Monday, November 29, 2010

Fifty-one of God Tabernacle of the joy of the Levites

 Scripture: 3:5-13
Levites people are pleasing to God, who, like the priest is to serve God, and Aaron is a family out of the tribe of Levi. The Bible is often referred to the Levites does not include a family of Aaron the priest. God is not the tribe of none other standing in front of Aaron, for the tent thing. By this way, and the Levites join with the priest serve the tabernacle. They belong to the priest, to help priests serve, and serve access to the supply of their lives.
Why not be eligible for benefits serve God? for two reasons: one, they are specially selected by God, Lee 3:6-9 you make the tribe of Levi near,cheap UGG boots, well before Aaron the priest, and serve him, for him and keep the congregation in the tabernacle of the congregation are commanded to do for the tabernacle; also tabernacle of the apparatus, and keep the children of Israel, and for the tent thing. You want the Levites to Aaron and his sons, because they are selected from the children of Israel out to him. Why did God selected the Levites assisted the priests serve? The reason is loyalty to the Levites. out of 32: records : When Moses on Mount Sinai, a long time did not come down, man-made golden calf of Israel rebelled against God, they sacrifice to the golden calf, sit down and eat and drink, rose up to play. Moses down the mountain to see such a scenario, much of the anger, and stood in the camps said Leaflets: the LORD shall come to me! So all the sons of Levi gathered together unto him, Moses said to them: the Lord God of Israel said: each of you knife across his waist, in the camp exchanges; from door to that door, kill everyone and his brother and fellow neighbor .28 sections: the sons of Levi did as Moses said the line. can see the loyalty of the Levites, God selected them to serve an important reason for their 2. They are the .12-13 instead of the firstborn of Israel Israel chose me from the Levites instead of all the firstborn of Israel, the Levites shall be mine. because all the firstborn is mine, I struck down all the firstborn of Egypt that day, put all the firstborn in Israel, both man and beast were consecrated unto me; they will have to be me, I am the LORD. Levites instead of all the children of Israel the firstborn to God, in God and the Israelites in the agreement, the firstborn son of Israel to serve God first fruits of the native ground also completely dedicated to God. God, especially the Levites instead of the eldest son of Israel, Therefore, the Levites serve for all the children of Israel before God on behalf of the whole of Israel, as the same priest.
Levites serve pleasing to God, the performance of three aspects:
first : willing to offer, not for industry. Levites, the biggest difference with the other Israelis, that he can not have their own industries, because God is their inheritance. the people but only the Levites 18:23 tabernacle of the congregation to do something, play a sin This should be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, they have no inheritance in Israel. This is a lot of people can not understand, how to serve God, God will not give industry? is not God unfair to those who serve the people not paying attention, why are God's industry? the Levites did not ask the question, they do not innocence, on the contrary, or the loyalty of the ministry. although they do not industry, but by God, a rich supply. they do not inherit the earth, God gave them to 48 cities, including six cities of refuge, to manslaughter where people can escape to the protection of (public 35:1-8), while outside the country and give them to enable them to pasture livestock. and, in particular the people of God one-tenth of produce to the Levites,UGG shoes, the people of Israel in 18:21 who produced one-tenth, I have given to the sons of Levi for the industry,UGG bailey button, because they will be run by Tent thing, so give them to pay their workers. Here we see an important principle: the real people who serve God is not for the industry, people who are willing to offer. Today, your ministry, why? willing to put the people with no industry, no grumbling. Do not for their own industries to serve God, although many people do not attempt to serve through the rich, but often because of face, glory, pride, etc. These often become our vanity industry, their own demands are not met, to blame blame, that block we have the joy of God. We are willing to put on the serve, because thanks to serve God, should not have their own purposes.
Second: fulfilling their duties and orderly. Levite family of three main categories, namely Kohath Gershon and Merari, who have their own ministry. Kohathites responsible for carrying the Tabernacle carry apparatus (after the priest cover); leather responsible for managing the canopy along ethnic and curtains; Merari clan is responsible for lifting and installation will carry the vertical screen panels. They serve in the tabernacle of the congregation, each person has their own position, has a specific ministry. they made with the priest compared, it seems that small, but they do not feel their serve well, they just do their dedicated efforts is to serve, and truly embodies all things be done decently and in order according to the line (I Cor 14:40) . For this reason, they serve is more effective.
requirements serve the people of God fulfilling their duties and orderly. serve the people must know their place and part, so as to loyalty. in the Church, each individuals who are to be used of God, are the Levites, take the serve of the ministry, will hold your position. pulling copper pegs, and not to carry carry tent, do not blame the ministry. to do their The serve is the part, someone else how to do it is his relationship with God, the God responsible. to be like, like the Levites, hold their own ministry, with each other, serve together to complete. not just serve the church pastor, priest responsibility, commitment to serve the children of God have the responsibility. God has chosen our aim is to serve us, serve through the glory. clear understanding of their ministry, according to the rules serve the church in order to serve the purpose. At the same time , and understand what a person serve not need all of them with a man neglect his own ministry, it will affect the overall ministry. week, if not received, it will not be affected; stereo does not, it will not be affected; serve the people come in, left, will not be affected. There is no doubt: would not a perfect week. not only to those who worship by the loss, also by the loss of the glory of God.
Finally: do not seek glory, to serve in silence. priests from the tribe of Levi, however, serve to show his face inside the tent of meeting, they are all priests. the glory of God to the priest's garments, the priest what sacrifice is to be tent and no copies of the Levites, as if all the good priests have been received, honor, status, rights have nothing to do with the Levites. And the Levites there age requirements, the public 8:24 - 25, so the Levites, from twenty-five years old, they came to office, to do things the tent of meeting. to lay the five-year-old to retire,UGG boots cheap, no longer work. They can only serve between 25 to 50 years old , over the age to retire. they never did get the glory as priests, some of them only serve in silence, the Bible referred to the Levites when the Levites little mention of the name, many of the time to The general referred to the Levites, while the priest was often referred to specific name. Thus, the Levites serve is not seeking to serve their own glory, they serve is to serve and give glory to God. Their serve is completely hide their purpose is to highlight the selection and use of their God. serve the church had an interesting phenomenon, many people certainly serve to show his face, see the serve is always a lack of people; are willing to play shows, do not want to preach the gospel; programs are expected to stand in front of speech, do not want to stand behind. Why is that? because they loved the glory, the glory of love God too much (about 12:43). If the serve is to get his own glory, that is, to steal the glory of God. joy quietly serve God, we do not see how much the glory of the Levites, but that God gave the Levites the rich supply and blessing of God to the Israelites to God one-tenth to the Levites, so that they of nothing. When we are willing to give glory to God, God's blessing will come to you, so you do not have any lack.
Rom 12:1 Brethren, I urge you to God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices; is holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual act of worship, but of course. of course the body is to serve the Lord, as a living sacrifice, not for their own benefit; fulfilling their duties, all things neatly; not seeking my own glory, the glory of God alone, quietly serving, have the joy of God. because it is God, good, pure, pleasing and perfect will.

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