Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Heroism of China has officially started the return

 The return of Chinese heroism has officially started today, a news
so I am very excited mm General Secretary Hu Jintao met with football star Rong Zhixing Jinan, shook his hand and said: line style r. occasional rise. As evidence, recently, from the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong attended the forum on the work of Chinese football and spoke to the Vice President Xi Jinping visit in Germany Comment football, then General Secretary Hu Jintao to carry on In 2009 expect to see February 23, I hereby issue Bowen mm regression. published by the end of July this year, , whether I had been a central affirmation of the proposal, or had the pleasure of thinking coincides with the central decision-making. It inspired the Chinese people the spirit of integrity, remodeling is a big country style civilization, good news. expect the Chinese heroism and chivalry from the formal regression. (The author is the at 13:05 on October 20, 2009 Source: China News
BEIJING, Oct. 20 (Xinhua Lin Zai) Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao met in Jinan afternoon of February 16 when the sports legend and holding capacity of the former Chinese national team midfielder Shiyuki hands, saying: sharply, thought-provoking.
Shiyuki violations of the court do not care about, be not proud honor, during the performance of the noble game of sports ethics, sports become a valuable spiritual wealth.
But over the years, this fine style of football in China who became a Only tears of thousands of lines. When people despair, and even want to scold him have no desire to hit him, and some just ignored and ridiculed.
1972 was elected to the capacity of the Chinese football team Zhixing is a stage that the Chinese soccer team's midfield soul. at the level of Chinese football, popularity and other After losing to Hong Kong out, planted in 1989, two black three minutes. But at that time to show the Chinese people the values of football and professional spirit, so that fans are still moving.
A A development in recent years to the present in Chao, a level not seen how much the players improve, individual temperament is growing, early Hao Haidong, Sun Jihai spitting at the referee, to later be Tiaoduan hamstring Zhang Yifei, Bangura left eye was Lu Gang blew the whistle, Tan Wang Song to the current known as the ; match-fixing the ball is never to revenge kick. I will always remember this sentence: revenge on the opponent r l is the best kicking the ball into their goal. mm not only to defend their dignity, but also people who know how to respect others. Of course, in addition to the personal qualities of the players, the entire Chinese football also needs to CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong attended the forum on the work of Chinese football and spoke, Vice President Xi Jinping to visit in Germany Comment football, then General Secretary Hu Jintao to continue to promote the China's top football position to upgrade in the history of the frequency and rare kind of information which reveals what?
expected to change.
old Bowen as received:
2009-02-23 | castration is the essence of Chinese football Chinese Chinese man named
castration will return at the right time
Zhang Tingbin heroism
in this background, I have admiration for Mr. Hao Haidong really like the surging river. This is a real lion, he is a real Chinese man, a true Oriental Knight, though he must have a real man's shortcomings, he refused to make a lamb, like a Lai Pigou did survive, would never lower his head like a noble lion, Although he knows that as long as he slightly lower the head, will have large bones thrown over, football is king in this atmosphere of sheep, this indomitable courage and the will no less than TV ? because some forces are induced by the Chinese people approaching the end of the total abandonment of football success. First, China abandoned the bid to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid for power; then bear in Guangdong Province because of football and decided to give 30 million yuan in football sponsorship ; and I am most angry is, in a seemingly democratic election in the Chinese national team, a real Chinese football hero, a real shining spirit and courage Football mm Hao Haidong said to have been out of the game (see yesterday's Hao Haidong missed the coach because the small space too strong reason is too pale! to save, to meditation practice for Chinese football, or not at the gates to Chinese football is not a shame. I am really surprised! in trillion yuan spent on the Olympics to do after the World Cup in China to do the fundamental No matter how much money; meditation practice? soccer World Cup in South Korea just off the mark; to Chinese football is not a shame, do not do the World Cup, Chinese football does not embarrassed about?!
abandoned Chinese football in the end mean? In the vast majority of Chinese still unclear when the ignorant, certainly very few people secretly laughing, toasting the. because China abandoned the cue ball, the first man in the world abandoned the movement, in essence, Chinese civilization soft power in a harsh self-castration; as a world-class power matched by no means could be Asia's third-stream, the world's mediocre football. In other words, even if the country's economy has become a world power, but his men will still be the world despised man named Lang, who never have a world-class great power ambitions and self-confidence, the country rely on luck and successful even if temporary, it is also very easy to extreme vanity and extreme inferiority complex attack of schizophrenia, self-defeat!
from the highest level, the abandonment of Chinese football, is the castration of Chinese man named once again the will of victory, even though it has been close to the final victory!
