l
second is that law-abiding precept, the world out of this world all things, regardless of size, has its own rules, be sure to follow the rule, it can be done successfully and quickly. degrees inside the precepts is to our common law, does not only refer Shouchi Five Precepts, the Ten Commandments (which is the fundamental precepts). in the family, a family of rules, father and son, husband and wife , brother, it is ethics, he has seniority, there is a natural order, and must not be reversed! a reversal of the family into chaos mm Father Father, the Son is not Son. For cooking, the cooking is also the order of mm Wash rice, pot, adjust the temperature up in both hands up in both hands, do not follow this rule, the rice to cook well, but also cook unfamiliar. cooking, the pot also has, and even learning, and also have the order and method. Buddhism, Buddhism The method is more stringent is fine. We want to be successful on the Buddha, the Buddhist must follow the order to us for further studies, a large heart from the start made. big heart and is willing to level the heart of all living beings; and Duan Fannao, broken habits, to learn Dharma, finally, Yuan Cheng Buddhism and Taoism. became the Buddha, sentient beings have the ability range, to be able to successfully achieve the first vows vows mm beings infinite degree. Otherwise, just say, can not, it becomes an empty wish. Some people may ask: l have to become a Buddha? do not you Buddha? r notes, although the du Buddha, not degrees of rank higher than his bodhisattva; even though we feel the Buddha, etc., nor the degree of rank equal with the Buddha felt ; become a Buddha, Bodhisattva, etc. are also degrees of sleep within a. Therefore, we must attain Buddhahood, to be able to span nine Dharmadhatu all sentient beings. have the willing, will be issued to the power of compassion, we can continuous effort. Now, although people always read Sihongshiyuan willing heart, did not issue to. Why? because there Shifei Xin, who my heart, so sick. So he is different from person A very good with me, and I degree him; a B I hate him, I did not level him. so, we vow to degree l r under the boundless living beings annotated mm some people I do not degrees. so, it is not really ready, willing not satisfactory. because the heart is willing to complete the first serve, that is, the Buddha, is no different. So on the first living Buddha Flower Adornment Sutra, the Buddha called the initial issuance of the heart, called the heart and live. The heart is called bodhicitta, is an incredible, incredible, is not Bono's six heart volume. Buddha taught us l compassion is often based, easy to door r. teach us how to live is, how to live. weekday mean to be compassionate, have a way to do things and do right. should know that there is also a method of approach, Methods heavy endless ah! so these two words is not confined to the narrow Buddhism, daily life, we should generally spend. If this section to introduce the six degrees, is the six programs, the six methods; each unit of years, and There are many ways, we can see is endless numerous friends. Once you get good at using, is there any uncomfortable! are not happy that the truth? This is a precept Paramita.
3. shame
third, l r. shame shame Paramita is patient, no matter what the situation, must have patience. then turned by the Master, see the Chinese people have a stubborn personality. is often recorded in ancient books: l persons (scholars) can be killed can not be humiliated . r talking about tolerance, everything can be tolerated, even behead does not matter, can endure, endure not only an insult; therefore, will be turned by the Master of the term Fanzuo shame. shame all may be able to, that there What can not bear it! it is designed to shame the Chinese turned stubborn personality, and its original meaning only l patient r, meaning there is no shame, which is intended to tell us that small things have a little patience, big things have great patience. Sutra tells us: l be as in the tolerance of all methods. r no patience, nothing is not done. to reading study, the four-year college, you have to endure four years, can not endure four years to graduate. to this place two and a half hours of listening, but also have patience, can we resist, the court can hear the successful Buddhism. It can be seen, a person without patience, no matter how good his condition is nothing . because success will always belong to the patient, persevering man; so patience is a very important condition of success. Buddha in the Sutra on the Buddha told us six times, giving special emphasis on r and l l insults and r, the other speaks very little . In other words, these two is the practice key to success.
saying used to say: l doing things difficult, more difficult to place people. r people still vulnerable at once, and now at the difficult people than ever do not know how many times! reasons Where? previous education is to teach us life; present education system, only to teach us things. So we do not know how to behave. on his own ever-changing emotions can not understand, let alone to understand others. how you say people are not at hard to do!
