Saturday, January 29, 2011

Guild Wars Holiday line (a)

 HOHO ~ ~ ~ ~ and finally to the Labor Day Golden Week! Do not know what is in the holiday planning on it?
Well ~ I recently fell in love with fighting, the festival will be spent in the game. Fighting major tourist companies have advertised the introduction of a variety of quality tourist routes. I chose a few good to share with you the next ~! are willing to register in advance with the travel picture effect fighting oh ~
gorgeous and very local characteristics. it is your the first choice of holiday travel!
one: pirate custom tour
unique battle pirates, is a beautiful landscape. pirates, passionate, brave and agile also very hospitable.
in 『Aisi Tan 』Xia Beike the northeast corner of the village, is the training ground』 『Chu's sun Jorge spear recruits favorite meeting place, due to the steep terrain around the village, making Xiabei Ke village, a pirate invasion of the primary targets.
This line is to save Xiabei Ke Village - occupy villages, destroy the pirates. allows you to become a hero in the game!
line: Shaka Island mm mm Xiabei Ke village north of the village south of the village pirate ship pirate ships mm
Tour Guide: Kemi Er (spear of the sun's command of the Knights), Coase (spear of the sun in this line commanders and bodyguards), recruits a number of sun spear (accompanying tracking, 24-hour intimate care of your travel)
PS: you can walk the line and enjoy the mountain scenery along the way, beautiful pirate ship. allows you to find the fun in stimulating a considerable amount of ~ few mm and comes with experience of high value gifts, gold coins, a number of skill points! (bargain! cost!)
service quality:
II: Deluxe City Tour
beautiful scenery city of Ascalon, the Kingdom of Ascalon's most prosperous cities, with its classical architectural style and scales, the library, an array of shops known. Many nobles lived here, every year large numbers of tourists come to visit, year after year, this has become the cultural center of the whole Ascalon.
This line focuses on the tourists visiting the surrounding scenery is extremely Ascalon, appreciate this international metropolis.
line: the bustling city of Ascalon the beautiful scenery of Lake County, mm mm sacred Ashford Abbey
Note: this line for the free route, the entire process from your own experience the beautiful scenery. There are several attractions: Undead Princess ripples with the old childhood lover Lu Ruike Prince Palace residence, next to the Maple Leaf Lake County Forest ripples Princess injury site, Dai Weina goddess sculptures and monasteries. you come here, then you should not miss visiting these sites.
PS: The line can choose walking, send a certain cost, need to take care of themselves.
service quality:
introduce the two current lines, Na ~ I will continue to explore new tourist routes. I wish everyone a happy May Day ~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tsai Chin bedroom treadmill to prepare up to 10 followers

 Staff broke the news that the star of the reception is in the most demanding Tsai Chin, brokers made a lot of requirements, such as: to bring as many as 10 followers, usually do not need a huge dance team. This 10-person entourage addition agent, assistant, will also include makeup, sound, etc., are equipped with professional make-up television and stereo, but Tsai agent view, TV 'professional' Tsai Chin's not as 'private' is.

The staff member also said in the living area, Tsai Chin has made a number of agents required, served fresh every day lily to Tsai Chin seductive. Tsai Chin

this regard not yet responded.


bedroom followers to prepare the treadmill up to 10

(Reporter Chow Chiu Woo) early in the movie Anhui TV recently recording the

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ma Xiaoxu black cruciate ligament implanted a strong start from the back court

 Yongchuan night finally comes, and the town was dark. Training day, to participate in the Chinese women's football girls Siguo Sai became exhausted, returned to their rooms to rest, Ma Xiaoxu still in the infirmary for treatment. 9 pm, she sat across from reporters, only one hour interview, because she wanted to go swimming before going to sleep, this is the last day on rehabilitation.

three cruciate ligament rupture, three operations, three back on the field, which is unique in the sports world case, the United States agreed to help Ma Xiaoxu rehabilitation doctors when Eddie said, in miracles. Hall, stretch smile, her mind already and 2007 journalists in Beijing to see her after surgery compared to a subtle change.

six months ago, Ma Xiaoxu with the national team preparing for the Asian Cup in Kunming, and local veteran team in a normal friendly match, she suddenly fell to the ground, and his teammates owned up, did not let us help her Xiaoxu and

crying, sounds great, a great distance.

U.S. surgery

This time, Ma Xiaoxu hurt or right leg. Just did not expect, knee ligament and broken.

donated to old black cruciate ligament, is strong. She hopes from the back on the court, is a step closer.

Liu Xiangcheng 5 months long and boring. down their laughter.

in the United States, the Ma Xiaoxu also met a Every day, she and under the guidance of Liu Xiang in training with Eddie, According to the American habit of playfully Xiaoxu new name to the two played: Eddie is the daddy eddy (Eddy father), Liu Xiang, called Uncle liu (Uncle Liu).

keep company with Liu Xiang, once full of life a lot. Chinese, eclipse, Korean food ... ... every day, Ma Xiaoxu and Liu Xiang to the outside on the restaurant Ma Xiaoxu memories, only two have known each other for three days, pushing all the way Liu Xiang wheelchair, took her team looked at a baseball game in Los Angeles. Into the venue, Liu Xiang, also has a special little sister bought a bag of food. small. In fact, only 22 years old this year, Ma Xiaoxu.

Last October, Ma Xiaoxu back home.

Lee is a very peaceful guided coach, never let players feel that something must listen to him to do really. More often, Li Xiaopeng play the role of a friend.

Monday, January 24, 2011

English News China-US energy will not happen short-term conflict

 British and the second largest economy, China's annual energy requirements --- only 10% of imports. This is mainly due to China's huge domestic coal reserves, coal provides 70% of China's energy.

China needs to import the amount of energy the world's sixth largest economy and energy demand in the UK quite.

