Monday, November 15, 2010

U.S. latest nano liquid armor

 Since the war since the armor (combat service) R & D has never stopped, people have been fighting protective clothing and find a balance between comfort and hope to create both a flexible and lightweight bulletproof combat suit. According to the British ; shear thickening fluid no different, but once you speed up the pace and intensity of mixing, found it more and more sticky, and immediately became fixed stirring.
helmets clothing boots and consequently do
goal is to make this technology a kinds of low-cost, lightweight new materials,UGG bailey button, this material is superior to the current body armor bulletproof dedicated ; shear thickening fluid very versatile and can be used in protective apparel, automotive armor,UGG boots clearance, helmets and gloves, will not only provide protection for the soldiers and police, but also for any dangerous industries, such as miners and construction workers to provide a more comfortable work clothes. The new Materials can also be made explosion-proof blankets, covering the suspicious packages or unexploded munitions, and even can be used in paratrooper boots, which boots in the collision can be hard to protect the paratroopers of the ankle.
soft light
end of this year as ordinary clothes, the first use of > As we all know, the traditional body armor did not protect many of the key parts of the military, such as arms, neck, leg and elbow, because these sites require constant activity and bending. today's body armor, bulletproof vests are usually called, not only heavy, and stiff, curved fold inconvenience to manufacturing needs pants and sleeves, it can only cover your trunk. The use of full set of clothes legs to protect any part of the military, regardless of how the human body bending performance of body armor protection will not be damaged,UGGs, this is the real body armor.
production. The new body armor and helmets, clothes and boots, all with a flexibility.
a dozen consumer to restore power to hard
. use it to manufacture protective clothing is often called ; shear thickening fluid Once Liverpool had been knife cut, stab, or high speed bullets, shrapnel impact, in the moment by the shock becomes very tough, and the impact can quickly spread out along the fabric, greatly reducing the pressure per unit area. When impact disappeared, Delaware State University Research Center for synthesis . It is reported that use of , has been only found in myth and fiction, such as Huang Rong soft hedgehog A, A, and so brave. but light armor and protective has been a pair of irreconcilable contradictions, even the most advanced bullet-proof vest, in fact, medieval armor did not in principle than on how much clever, play a major protective effect, or inserted in the inside piece of metal plates. Hummer military vehicles are also facing the same problem, and now the light armored Humvees, U.S. troops in Iraq have been repeatedly criticized,UGG shoes, because the protective ability decreased significantly, they often add their own soldering iron to enhance the protection of a few.
now, usually just ordinary cloth, once attacked, to instantly become extremely tough, but can spread to the surrounding impact will be damage to a minimum. The The key ingredients extremely fine silicon particles (very hard) is another ingredient STF. This highly mobile liquid and solid particles combined, can form a performance of unusual materials.
Council liquid, but the rapid movement when the hard particles collide with each other, hindering the movement of each other, so the shear thickening fluid r l becomes tough.

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