To this end, the Buddhist to our patient. patience is divided into three categories. First, is a man-made harm to be able to bear. forbearance people insult you, for your framed. may be able to, it is absolutely benefits. Why? may be able to, the heart clean, easy to get fixed, monasticism easy achievement, but also the greatest blessing. Second, is a natural change. such as hot and cold, cold and heat changes, to endure; hunger, thirst to be able to tolerance; encountered natural disasters, but also to be patient. Third, is the practice. dharma further studies have to be patient. in the absence of law before hi, kung fu is not effective until the practice was hard, the road is hard, this phase has passed, very happy, why? because effort on track. to above highway, not found in the highway, in the bottom circle of the time, it was hard ah! road car and great, slow, and must have patience ah! on the highway, very comfortable, fun, and all the block were not there. We are Buddhists, too, at the beginning of school is the key to explore the limitless, sect. in the end that were good? I want to study? some people are lucky, three, five have found; just like the lucky ones, and take a path connected to the road immediately. Some people spend ten or twenty years, and even life are intangible opportunities! it very odd, very bitter by. This, of course with his good roots, Ford has a relationship, good roots, Ford, is the situation right, the Buddha must be blessing. This is the l Fr give up one gate to the road r! a really, really catechumens who guard the Buddha is often there to take care of, he really is willing to accept, give him a revelation, a bright road to find out. Why not come to that point of Buddha wake you? point is you do not accept! to tell you this method, you thought: Oh! this may not be good, I heard people say that the Dharma than this Most Excellent ah. You even went to the Buddha bickering, controversy. that Buddha had not come. This is hope that you carefully go understand. so practice a lot of patience, no patience can not be achieved. Patience is the first meditation easy, can not bear not one step further in the state; patient is diligent preparation effort, l have the patience to talk about it fine into r.
4. sophisticated sophisticated
l r, precision is the expertise, into a progressive. It can be seen, Buddhism is not a conservative, but not outdated, Buddhism is seeking progress every day. as Confucian Nichinichi, continually renewed. Now, they say: Confucius is outdated, Buddhism should be eliminated. This is his six degrees of sophistication for the Buddhist and Confucian renewed the total lack of understanding, and induced fallacy. progress is good, the most important thing is to sophisticated. fine is pure and not mixed. At present, the West has many great scientists, among them many special life inventions. He is the specialization mm every day to study, perseverance finally a new discovery! worldly so, Buddhism as well. In the immeasurable Dharma which must be an in-depth l r, to be able achievement. want to learn doors doors, it is absolutely impossible achievement. doors doors Studies It is a matter beyond achievement, an achievement, and other immeasurable Dharma and saw an immediate accessibility of all. So all of a pass through. dharma, in the absence of enlightenment, not accessible before the school doors doors will become a barrier! This is the practice must be aware of. We give an example of the achievements of Buddha, you will suddenly realize: the ancients are specialized in further studies to be a success.
Republic of China, Dixian one apprentice mage, This apprentice monk at the age of forty. his age is almost like the old Master, who is a childhood playing with friends. Dixian Master family environment a little better, so read that book. His uncle brought him out of business, therefore be seen the world, had to travel. classmate of his family is poor and there is no school. grew up, very hard, learn a l r craft maker drain pan. What is missing pot maker? is broken dishes, He can fill it up and reuse. he pick a burden every day, shouting out, very hard. he really bitter experience to life! he also knows a child playing with friends, out of the home, a monk, and So to find. Dixian Master found in the temple some days, just like the old Master said: l I want to become a monk. r Master said: l Why? rl life so bitter, I have to become a monk. r old monk said, : l Do not kidding, a couple of days or to do business right! r Why do not let him become a monk? old monk to consider his age too! at the time, four or five years old is old, too bad the manual. monks, five lessons can not learn, the Scriptures are read does not come, so live in the temple, people look down, do not care how the heart is very sad ah! school preaching it! he did not know the word, have to start from the school , to be achieved that year ah? Thus, the old monk to reject him. the results of his hard-Down to: l I am not a monk is not, I do not do business. r old monk to do a little way he did not, then think of a child with ah, this feeling both hands up in both hands. The old monk said: l so good, if you really want to become a monk, you have to promise me several conditions. r, he said: l this is no problem, I think you Master did, you all hear what I say, all accepted. r The old monk said: l This is good! I give you shaved, shaved his head, you are not going to be ordained and do not live in the temple. ordained, five thirteen days you can not stand. say Ningbo country, there are many small temple, dilapidated temple, the temple unoccupied waste to find a small temple to live down. r the old Master in the vicinity, to find a few law enforcement, every month to the faithful He sent a little money, send a little rice, to stay with his life. and in the vicinity of the old lady looking for a Buddha, his laundry every day, and burning at noon, two in the evening meal. and teach him that the chanting Namo Amitabha r l . account of his: l you to read this sentence Beige, read tired, they rest, rest, and you would no longer read; has read it, and you must be good for the future. r the people do not read, but obedient, honest, and he the words of this holy dead set on sixth. He really tired to read the rest, rested, then read on. In the temple, have not gone for three years, a chanting, and is not complicated, this is called sophisticated. This One day, he left the temple, to the city to see his relatives and friends. After dinner, just cook the old lady who said: l tomorrow you do not cook for me. r The old lady thought: l Master III years did not go out, go out to see friends today, probably tomorrow, a friend invited him to dinner, so he asked me not to cook the. r the next day at noon, the old lady to the temple to see, master had not come back? there is no who invited him to dinner? It was a dilapidated temple, temple is not related to the temple, shouting Master, no one should be to go look for. saw the master standing in the dormitory, facing the windows, hands holding rosary . scream, he did not respond; walked in front of him, before we know, he was dead! mm die standing Buddha passed away. The old lady was shocked, she had never seen people die is standing, then quickly report that several law enforcement. The law enforcement look, do not know how to do, to send people to the concept of case reports Dixian Temple Master. At that time no car, asked people to the messenger, went door and back, takes three days. you see He stood died, but also to stand for three days, waiting for his master to back him to do his funeral. of you know, three years successful, sophisticated it! meaning after seeing the old, very impressed, said: l you do not have white monk you, your achievements, the Sutra of the Master, famous pagoda in a temple's abbot, no one quite like you, ah! r a Buddha, read tired, they rest, have a good rest to re-read, three successful the cycle of life and death, this Most Excellent achievement to get there to find ah? a Buddha, called specialization, not mixed, non-stop, is the key to success.