I am not a football CD commentators, a country of football if it is invincible, its economy is not inflow, football has become the country's consolation final, it would be a football the other extreme of the tragedy. But the moment that Chinese football is definitely an extreme, a the emerging economic power, a development in the financial crisis has exposed the new leader of the world-class power structure of the country, it's football in any case should not be so wretched, ugly and self-castration! football should become a national strategy for the soft power One of the important high ground! it not only just a game.
football is a man of the first movement. It is the world's most widely popular of the largest men's team sport, each side with 11 physical and intellectual top man named (including the replacement of 20 people), the largest stadium in the ground that they carry out the air and ground, physical strength, courage, determination and a comprehensive collaboration contest, the hero financial talent show initiative and collective tacit understanding as a whole, The more powerful the more opponents to test their limits in all aspects of the will to fully demonstrate the mettle of a country man, a team full capacity, the more able to demonstrate the merits of a man named national quality, which may no luck! call era of peace between nations Top 4, a area and a population of only medium such as a province of China, a country that is still in the country divided nation, from the world who then say South Korea is not a man, Who can say that Korea is the inferior product, who would contemptuously molesting Korean women!
some may argue: The United States is the world's power, they also generally do not football? I would say that although the U.S. soccer in general, but also a world-class power, no one country, football teams dare to scorn it, not to mention the football started its short time in football, not many people. their domestic football and basketball are all sports are a man, especially rugby mm fully flaunt the brave man and the spirit of cooperation.
It is because of Europe's powerful soccer, basketball on the powerful United States, they have, respectively, constitute the two poles of cultural soft power in this world and way of life constitutes one of the most important attraction.
This has already spread across the world of American basketball and European soccer match, China is growing in mm this is the third pole of the two sides compete in the most intense battle.
recent years, China continues to slump football castration NBA basketball in China, expanding, is this not the soft power of American culture in China, advance step by step with the victory! along with a comprehensive victory in basketball culture, Coca-Cola and miniskirts Rights pulling force has been symbolized by their culture in this country of extreme hedonism is the most absurd everywhere mm mm athletes is absolutely not true abuse of drink Coca-Cola beverages that destroy the athletic ability.
From this perspective, sinking willingly Chinese football is actually a disguised man named in recognition of the spirit of the Chinese American Hero will always be on the Zhang Ziyi, Americans vivinevo (one of the largest shareholder of Time Warner); Wendi Deng, the Chinese people, Americans Murdoch. The subtext of male and female combination is extremely rich, but not the will of the Chinese man named ambition display mode.
Everyone knows that Chinese basketball is difficult to surpass the United States, not only because of national strength, more importantly, because of physical sports culture and ethnic genes. Chinese man named only ever look up at the U.S. basketball world for its self-identification second, even third-class man named to make the most important tag. In other words, if the Chinese people more obsessed with basketball among the more American goods in China, unhindered, contemporary men will power inevitably shrouded in the United States male under the shadow of the will of the Chinese younger men tend to become increasingly hedonistic culture of the United States basketball style, not a knight-style European football culture of elitism. heroic chivalry should be the culture of advocacy in promoting China , not to mention, football is more recognized worldwide.
self-castration of masculinity in Chinese culture a long time. feudal emperors for their own vested interests, in order to avoid their homes being shred of three palaces and six violations of the possibility of They are invariably try to suppress, and even slaughtered to contain the Chinese man named Will, who both are trying to support those who have been emasculated castrated Huanzhe and be cynical to implement the spirit of the heroic man named physical and mental abuse, murder.