China imports most of its energy is crude oil. Although China is ranked fifth in the world after Iran's largest oil producer, but it is a net importer of crude oil after the United States.

so many of China's energy consumption not only because it is the most populous country in the world --- even though its per capita energy consumption is very low, but also because it is the factory of the world. China's industrial energy needs of the world's 1 / 3, while the figure in the last century, 90 years only 13%. In contrast, the U.S. industrial energy demand in the proportion of the world but never the last century 90's 16% to 13% now.

Although half of China's crude oil imports come from the Middle East, but the Chinese oil company Occidental Petroleum in depth do not want to shift the footprint of the countries involved, such as Sudan and Myanmar.

the Chinese government realized that its imports of oil about 3 / 4 to transport through the Strait of Malacca, while the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers, the Chinese one at all. To avoid the obstacles to this strategy, China built the Indian Ocean via Myanmar, and the leading gateway to Central Asia and Siberia's oil and gas pipelines.

present, China and the U.S. dependence on foreign oil to form a complementary pattern. China mainly relies on the Middle East and Africa, while the United States and Latin America rely mainly on the northern neighbors.

This reduces the world's two largest economies in the short term the possibility of direct competition for crude oil sources. After all, the United States and not used to dealing with an economic and military rival. Their traditional economic partner, Japan and Germany, are allies of the defeated enemy as the ultimate dependent on the U.S. military to protect its global transportation.

unless a breakthrough environmental technology, or possible future Sino-US two rivals clashed.

in some measure, China is already the world's largest energy consumer, although less than the U.S. per capita energy consumption level of 1 / 3.

the data according to the International Energy Agency, China's per capita energy consumption in 2035 than the world average. If China's energy demand is close to the United States, then the geo-strategic balance will be significant changes.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Holding a summer businesses are warning customers for winter

 Summer for winter not a customer alarm

police left, the women selected a counter wearing a winter jacket, price more than 7200 yuan. Select their own satisfaction clothes, women and the waiter did not say, Shun Shouqiang wad of cash on the counter, carrying their clothes and left. Attendant stopped her quickly.

waiter nodded his cash, found only 2,200 yuan, 800 yuan is even worse. However, the women insisted that only make 2,200 yuan, she thinks this jacket is only worth so much money. This time waiter quit, quickly call the police calls.

see the business changed his mind, women panic, she calls 12,315 complaints, but she did not Zhan Li, the staff there is no way to help her treatment. That do not help the parties speak for themselves, women had to give up, holding a refund 2,200 yuan business to leave the police station and skirt. Correspondent reporter Liu Ying Ni Zhu

business customers can not make up the difference alarm

buy summer dress in winter in exchange, business was rejected, the woman call the police calls. Businesses to remain silent and agreed to a replacement, the woman immediately wants 4,200 yuan for 7200 yuan dress jacket, but she only make 2,200 yuan difference, quit the business but also to the police.

day before yesterday, the Drum Tower Yangqiao Road, a shopping district a top women's brand counters ago, a middle-aged woman dressed in a skirt and handed the waiter a replacement. The woman said she spent last year in July 4200 yuan at the counter to buy a dress, wearing a home, good friends who say that does not look good, now use the dress for her other clothes.

While buying a skirt, the business has promised a replacement, but according to Today has been a few months later, the merchant refuses to use the summer for winter clothes. See not a replacement, call the alarm call of women, drums Alarm West police station, the police to the scene mediation. Businesses to remain silent and reluctantly agreed to dress for winter can be, but to make up the difference.

from the last time less than half an hour out of the police, the police rushed to the mall again, a look more fierce fights between the parties, the police could only bring back the two sides in the mediation. Before the business intends to leave it alone, only reluctantly agreed to a replacement, and now have to pay less further abuse 800, merchants changed his mind, determined not to agree to a replacement, the police have no way to ask for business concessions.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The broader market fell more than 80 points was the fall of 2700 points

 Lion Asset Management Limited, Shanghai Xin Wu, President Mike believes that the risk of Hong Kong stocks gradually approach, and A shares are approaching the opportunity to come. He said: Unit-than-expected earnings shares. 

Xiangcai Securities researcher Xu Guangfu net wealth of the East, said monetary tightening cycle continues, the future growth performance of listed companies will also decline, small and medium plate market valuation regression still time, the market and long-term still under pressure. But the bottom point is the short-term, the market adjusted from 2800 to 2700 or so there will be some rebound in demand in 2730, or a counter, near the point.

Dongguan Securities Research Institute, Yu Jie, deputy director of the view that investment in A shares of the hot money is rarely entered by way of trade items. Even if part of the policy allows overseas investment flows, but the overall impact on the stock market is not large.

trend point of view from the end of last year, the Hang Seng Index to close at 23,035.45 points, closing on Friday, the Hang Seng Index closed at 24,283.23 points have been reported, rose 10 trading days during the year has reached 5.42 %. Same period, the China Enterprises Index rose 3.62%.

years ago, part of the shares is expected to soar! Confidential! Market institutions will soon be reversed capital flows have changed dramatically! Main funding is plotting a new layout
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance, Director of China Center for Economic Evaluation of Liu Yuhui believes that the move has no direct impact on the stock market. First, hot money inflows into China only a small part of the A shares, at the same time, these funds are more blue-chip investment. At present, more H shares of some blue chips have 20% to 30% discount. From this perspective, capital is unlikely to go to Hong Kong equities to arbitrage. Second, the key to the stock market or depending on the level of policy attitudes. If the A shares fell to a level of tolerance than the central government through the QFII quota to support further liberalization of stock.

face sell into the broader market Monday, as of the closing stock index fell more than 80 points, fell 3.03%, 2700 points mark in jeopardy. Impact of potential rate increase by the deposit, pre-warm enough to do more banking, real estate and the oil sector fell sharply, the market panic spread, trading volume was significantly enlarged compared with the previous session.

many private optimistic about Hong Kong shares

most experts in the

However, Guotai Junan Li, chief economist at Thunder on the greater overlap.

nest Capital Management Co., Ltd. Sichuan Xin Xu Division research director, said the valuation of Hong Kong stocks much cheaper than A shares, while Hong Kong stocks have been out in 2011, independent of the A shares market, the future will more capital inflow from the Mainland to Hong Kong stock market. 
little effect on the A shares

2011  1 13, the central bank issued Among them, the domestic institutions is RMB settlement in the cross-border trade within the pilot areas registered non-financial enterprises.