law, whether the world out of this world, want to have real in this life achievements, we must know the diligent. whether it is Buddha, Zen, mantras, or the Research and Education, must know to comply with this principle. teach, if the heart of a human hair, his further studies can help others. the best life , only one study by specifically about an economic, that is fine friends. Each repeat once again, there must be over the state, has improved over time. If someone specifically about Amitabha Sutra, to say the years, that person is Amitabha. If Universal Door decade devoted to the subject, this person is the Goddess of Mercy. if he were about ten years after, he is nothing. you only know the valuable r l Enhancement ah! Republic of the fifty-eight Nebula Master looking for me to teach Buddhist College, I have advised him, and persuaded him to let every student through a special school, and I said: l Master ah! that, ten or twenty years after the Buddha Light Illuminating your world ah . r said after he heard: l would be wonderful! but it was not Buddhist Institute. Buddhist College opened inside the class, to be the same as the ordinary schools. r I said: l do have certain advantages. r the last He did not accept, where I teach a semester left. If time is really accepted my proposal, we make a hundred people fold, and now there are more than fifty experts from preaching, we will have it! We have to After listening to Amitabha, Buddha invited to share with you preach; want to listen to Buddhist scriptures, there is Jizo to preach. all of them are experts, so that only truly universal promote Buddhism. So I hope you do experts, do not do it through home ; learn everything on the surface, the result is not everything through. the same pass, the result is know everything; though know everything, or as post-Hong. This practice is for everyone to be a model and be a role model . which Buddha, the Buddha statue which is not know everything! but as he was advertised. This teaches us an in-depth l r l is called the repair of school, sophisticated r; sophisticated interests of merit is limitless.
5. meditation and meditation Prajna
V r. l world and the world of meditation, including meditation. the world is about Sichan eight scheduled meditation; to marble, which will be able to Health Se Jietian, formless days. This the heaven is high, need to get meditation. the world of meditation, a Mahayana, Hinayana distinction. Buddhas Ru Laisuo repair, we call on the meditation on the world. the hub of the entire Dharma School is not the Zen in the l given r. repair before meditation, the other sects do not repair meditation. the Buddha, the Buddha, where the purpose of it? was bent on chaos; bent on chaos is meditation. taught under the revised meditation, meditation is meditation. Shuzo esoteric secret inside Accordingly, the corresponding is meditation. It can be seen, each sect, Dharma, the use of the term, though not the same, in fact, are revised. So in the six perfections, l r all meditation are included. even our daily lives, and that set also contains a small camera in it. This little set is it? is dominated by heart. At best, this life of them, they have a direction, a goal, in this direction, the target will not be around us shake, which is scheduled to r. l, such as scientists, research something, something else he will not be affected, he will be successful; he would have told l Buddhist Samadhi Samadhi rmm technology. Buddha of person who is not chaos, Samadhi Buddha he would have, as I just said that the old Master Dixian apprentice, he really does not get bent on chaos. Therefore, patience is a foundation may be able to have patience, patience to refined, sophisticated enough to win the set, and l be r is the hub of practice. l meditation r, Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra in which the master giving us a definition of clear definition, to know not just meditation meditation repair only. l r meditation meditation is immeasurable repair methods One, in addition to meditation, there are infinite ways in repair meditation. Sixth Patriarch Master is enlightened by the Diamond Sutra, so what he said, are based on the principle of the Diamond Sutra Buddha says, in principle. He explained : l r is outside the vain Zen phase (phase is not attached to any state of meditation); l do not be tempted r is within. Sutra has two Sakyamuni Buddhist Venerable Subhuti, what is the attitude to use to promote Buddhism and benefit living quotes. and that is: l do not take on the phases, such as, if not fixed. r-phase is not taken in the l. ..

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