thousand years waging a result, the culture has bred a Weiqing, like Jagged man named Huo great nation, it has issued a Since those who usurp high, sheer ineptitude of the mainstream are, in modern times it seems only the home of the imperial bureaucracy and the powers outside the Nuyan bandit base bone, leaving only closed the door to abuse of struggling to play mouse-color three inch golden lotus and eventually let the West robbers Chinese man named opium body of my spirit the last Qiaoguxisui.
where there is oppression, where there is resistance, and only home of the death to a survivor, it is suffering since the Opium War Powers the invasion and devastation, the Chinese man named know this malaise continues, the result of such indulgence can never rival the light of day, can only suffer the fate of national subjugation and genocide. More and more people with lofty ideals to shed blood, to rise up against, the emergence of a large number of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Peng as the representatives of the national hero, not only is the day vertical excellence, but also in a round of tests of blood and fire, the temper shocked the world will and ambition of team spirit, their leadership the country and the nation stood up, they led the country in impossible circumstances, the courage and the world's most powerful nation to fight a tough fight head-and no less, in a very short period of time have their atomic and hydrogen bombs, as no one dared to underestimate the strength of the country. They are the great rise of China has laid a strong foundation. Western powers to intercept and had to abandon the closed cooperation with China.
However, in recent years , especially since the mid-1990s, with the opening-up, especially the expansion of Western forces in China, Invisible Target atmosphere. the kind of groveling little man, little fart essence, look like a traitor who increasingly grow smaller.
fact, both the commercial competition, or national competition, in essence, is a kind of game competition for limited resources, are one country with another man named State man, and another family of the man named family man, a man named organization and another organization Hero's courage, wisdom and a battle of wills, they fight on the pitch, no two, any hope China won more market share gains and a greater force will make every effort, even unscrupulous.
that I intended to maximize the share of Chinese resources, the best strategy is nothing more than who the enemy without fighting the soldiers, the most mm is direct and effective way to destroy a country, a nation of heroic temperament, the collapse of its ambition, the man named it willingly for the inferior man, it's an inferior product from that manufacturer, it thinks that to marry a woman foreign men, Chinese national pride mm replace the so-called first-class married women in Europe and America, second woman to marry in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan and so on third woman marry.
their methods of operation to achieve this goal is very simple, that is, those who self- the reality of castration by the interests of the greatest rewards. But in essence, will eventually gloves came off, this is China's interests, maximize their harvest away. And when China's interests when the light is harvested, it must be those The pleasures are small favors were bought by to the heroic, to men of the process. to name the two most obvious examples.
mm do anything to discredit nearly polar man in contemporary China's most prominent representative of the last century's greatest national hero Mao China. Zedong Despite his shortcomings, but this is really a man's shortcomings, it is also a lifetime record of never defeat the shortcomings of the hero. not to mention, he is the founder of the Republic of the most important is that the Chinese shouted with pride people stood up for people, some people with ulterior motives of their slander his best insult of responsibility, and even dare to say few words for his people who were openly criticized as a dog corresponding to countless heroes of years, is the wave of surging landscaping traitor to They denied these people betray the motherland, and sell for money for their loved ones to the nature of pleasure. undeniably not show mercy even to murder their own women's despicable and evil. In short, this man is not a traitor. no one denied both in the U.S. in the world, , to the man named to this is the will of a close relationship, but to the heroism of the Chinese soccer to be questioned Invisible Target of, for all to see, it constitutes an insult to the Chinese to spend even a real man named Will and a main battlefield! This is my decade ago, Chinese football fans will never see the reason why one can only get in the never-ending, most definitely not only a more absolute shame. But also know that this humiliation is not the same you hide like an ostrich had, perhaps, is waiting for the moment that the Jedi fight back, like the present to this moment, the same as a man fall back to the heroes of the football culture, in order to counter the Chinese football Jedi horn sounded.