A central bank shares the text into No. 1 pump

foreign direct investment of RMB set sail, will become one share of capital outflows A nightmare?

some of the major consumer companies, very strong, such as holding, late last year, the stock is still 169.3 Hong Kong dollars, while the dollar on Friday has soared to 201, closing, becoming the first just over 200 Hong Kong share prices of mainland companies During the year, or up to 18.96%.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mao Jianqing Gao Jun Kunitari Jiujiang sorry spell Uzbekistan scary

 The Chinese team 2-2 draw with Uzbekistan, missed the Qatar Asian Cup group stage. The three former national team player Han Peng, Shao Jiayi and Mao Jianqing also expressed their own views. In their view, consistent with the view that the performance of national football field is very good, but unfortunately the result is not satisfactory, the military expressed regret for the Gao.  Recommended Reading Gao Hongbo Detroit Metal kick water bottles were expelled

Shao watching the game through the network, he said, well, often grab a second and third grab of a situation, we are hard on the floor. For the Chinese team's two goals, Shao Jiayi think it is beautiful, Hao Junmin wave may be the world's most exciting goals of the Asian Cup.

Han Peng Asian Cup final in 2007 against Uzbekistan, who was the life and death battle, Han Peng's ferocious fight in court, and the injury end. Han Peng said, field well.

YORK, January 17 report:

Han Peng did not participate in the Asian Cup through injury, could only watch the battle in front of the TV, he was very sorry. He said, This time, the soldiers believe that Gao's Army is the same mood.

Shao Jiayi on the progress of the Chinese team is very experience, ground and the foot of the play is correct, I hope you can stick to it. the players played very well, but lacks a bit of luck, had they should go further. Before Mao Jianqing Gao Jun of confidence, he encouraged Gao Lin, Zhao Xuri and the sea, although Qu Bo can not play, I hope Gao Lin can get goals. About the possibility and then into the national team, Mao Jianqing seemed very indifferent, boats)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finet small shareholders questioned more than suspected of deceiving investors acquisition


Xinhua News Agency has been telling stories to investors, the former Chairman of the Board I just was not a heart to really sink their careers to do business, he keen to fast money, tell stories, it is 'concerned' Finet stock. breath over the phone to the

minority shareholder challenge new game 3 months, there have been profitable, is expected to be profitable days of Chang 2008, 2009 net profit rate of 30%. I just, and expected 2007 revenues of up days Cheong 4,000 million in 2008 to 1 million and double again in 2009.

Finet stock purchase, he has been concerned with its dynamic and constantly gave Finet board, when he was Chairman of the Board, and was more than just Finet acquired online game company e-mail, For more information, and also Chairman of the Board, and the remainder when he just had mail traffic, and finally progressed to more than just meeting in Shenzhen.

in early 2011, Zhang Qi from the relevant report noted that Shareholders easy to master, has been dissolved, the ongoing work related to closure. cheating small investors.

and intimidation, I am confused, I have had thoughts of suicide. substantial acquisition community before the change of auditors questioned; on Finet News Center in Hong Kong (Note: The actual is more than just the control) had declared days of Chang Corporation (Note: Shanghai Longyou company formerly known) in 2008 to a profit 2009 net profit rate of 30% challenge; Finet publicly declared that it would launch 3-5 new models and the reality game 3DMMORPG; Red Cliff, why not the regular game trademark notice published; increasing value in the case of land, 9, 2008 25 Finet cash sale of land in Hangzhou 2,000 million yuan, which was known to buy the land valuation day Cheong 60000000 Shique questioned and so on. These reports are suspected of misleading and fraudulent.

Zhang Qi believes that the acquisition of Finet case in a number of fraud exist in the behavior of small shareholders, through the issuance of good news, driving up stock prices, cover operating capital flight. Acquisition of China from 2007 years ago, commercial telecommunications, to the 2007 acquisition of online games company, acquired in 2010 mobile phone operators are so financial information. In particular, the acquisition of the online game company to make good after the Finet stock of 0.95 yuan from the highest down to the poor of 0.068 yuan. Today, Zhang Qi to come out to challenge Finet, Chairman of the Board when he was questioned more than just, and hoped to seek the assistance of the relevant legal institutions, and take the path of his rights. As of press Finet stock at 0.385 yuan (Note: Observing the factors that have been deducted, the actual price 0.385 / 5 = 0.077 yuan).

difficult to numerous rights of minority shareholders

with Zhang Qi told reporters after a presentation of things, between the shareholders meeting, which is a strange fact that the phenomenon is abnormal. can be administered directly to the Bureau of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange or the prosecution of more than just the other departments. just

. Gang, repeated to the media to Finet acquisitions, operations and profitability, growth, and so say something. For these remarks on behalf of listed companies, constitutes false advertising and the ability of small investors and the secondary market form of economic loss causation required under Hong Kong law to judge, and the behavior of listed companies such regulatory authority of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. can be reported to the Securities Regulatory Commission; if so and wish to make financial compensation should be to the competent court. Zhang Qi, represented by small investors, such as the existence of that Finet false or deliberately misleading propaganda acts shareholders may be directed to the Commission complaints; as a result of For the Chinese community to the financial requirements of financial compensation, they should be the principle of territorial jurisdiction to Hong Kong court for compensation of the complaint.

