Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12 constellation for the reaction I love you

passers-by said: I love you
Pisces: Who are you
passers-by said: I love you as a person
Pisces: I know you
passers-by said: Do you know is not important,Bailey UGG boots, important is that I love you
Pisces: Do not play me, you who
passers in the end said: hey hey hey ..
Pisces: Hey Hey .. Do not play me
passers-by said: I love you
Aries: Ha ha ha
passers-by said: I do love you
Aries: you go to hit the wall it ha ha ha
Taurus < br> passers-by said: I love you
Taurus: Neural
passers-by said: It is really
Taurus: Neural
passers-by said: really love you
Taurus: good good then I Ye Hao love you. love the love the .... can Knock me right ...
passers-by said: I love you
Gemini: You're wrong it
passers-by said: Yes .. I? love? you .. every word of
Gemini: I know .. you? is? change? state ... yes it
passers-by said: I love you
Cancer: I had lunch
passers-by said: ah?

passers Leo said: I love you
Leo: What utter, said passers
: I love you
Leo: Oh, (After a child ...)< br> passers-by said: Hey Leo
: whatcha
passers-by said: I love you
Leo: I A passerby said that
: Oh
passers said: I love you
Block: Do not joke
passers-by said: I love you
Libra: I know
passers-by said: Why know
Libra: Because you are 89 pairs of people saying this I
passers-by said: I love you
Scorpio: I'm nobody alive said this to me said :.... I'm sorry ...
passers bother ....< br> Sagittarius
passers-by said: I love you
Sagittarius: Why? < br> passers-by said: love you if I find out the reason,cheap UGG boots, I had already found reason not to love you
Sagittarius: You blind me confused, can not you see between us is impossible to do < br> Capricorn
passers-by said: I love you
Capricorn: I hit you
passers-by said: I love you
Aquarius: Do you want part-time earn a little money,bailey UGG boots, now a good opportunity to have no interest in listening to
passers-by said: not interested
Aquarius: This is not a mouse will, not a pyramid scheme, but guaranteed to make you a monthly income of tens of thousands of pedestrians ...
said: Go to hell you
Aquarius: Believe me, the opportunity is left to cherish the people ...
passers-by said: It was enough

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