I do not know This kind of behavior of Chinese soccer castration intentional or not. However, if you really want for the Chinese football castration, the most effective way is it? to a cowardly, timid, not assertive, much less heroic Guus Hiddink can not pitch like a real lion. This is the ancient Chinese resounding assertion: generals incompetent, exhausted forces, this is the Chinese folk joke: A raging soldiers will be raging nest. revitalizing the Chinese football is an arduous and complicated systematic project, you need a full range of strategic inputs, and the most important thing is to put one of the real man. On the contrary, destroyed a Chinese football need only re-take a no man's ambition sheep reasons, not made more of a lion battle group organization the ability to even stand in the lion because it felt scared, not to mention his power in the face of world football lion clan; a good doctrine covered the bureaucratic trembling; a good doctrine covered the bureaucratic but in reality is indulgent and laissez-faire rot, eventually the individual abscess spreading to a wide range of corruption; a good doctrine covered the bureaucratic there exists such a state of mind, even though you criticize it, you yelled the more fierce, more Chinese football will find the North, China will accelerate the football more of castration on the speed of China's man named Will.
in this background , my admiration for Mr. Hao Haidong really like the surging river, the situation as out of control, this is a real lion, he is a real Chinese man, a true Oriental Knight, though he must have a real man shortcomings, he refused, like a sheep, like a Lai Pigou did survive, would never lower his head like a noble lion, even though he knows that as long as he slightly lower the head, there will be cast over large pieces of bones In reality this sheep in power football atmosphere, this indomitable courage and the will no less than TV insight into the defects, but do not compromise much depressed, never give up in order to play the hero the great revitalization of China's future football any!
class TV when the last two years the ubiquitous hero when I was well aware that Chinese football Jedi is time to fight back. because this is going Heroes, Hero will go to extremes meet the inevitable!
as to chivalry, heroism, the one country, a society can only remaining individual of extreme nihilism and hedonism values. After
value nihilism diffuse beyond the inevitable conversion of the whole social psychology, nihilism caused no sense of purpose, depression, anxiety, and even low self-esteem of the Chinese people can not afford to light, also Chinese culture bones objectionable way of life . which in recent years, increasing emphasis on the Chinese Spring Festival, reflected in the emphasis on family, which is likely to be some people advocate the true intentions of the Spring Festival train ticket prices, because it is the most complete collapse of the family and kinship, so that China eventually complete a state of disunity.
At the same time, large population and limited resources, individual hedonism, extreme popularity in China, destined to be difficult to achieve, even with personal hedonism, that is the very small number of powerful capital of pleasure, is a must Most can not be achieved, and even become a tool for those ravaged by pleasure as the reverse stimulation, the public will become more and more anti-hedonist.
the two into one, society must increasingly The more calls the real heroes of the birth of the birth of a true knight, is the kind of brave as a lion, like tenacity, perseverance, courage to take responsibility, the courage to face any great pressure and with the fight a wonderful exchange that the man (now in Chongqing Wang Lijun is the emerging reality of police chief of this hero, the author of new note).
Therefore, as a wave of such a heroic return of part of the community and society more effectively respected Hao Haidong to play China's increasingly powerful voice of national coach is not by chance, when this power of reason to become a powerful social consensus, those bureaucratic will inevitably have to force them to give up the stage for the full disgrace, let us try to be objective, the spotlight has been playing in the real knights and to let us promote and support their heroic return Hao Haidong.
will happen in football that the process will be all aspects of Chinese society heroism, man will return an integral part of, because when a nation into the great rejuvenation of irresistible historical process, when a country has entered a male Lions shocked the world as a necessary wake up in orbit, there must be countless heroes and heroines from all directions, from all fields come to the fore, they have not only abstinence, but also involvement in the world to assume their historic responsibility for the country and the nation create more value, and even the future of mankind to break a new path.
This is what every Chinese person, not just those want to be a real man, who can become a real hero thing, because when each one hand to vote, each starting from their own actions, abandoned the servile doctrine Mei good color, even if each man were flashing a little bit of spirit of heroism, in your work and life, first as a courageous and prudent with bold man, that would express a strong social atmosphere, this atmosphere will accelerate more genuine nourish the growth of the Chinese man named, in time, certainly spectacular, as the real backbone of the Chinese renaissance.
from Han Jagged man, from the admiration of the world since man named Tang Dynasty, a thousand years, the Chinese man named again resurgence has been ready long enough!
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