Mexico Thai Law Group Deputy General Counsel Qi Xiaofeng from the case and the legal rights of causality perspective of both the difficulty of his views, he told reporters: consider the idea of a civil and criminal in two directions: one from a civil point of view, act as an investment, Mr. Zhang and Finet, and I just are 'businesses and customers' relationship, whether to invest, how to invest their decisions made by Zhang himself, even if I will be just the 'recommendations', but his decision was in the hands of Mr. Zhang. I just was neither an agent nor do by 'fraud or coercion' means that Zhang President make a decision, so the loss of Mr. Zhang is or should be more than just financial compensation for the Chinese community, need to be further to prove; two from a criminal point of view, according to Mr. Zhang's statement to determine more than just Finet there fraud in connection intentional, this act of alleged fraud of Mr Cheung's investment decisions will inevitably cause interference. But this deliberate and interference, would constitute the Mainland and Hong Kong in the criminal law on fraud 'subjective intent', in practice it is worth questionable, especially in this case belongs to the behavior of investment securities. I think that the entity to determine if the case can be resolved by evidence, then the program is limited so embarrassed Zhang Qiwei the biggest obstacle to the right.

Qi Xiaofeng lawyer explained that the object of rights Zhang Qi For Hong Kong Finet, and I just suspected of the infringement (including acts took place and the results of ground) in Hong Kong, according to the Procedure, Court has jurisdiction, but only in theory, in practice very difficult to cross the small shareholders Zhang directly Finet home court in the domicile of the plaintiff filing suit.

rights for their own behavior, Zhang Qi that after careful consideration, he told reporters: justice. Perhaps not satisfied with the results, but millions of Hong Kong stocks for the investment of small investors to make a model is worth.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Apple's retro marketing

 Steve Jobs of Apple's marketing strategy is the product of Instead, he actively uses five basic principles of retro marketing, harvest a great success. ->
So far, marketing has been However, Apple's marketing case tells us, should now enter the

in fact, meet the customers do not want to be flattering, but it tried to curry favor with a loss, we could tempt the appetite to stimulate their interest. Steve Jobs of Apple's marketing strategy is the product of Instead, he actively uses five basic principles of retro marketing, harvest a great success.

exclusive: the modern marketing proposition: out of stock, next time try it again. This way the hunger caused by the market, it is used, but reached a pinnacle. Imagine, if you do not have to hear what Apple has been so difficult to buy, you will immediately be impulsive purchase it? Certainly not, because Apple's products are not cheap.

mystery: the modern marketing emphasis on candid, open and aboveboard, and retro marketing is valued mysterious, strange actions. Apple introduced a new product per promotion, would choose the theater is full of mystery, by act play, in the form of product promotion, provoke curiosity.

fanfare: full commercial promotion in the world, create a momentum of their goal is to ensure that the marketing of the product to become the talk, more importantly, to ensure that such talk itself is valid. Apple iPhone launch series, when the user does not see the product, you will find all the news about the iPhone 4 on the partnership with China Unicom to tense, moving its launch a special cut card for Unicom, etc. and other information, cause people eagerly look forward to the hot and has fast become a legend in the product.

entertainment: Marketing must be amused, to be attractive to participate. Microblogging network normalizing the moment, iPhone cell phone but also as a tool for public entertainment. Bo on the high popularity of micro entrepreneurs, celebrities are amused with the iPhone send the information, the information below will be marked this information from iPhone users.

tricks: the feeling of customers like to be teased. Tricks are not necessarily well written, on the contrary, very poor practice may have been enough. For example, Apple products will be billed to mark the times of their meaning items, its advanced technology and innovation vaunted hype for customers eager to get intoxicated, but eventually you will find that you buy a cell phone or home is the one with Deliberately making things difficult for the consumer may make the idea of marketing managers panic, but if true for the sake of customers, it should satisfy the customer's

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Deep analysis of the twelve constellations (b)

