Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pisces & Virgo

 Friend recommended a website for my speed Friendly:
school is in the constellation Virgo and Pisces is 180 degrees on the house, a lot of things are the opposite, but rest assured, on the contrary a sense that There are some things in common, only the expression of ideas and methods, as long as the correct and find a middle ground, is definitely a pair of very understanding.
least Pisces Virgo can clearly understand the ideas and attitudes of people , a lot of trouble even if he is very picky, Pisces can accept this. And because Pisces Virgo gentle nature, a lot of unnecessary chatter convergence. When started, use the sacrifice Pisces Virgo to accept the idea of love, virgin Block the way with the service of Pisces, the two to respect each other care for each other.

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