Saturday, January 29, 2011

Guild Wars Holiday line (a)

 HOHO ~ ~ ~ ~ and finally to the Labor Day Golden Week! Do not know what is in the holiday planning on it?
Well ~ I recently fell in love with fighting, the festival will be spent in the game. Fighting major tourist companies have advertised the introduction of a variety of quality tourist routes. I chose a few good to share with you the next ~! are willing to register in advance with the travel picture effect fighting oh ~
gorgeous and very local characteristics. it is your the first choice of holiday travel!
one: pirate custom tour
unique battle pirates, is a beautiful landscape. pirates, passionate, brave and agile also very hospitable.
in 『Aisi Tan 』Xia Beike the northeast corner of the village, is the training ground』 『Chu's sun Jorge spear recruits favorite meeting place, due to the steep terrain around the village, making Xiabei Ke village, a pirate invasion of the primary targets.
This line is to save Xiabei Ke Village - occupy villages, destroy the pirates. allows you to become a hero in the game!
line: Shaka Island mm mm Xiabei Ke village north of the village south of the village pirate ship pirate ships mm
Tour Guide: Kemi Er (spear of the sun's command of the Knights), Coase (spear of the sun in this line commanders and bodyguards), recruits a number of sun spear (accompanying tracking, 24-hour intimate care of your travel)
PS: you can walk the line and enjoy the mountain scenery along the way, beautiful pirate ship. allows you to find the fun in stimulating a considerable amount of ~ few mm and comes with experience of high value gifts, gold coins, a number of skill points! (bargain! cost!)
service quality:
II: Deluxe City Tour
beautiful scenery city of Ascalon, the Kingdom of Ascalon's most prosperous cities, with its classical architectural style and scales, the library, an array of shops known. Many nobles lived here, every year large numbers of tourists come to visit, year after year, this has become the cultural center of the whole Ascalon.
This line focuses on the tourists visiting the surrounding scenery is extremely Ascalon, appreciate this international metropolis.
line: the bustling city of Ascalon the beautiful scenery of Lake County, mm mm sacred Ashford Abbey
Note: this line for the free route, the entire process from your own experience the beautiful scenery. There are several attractions: Undead Princess ripples with the old childhood lover Lu Ruike Prince Palace residence, next to the Maple Leaf Lake County Forest ripples Princess injury site, Dai Weina goddess sculptures and monasteries. you come here, then you should not miss visiting these sites.
PS: The line can choose walking, send a certain cost, need to take care of themselves.
service quality:
introduce the two current lines, Na ~ I will continue to explore new tourist routes. I wish everyone a happy May Day ~

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