 Virgo Virgin
say alternative, dual personality, and even a little bit nervous, in fact, only one reason, Virgo everything explicit with their own personality and switch to, let's call it good, can be their own smart, delicate, capable, warmth, humor, good quality content such as full and outside, and this time they seem so perfect, radiant, and can behave very outgoing, talkative, easy to mix with people (This is not their character of this). and once Virgo bad state, it will become another person, even a very useless, nothing, but this time they usually avoid external interference, so the people feel a bit intermittent autism) because the same guardian for the Mercury, Gemini, like virgins and so fickle, but Gemini is a mercurial mind, Virgin capricious is emotional.
Virgo often have to face many practical trivia, this Virgin Toilet had the time of the cold in the face around the world: either do something very natural to speak, there are traces of affectation; or it is extremely cold and passive, to ignore anyone. In fact, Virgo is very clear about what it is today , but they can not change and control their own emotions, can only choose to escape all the madness.
they want is this: its not natural to face you, embarrassed, and if you say something irrelevant to, or because of, and usually contrast is too large to be described as hypocrisy, weird personality, not as good as the first hide for a while, so come out after a good adjustment. So, in dealing with people, they will only have to communicate, and people (it is escape), or complete strangers (anyway does not matter) conversation, but distant and familiar friends.
so. the status of your more serious in his mind, he is far more you avoid them. especially the lovers.
And we all know people who have serious Virgo perfectionist tendencies, so there is the so-called   the most perfect of their own good, but do not want to let you see his weak side help. So remember, sometimes Virgo you cold, you never do anything wrong, wrong, this is their normal physiological phenomenon, they cold and frost just do not want to hurt you (the truth was that this practice has been hurt). not sad, because they care about you, their hearts than you are sad, self-blame and guilt! they can do, only want to quickly adjust the mood, back to you.
are based on the above two points, Virgo will sometimes show a very different type of behavior and thinking. They have a lot of character comes from this: do not like the initiative, poor communication (you can also warm, but today's hot, cold one day), do not love the performance, do not like the spotlight (in case some day unable to grasp the state of bad mood, would not have lost face), and so on.
about the ; pattern. Virgo is more spiritual over the top. Once they touch the spirit of the restricted area, and in severe behave hysterically.
on the is synonymous with them. heterosexual relationship is probably more than they need to identify a good popularity and his charisma to counter those common views. Once you find the hearts of true love, he will protect you for life, as long as you give him a sense of security, he never no betrayal, only you in mind in the eyes of a person. whoring, affair, nothing to do with their insulation (one due to a sense of responsibility, the second is the trouble).
on the Visions such as water bottles, nor is it the kind of plan carefully Scorpio, Virgo is more reflected the wisdom. delicate, rational, studious together twelve constellations in the first-class insight and the most logical thinking ability, like Virgo not smart immune. nothing less lip in front of Virgo, lying at random, many of them one can see through the pseudo-yarn; also do not tell what they are scheming to play, but you play them. virgin is someone who can sell you your have to thank him type. nothing too little debate with the Virgo, they can not find the reason reason, even more than one reason to find out. Virgo is never suffer.
on the Virgo is very pure, but not simple, complex and unimaginable in their hearts, many things may have been inadvertently they carefully arranged. Virgo has always hovered between purity and lust, which is difficult to tell. But they really are extremely good heart,
would rather their plight do not want to hurt anyone, mind the general crystal clear as crystal.
on the they touch it, you will realize what is cold humor, what is the real humor, funny, not vulgar taste.
on the react, in a good moment you say, they may have turned his mind five or six you the consequences of this proposal would (usually negative consequences). They were always thinking too much, not think too much slow.
on the ) because Virgin do not want to hurt anyone.
on the , they frantically to escape, fall themselves, this condition is usually harmless to others, but it is harmful to themselves, so that all who love them feel sad. But do not worry too much after a while they themselves will be fine, they the spirit of self-critical nature will soon be working. Virgo generally do not completely fall, fall before the might have to leave room, just waiting for the arrival of hope. degeneration are sometimes made for others to see.
on the can be encouraged to go do it, will certainly help. It is their goal to pursue perfectionism.
Virgo is a mystery to the elusive surface, the truth is very simple but the constellation. closest to the people of God ? Maybe, like Virgo
to flaunt themselves. because they do have a side of vulgarity. their hearts close to God, but living in this world, can not other-worldly air it, so have to wear a mask live in this world.
Virgo and people say something ambiguous like, then to crush confession was embarrassed.
want others to know their Virgo, but only that part will be able to publish external display .
Virgo is the most responsible person can often afraid of the responsibility.

elegant balance scales in the luxury to turn around smiling, stare look good, free and easy like a fish in water. them with red wine , crystal cup, evening dress, piano music is so complement each other, diffuse inadvertently attract the public's eye hh
almost all have the impression that:
Libra people good, amiable, sociable friends. so that the balance which we all are social creatures, must be afraid of being alone, like busy. But the fact is not as simple as the face of it.
Indeed, the balance is a messenger of peace. in public can be well adjust the atmosphere to make it balanced. a warm atmosphere, they will quiet position suppress; atmosphere of condensation, they implied the use of humor to defuse the ice. In short they will not follow the crowd to contribute to an atmosphere of hot and cold, but as with items weighing scales, like addition and subtraction weight, so to maintain the level of the state.
and they are doing this addition and subtraction when the action is elegant attitude, and Wyatt, and look casually calm and collected. actually They are people who shenanigans, though difficult to reach, you can also find a foolproof way to make up the global harmony.
but this does not mean that they like to dominate, just because they do not balance, it will make them on pins and needles .
Thus, while the lazy Libra hates trouble, annoying as hell, they will not help to assume the responsibility of regulation. perhaps because of this, making the balance in public has never relaxed its own. character makes them bear unnecessary liability, no shirking.
they do not begrudge the money, but sparing free time and quiet time to relax. Like all Libra, they like freedom, like the wind who has Zhuobu Zhu him.
they like the space itself independent. Even if you're his best friend, and do not stick with the old, and he, you know he does not like that, though he does not directly say it. you have to believe that Your Libra friends may have not heard from half a year, but whenever they meet, you are still his best friend. because he is such a way to make friends, how do you get him?
This is the spoken language Libra. They too lazy to go out, too lazy to party, so they do not bother to socialize hh like to participate in party.'d prefer to stay at home and the Internet, reading, painting. They themselves are balanced, the total balance of a person balanced than the group of people come easy. so they like to be alone.
Usually, Libra people who will feel like old friends, because they have a gentle smile and elegant manners. on first met them, Libra often show their most flattering side: considerate, generous, sincere, talkative. but this will not last long awkward enthusiasm. cold when you come depends on the frequency of contacts with him. the more you stick tight grip he cold faster. because they like the conflict, so it feels like work, like, can not really relax.
Aries than on the house, the balance is another individual. Aries is an external independent, heart is hot; balance affinity is seemingly strong, the heart is, who can not integrate into the. the balance of calm, even they surprised themselves. a bit strange. That is because they hide the inner world that even fooled himself.
their ability to control their emotions too strong. most people feel close to, the balance gives a sense of isolation one's intentions, and sometimes would be blaming What he is honest with you?
they do not like hysterical, crying uncontrollably, do not like, not how other people do not like comfort like to be comforted. because they know, no one can really understand another person.
balance, in fact is independent of the signs. They smile in neon shadows, in the dim light alone. They tell you to know: the highest state of prosperity alone

