Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. in all your deeds, and have found him, and he shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5 - 6)
, guard your heart, everything is better than conservative. Because the fruit of life is given from the heart. (Proverbs 4:23)
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. knowledge of the holy, they is smart. (Proverbs 9:10)
son could not bear the rod, is that hate him. love his son, to discipline. (Proverbs 13:24)
eat herbs where love is, than to eat a stalled ox and hatred therewith. (Proverbs 15:17)
rebuke, as strong as the sly love. (Proverbs 27:5)
you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you trespasses. (Matthew 6:14)
Do not judge, lest ye be judged. (Matthew 7:1)
Why see your brother eye, but do not want to do the beam in thine own eye? (too 7:3)
man if he gains the whole world, and lose his own life, what benefits? man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
whosoever shall exalt himself, shall come down for the base; inferiority complex, will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12)
Jesus said: about 14:6)
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. all the things that the United States, to pay attention to make. (Romans 12:17)
Let no debt remain outstanding, only love each other, often thought to be owed, because the lover has fulfilled the law. (Romans 13:8)
to honor their parents, so that you blessed, living and longevity. This is the first commandment with a promise. (Ephesians 6:2-3)
love of money is the root of all evil! Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the truth, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows had. (early 6:10)
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And He went a little farther, and fell to the ground and prayed, saying: let this cup pass from me; however, not as I will, but as thou wilt. ? General Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. to the soft, put all the blame to the main body that is not the Lord blessing us, or does not prohibit us to sin. thank the Lord He sympathetic to the weakness of our flesh, but we do not forget that the Lord is more willing to pray. Many people do not force because of the lack of real prayer. prayer if a formal format will be a terrible thing.
I remember the good words ;
sword of the Spirit is the word of God. by the Spirit, always with all prayer and supplication, and in this alert perseverance and supplication for all saints. ( Ephesians 6:17-18)
today's generation, the devil abnormal rampant, but we have strong hope, because the Second Coming is nigh. We can only pray to watch with our family, Church and State. Martin Luther said: Temple of the fortified city in mind.
Goethe said: is a paradox. from birth, who has been living in the dark, under the authority. as if the blind are in the darkroom, and I do not know how Xiao Guangming. until one day, when Christ's blood and tears, deeply touched the heart, talent began to accept an angel of light in it. Since then, light and dark forces in man's war, has never stopped.
this war, in the person's academic, career, ministry, the socially and even in marriage and family are reflected. Sometimes, the face of war between justice and evil, it is very painful, as Paul said, because determined by the right people to do good, but not up to the line out of people. Body and Soul of war, the ideal and the gap between reality, reason and impulse, is to confuse Satan to attack the weapon.'s spiritual life is intermittent, the growth of jumping. When the time close to God, to renew their strength, to hot serving the Lord, but every so often, Satan began to do damage, disturb the work, people can not control the inside of the old me,
years so I know the pros and cons to serve, if not always in the Lord Jesus Christ, our ministry others have no effect on already.
Although the road is still difficult, but I believe that God wants more in 2011 and the revival of our church fellowship, we all make up the deficiency. God wants to rise, more equipment workers, shepherding his sheep pasture.
For those of us who often serve, to much fruit, they have to grow up in your thinking, the courage to deny himself, and lifted up his eyes, gazed at the body of Jesus Christ. AND main close, more intimate, we walk the secret Tin Road renew their strength.
2011 年 1 1 May, start a new reading companion, the last even in Indonesia have been Random House.
pure spiritual milk, as babies love milk just like the students, that ye may grow thereby be saved. time, strengthen me in front of you covenant. I pray thee, love bathing my heart, guide me the following prayer:
Ask the Lord when I get close to you from Satan and drowsy all day
busy, when the evening out of the office building, see the lanterns, busy, shocked to find that 2010 is about to go away. sitting behind the wheel a red light, looking at the long queue in front of the red, only to find that not only the year 2010, the twenty-first century's first 10 years left us soon.
want to write, but found that the brain appears to be formatted, all talented and text have been frozen out. brothers and sisters in the morning and expected annual review chat . Therefore, in view of many writers on the Internet concluded in 2010.
find this the best! yesterday, I want to scold, the original Mr. Lu Xun are scolded; Today, I want to say, the following also have!
2010, there is a beauty called ..
2010, there is a new word called ... 2010, there is an energy saving and emission reduction called I dare not neglect, leave at home. Originally Today is day kindergarten parent involvement, but there is no way kids in the past. worry about this child!
New Year's Day would have been promoted to play with the work, think a good ah. to consult staff recommendations. Unexpectedly, the views of one kind or another, time and place can not be determined. also lazy, and there intentionally pour cold water. The most annoying is that some people do not even text back then I do not know how to respect others. I What do not think this is a good job, I'll be ready to take over who really want to thank God. think about why it is always such a thankless task, the eyes of others - the old fool a dozen years. Wrath of the bar, organize themselves in each group altogether, the province of a bunch of difficult to reconcile the views. we were happy to recuperate at home sleeping.
from 22 to today, every night sleep well, sleep enough sleep; throat has not been rest are still inflammation, congestive; oral ulcers grow a thumb
tonight on the Village Hall will be Xianyan very successful Christmas Praise! We played last night in the church than even better!
in the last call, I saw so many people took the stage to the Lord, in addition to give thanks, can I say? If there is no work of the Holy Spirit, we can do what human hands? Lord, I thank you ! Thank you for redeeming the soul of so many compatriots!
Lord I thank you! given me so many lovely brothers and sisters! I look forward to, can join with them to serve together, grow together. I like Holy drama brothers and sisters, very energetic. especially our sisters, we almost brings together the most beautiful girls fellowship, not only danced well, and trouble. This Christmas, they have almost every night performance, many sisters lived far end of the show to late to go home, but no one complained called tired.
them a thank my dear Lord! the first Christmas night will come to an end a compliment. In God blessing, in cooperation with the efforts of everyone, very successful show, followed by the call, there are nearly a hundred friends first came to the church went to the stage, the courage to declare themselves to accept Jesus as their Lord. I I believe the Lord is listening to prayers of the Lord, for our achievements with the fact that the glory of heaven.
This is our youth group praise team and electro-acoustic band to make final preparations.
this party is the League Lease as the main force, the United Youth Fellowship and the Fellowship of the brothers and sisters in English completed, and yesterday the solemn praise slightly different Christmas Eve, tonight's show full of vitality and new ideas. can be said that all poetry, dance, drama, has been greatly improved than last year. especially the youth academy of dance, They gave a high evaluation. Unfortunately, my bad pixels E71 mobile phone, plus a busy site, it shot well. Forgive me!
Dear brothers and sisters, friends, Merry Christmas!
just had Christmas Eve, our church will be very successful two compliment.
last night as the host but also play angels and shepherds, can be said that the number of staff who is also the audience on the go. While I poor health, the throat is very pain, but when she saw many people on stage, declared into Christ's name, I felt so make sense of this Christmas Eve.
than 12 am it! hope I am today, the first 

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