Scorpio Scorpio, born in autumn and deep. likes the quiet, peaceful means . love the cut, perfectly understand the resentment. nature of light and fame, but fame has a benefit talent.
emphasis on the perfect combination of body and soul. intuitive quasi the sharp, the chic of the special operations forces, often Lingtu there virtual endless list of people avoid anger. Scorpio, a unique constellation. style clearly has not the average person is not exposed on the table sublime mind. Rongren often difficult to contain the matter, who also laugh at the ridiculous.
for friends, re- quality and not quantity, height requirements intimate.'d rather lonely and not against their will. For the love Ningquewulan.'d rather regret for life, or struggling to improvise. Merry uninhibited words and deeds, the persistent pursuit of a religious consciousness of love faith. the heart of a highly responsible , loyalty, self-discipline, and contradictions. romantic elegance, wit detached. with strange looks attractive temperament. basically, to promote the sexual nature by a love of pattern, despise pure animal sex, but, but always in the will of their own weak, masochistic addiction during a camel.
most Enyuanfenming Scorpio, black and white will never confuse. as Bao Gong, Zhong Guan rather offended, but also reward them justice. Dauth few words the characteristics of complete and thorough wisdom so that all endless panic mask the truth. Therefore, the nature of the Scorpio quiet withdrawn easily provoke the disapproval of others, and irrigation on the trumped-up charges. And the nature of its hard and soft, often bear the blame is not to carry the defense, not down. typical ; single-handedly through the ages wrong, apathy from the Happy so sleek against the real culprits are bad people angry, took the opportunity to hype. Tolerance is the Scorpio has the good side, more distinct and unique qualities, which also led to much jealousy Scorpio is often shifted the blame to the phenomenon of . but also because of the typical Scorpio, not good at dredging to improve social skills, more effective expression to clarify what you are not good at, making it the second constellation, a constellation of the most controversial.
Scorpio as a spiritual gift ideas with real insight, resulting in a perspective different from ordinary people's thinking. love, friendship outlook, outlook on life, all this. the sense of extraordinary, Scorpio are always: Red suffer no bosom friend, not as good as invisible love alone. Scorpio really is such an extreme : not the most modern alternative is the most primitive alternative.
people the error of Scorpio Scorpio is the psychological inability to reach the fundamental.
In fact, the Scorpio who lives close friends are looking for, but they also tolerate the presence of opponents, but not making enemies. you know, Scorpio nature of war is not good, but with the wisdom and energy of the fighting. Note: This is the key. So you can be Scorpio's rival and friend, but, not to Scorpio When the enemy. because the Scorpio never take the initiative to infringe the interests of others. you do not do something low-level hostilities, it seems you can only defeat boredom. For example: If you incite people, want to gossip rumors against calculation, even isolation of Scorpio, then soon you will find Scorpio still live a free and easy, very unique. because they did not treat you as an enemy, a sense of your own, belly of a gentleman. and this vulgar hostile tactics, the Scorpio is undoubtedly break a bunch of ridiculous bad move. Scorpio desire to understand nature, not luxury understanding, be content alone, more willing to loneliness. Scorpio has the advantage, for people with ulterior motives, can see through, and been totally ignored. Perhaps, when you smug, the Scorpio think and this is the first animal is not general knowledge! see, Scorpio is such a state of mind, lofty in patient and depression to bear, but, cool too crisp, like a superb swordsman, but not strokes, but you non-rival. Why do you non-opponent, because you have to own conception as the enemy. For the enemy, do not exchange blows. No interest when dismissed. interest in, the sword will be played. this biting cool and aloof, but also a Scorpio who though not provoke others, but still attracted the notoriety of the fundamental insidious toxic. And, the only Scorpio he knows, the real evil is you! But all will be useless, you know, able to endure the lonely people, that is the most fearless person. That is why the Scorpio's notoriety can be overwhelming rumors, the still lived up style reasons. a way, creativeness Smirnov Scorpio people, it is unrealistic from the attack and defame others, saw its own unique value. because no one will be of great efforts of a lot of energy, for a person to do too much mediocrity impermanence attention. Clearly, the Scorpio is unique.
me the good, and I this is true, such a sentence, used in the Scorpio who is the most fitting. each Scorpio seems only that day from birth, it is destined for their own unique and through many storms. For human nature, Scorpio has never been more important than all thoroughly.
can say that their extreme, but they can not be true to lived up to . Perhaps, only this sentence. because the scorpions if necessary, in specific environments to portray themselves as the proper role of a good life of people wearing masks. But the power of my mind letting this at some point they could not help showing their scorpions cold dark side. almost no one can escape the scorpion Block this person. because the nature of things, rooted in the bone marrow, rooted in the soul.
here, I would like to see through their little thin, and you get to know This is the most complex of the scorpion.
Block emotional, scorpion who is the most common features. I love factor has not been found due to lack of Scorpio. they have unusual vigor of the emotions, but most of possession of a deep, usually appears to be a relatively kind of people, generally do not burst, spewing out is definitely the outbreak, and has a strong deterrent effect.
can induce feelings of deep scorpion things outbreak is not much. I summarizes the three cases.
The first deception, the deception may not be large, perhaps even in a very good friend among relatives and friends, maybe just a small, but the scorpion seems important is not what caused the loss fraud, but fraud that the act itself, he considered it a strong sense of distrust is a lack of respect for him. a little deception in the minds of the scorpion from huge upset will be stirring, cold nature of the scorpion used it to enlarge view, it can be said This style of doing things with them runs counter to the behavior norms of their contempt and rejection. with the deception scorpion resulting damage is usually not easy to crack eliminated. the party's position in the heart can be said the scorpion would immediately decline. has been observed No sign that is so deeply as the scorpion that value the trust and respect of these two words, they are generally very sensitive to this. sensitive to not only put his permission was a small grain of sand occur within the range. more intimate relationship between deception of the scorpion the greater the damage. because they tend to produce true friends, which come to pay compensation if the words of deception and betrayal, the scorpion's heart will be the extreme cold.
second is insulting. sensitive to the scorpion afford the joke is not so open, of course, they can sharply distinguish the true meaning of your words in good faith they will not refuse a joke. But if they absolutely barbed could immediately hear that he can feel your tone the feelings of the true composition. it does not tolerate self-scorpion insult him away from his people. Maybe bad thing to let him, let him suffer great, but if necessary he can live to suppress their emotions, pretending nothing had happened. but only insult not, you can feel the cold more and more scorpions moment expressions, clenching of teeth. That is his strength in the plot Yun, you can feel his eyes Jiangyanuhuo start rolling in the chest, only a small breakthrough, a huge the energy necessary to gushing out. this time, to understand their people or shut it quickly, otherwise no one knows what terrible things will happen. I myself have experienced this scenario many times, has always been a fierce bursts, do not understand people wonder how such a big temper suddenly, in fact, the truth is, he Renzhao Qi has been a long long time, but have you preposterously forced him broke out.
third is considered important for his people. scorpion is to live alone, and they themselves will find themselves, and many people are out of tune, and his face is not often smile from the heart, just to the needs of occasions, and truly able to talk to and know their friends and the general very little. his life he will attach importance to the effort to protect the people, the scorpion in order to protect the man, showing feelings is strong. This is probably one of the greatest need in the scorpion to a real understanding of the warmth of caring person. even a little bit. as will keep the pain, like the scorpion on his really good people who definitely keep in mind, and not much on the surface of things, the key, when you really willing to sacrifice the friend, definitely him. the man of his favorite, the scorpions and if possible even willing to die for her. If he thought that she was someone hurt, then cut out the heart of the scorpion will be pain, this time, he may exposed the dark side, if you want revenge and scorpions link, then this was undoubtedly the first. scorpions this time may be driven in the throes, with the darkest forces of revenge for her to go to destroy the enemy . In my opinion, most scorpions shown strong feelings, it should in order to protect her is his time. the water as the Scorpion King is often not so strong in appearance, and even a little bit weak, which is a lot of people on their impression, but the people who know their hearts will find that they are people who hate to be ordered. It can be said the scorpion is hard not to eat soft food, equal to him, he is a very good personality child who, if want to pressed him, the scorpion heart immediately rejected, and they are very averse subconscious habit of finding fault with the people they are. their hearts against most, but not clearly demonstrated, perhaps temporarily, along the other side, behind the silent accumulation of forces, Maybe just go by the indifference and disgust directly refused. scorpions really like to control others, but not like the arrogance of the fire like a lion on the command of all kind of feeling, a unique hidden scorpion can use the power of influence, because he someone else has ripped through the heart of the acumen and a firm quiet temperament. If the scorpion has some fire as the character, then this will be a people who feel very sharp, calm exterior, then work efficiency arrogant talking about. scorpion if the school the character of a little publicity, then immediately shown a strong leadership. scorpion on his wife also have a strong control of desire, only when the person she is only a good time for him, he felt at ease, and he hoped she would often to be with him, I hope she can always rely on him, so gentle and sweet innocent girl like most girls love the feeling stirred up the scorpion. This explains why he and the water as the fish and Cancer is and reasons come.
scorpions prefer to do things without words of expression can be said the scorpion is difficult to learn how to use facial expressions to express their rich inner world, they are not good at using expressions of the people. scorpion nature is not love to laugh , in particular, are not used in a lot of laughter between the wanton, scorpions used to shallow smile, look in front of them literally for 10 seconds I believe it is a difficult task.
they do often give the lack of affinity impression, even if he has recognized this point and try to change, the result will find Accidentally, he and his people's sense of distance and inexplicably emerged. can be said the scorpion a smile to retain the human original things, will bring a wire scorpion shy smile, especially in front of many people or the opposite sex. looks very childish, innocent feel, look cute. but really more important to laugh scorpion, scorpions simple sincere smile They can be a good way to dispel the bad impression in the minds of others. scorpion can be more than a mirror to practice exercises. sensitive sometimes inexplicable scorpion admitted to smile, this will give others a bad impression, they will wonder and think of you Suddenly Chen Xialian reasons, very often, scorpions and human barriers is so produced.
life in the scorpion always had a yearning for the nature of loneliness.
desolate, even if they can not stand silent in the same time, desire to be alone when we can enjoy only in self-play and the ultimate reality without the slightest reservation. So lonely scorpion is a contradiction.
optimism and gloom: Sagittarius is not outside the inner look so optimistic, because I like to see much, much easier to worry about things that will, in their dictionary, even though good, does not necessarily mean the future is good, sometimes a lot of people think that good a job or a partner They will give out very easily, may simply be an unassuming little reason. Therefore, the external manifestations of this, let people feel they do not like something or someone is bound to live, the pursuit of freedom, feel no pressure.
reality: Sagittarius is often said that the pursuit of dreams, but often overlooked aspect of their reality, it will not be calculated Oh worse than Virgo, but later fills out even more hidden. Sagittarius man dream is to be built on the basis of reality, generally they rarely talk about their dreams, but actually do some things to move closer to the dream. If you can accomplish by Kunugi, and never spend more effort . so sometimes Sagittarius is also easy to get smart people feel. But also have to admit that they done pretty good. Perhaps his life, they are considering how to do some clever things with minimal effort to achieve the most good results. So many people look Sagittarius will feel lazy, but in fact they had the brain can not stop thinking real thing.
refused Pulp: Almost all are proud of Sagittarius heart, Leo no less an extent. but they will not appear on the face, on the outside is always easy-going, and appropriate. But there is a strong inner self-esteem, sensitive and emotional. Because Sagittarius is proud hearts , so they refuse to vulgar, not like any vulgar, rude things or people. If you can, all the things they want, are elegant, noble, worthy of taste. and makes them feel worthy of true friends or the love of people is very small, although on the surface they are very easy going.
passionate: passionate Sagittarius lot of people say, especially men. In fact, in Sagittarius people's minds, that are ideal for love tendency, and they fall in love, is a difficult thing. They are very annoying tacky, so you can not be material or like to talk about money, but they also brings a reality, so you can not broke, there must be some aspects strength. material and spiritual, you have to balance just right, just let them think you're worthy of love. Or, you have enough sense of mystery, you can let them know where your weaknesses, and blind love you. General Of course, there is no perfect person, so it might never make such as the Taurus feels impenetrable Men Men striker who will be very attracted them; or, as the twin, as clever enough to know how the wind blows, to capture their emotions , will they feel the sweetness of love. the feelings of the general model is the shooter, the first stage, you are not familiar with, he (she) fell in love with you, very warm. The second stage, you become familiar with, and he ( she) began analities, criticize your problems all day long, whether privately or in person. If you're lucky enough, through his (her) the critical process, the basic critical problems to zero out the shortcomings of confidential or you are very good; then enter the The third stage is their loyalty and passion to love the. but the basic through the second stage are very small, so the shooter has sentimental one said. In fact, the discerning shooter lovers, is critical for love comes from, fear of the loss of the sense of freedom.
Archers of life, often lucky, because they are intelligent, bright, transparent. different, perhaps a lifetime pursuit of their dreams, hoping that every shooter people can find their dream!
everyone said the feelings of Sagittarius is a liar, love is not respected, only the pursuit of a moment of pleasure, full of desire is helping them with the red symbol. friends h Sagittarius you know the most the real side of you?
Sagittarius is a big boy, innocent and kind, experience love, they may feel are not serious, pay less than anyone else. But, you know? Sagittarius want to love, but also afraid of love! they just slowly started to pay, careful love, afraid they will hurt. But in one sentence, love, live day by day under the Sagittarius barbed preparedness to lose, regardless of all the love begin their loved ones, in the eyes of others, but Sagittarius to achieve some purpose for the action. may Sagittarius does not mind, he imagined in his intoxicated happiness, hope they can feel the love of each other, like each other that is happy together with their own.
in Sagittarius in love with a man, he would put himself last. have suffered themselves, may be as noisy and not happy a small frame, it is also the fastest mistake No matter who's wrong, they will accommodate, you know? Sagittarius love a person because of his betrayal to forgive, because you pay a lot of words. They love to have fun playing, but also hope to which were to give you a good mood, Sagittarius is optimistic.
Sagittarius people of the world always feel very happy, but it? Sagittarius upset that no one knows, he did not want the poor people themselves, Sagittarius is not strong, but very nice. when you're sad to coax you happy, so you have to rely on, breaking up, he'll cry to think about who you both are happy memories, do not want to love, and his sympathy with the force together. He hoped that better than anyone The one you love and happiness, but often ignoring him, the body is injured also laugh and tell you, I'm fine do not worry.
see him smile at everyone thought he was all right, but do not know the shooters romance Block, how much damage there is a gorgeous exterior needs of vulnerable people to understand and comfort the heart. know what? you that care, attentive Sagittarius will remember you for his good, his love without reservation for you, Sagittarius is not to be understood, but they will not repine. They foolishly think that, let me take it, do not let other people hurt. So, do not let the pain Sagittarius happy, do not let they are the most charming smile as camouflage to cover up the pain, serious love Sagittarius. You will know the love of Sagittarius, is full of tears, h

young Capricorn Capricorn is very simple, I want to they would not know from the angels into demons, Capricorn's innate goodness of people, feelings are also very fragile, may be upset because some small things for a long time, so they are usually cool in the surface expression and things like isolation, in fact, they just do not want to let others see his weak side, strong, sensible, suffering is synonymous with Capricorn, they are not casual and want to express themselves, they want to know the character of everyone around him not because of curiosity, if only because of a sense of security, in order to protect themselves give birth to a special ability to Capricorn.
Capricorn constellation relative to any period of time than can be seen at the most a person's character regardless of their how to hide, this is much like the Scorpio but they do not see each other's heart, they can easily understand the advantages and disadvantages of everyone around them, but they usually do not say it, do not feel offended, all Capricorn is very accommodating each other Remember, if you have a Capricorn shortcomings that it must be friendly, though they will use an ironic tone to that.
All Capricorn have two personalities, but Most of Capricorn are reluctant to accept because they want to live forever silly, Capricorn can be compared to all the bad signs, maybe they do not believe, but over time people slowly accumulated Capricorn worse, in fact, this is also a self-protection, they need to know to understand his last trump card, do not do to see whether the other party to the point of Capricorn ambition, which is not in the praise, it seems that can be described with a sinister, When Capricorn hate it when a person is an absolute, Capricorn will not just hate a person, but if too much what people do, this person will be completely obliterated from the Capricorn heart, and if this angered the Capricorn, Oh then the person can only wait catastrophe.
Capricorn is a relatively Ayutthaya, he ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

9 years of migrant workers to carry the gas tank funded by 18 children to school

 Hung Yen in the transport gas tank development. Yuxing She read the tips

Bank hydropower maintenance man he is, but also the aspirated gas company workers, or the securities company's night watchman; his several roles, and hard earned money, not for themselves, but to sponsor more needy students. His name is Yan show red, is of Jiangsu Province Xixiang Jiangdu weeks to come out of an ordinary migrant workers.

old Yan migrant workers, the promise to a student, one three jobs to earn money funding more than a dozen children from poor families attend school. Since 2002, he has adhered to 9 years.

old Yan Yan exhibition called red, rural commercial banks in Jiangsu Province Jiangdu hydroelectric maintenance man. In addition to this work, the old gas cans or YAN aspirated workers, a securities company's night watchman.

good as gold

1992, the old Yan Zhou Xixiang from Jiangdu Jiangdu area of rural home to work, schooling her daughter to the old couple made a difficult Yen. . p> four or five hundred dollars a month's wage income is not always the old Yan deliver on their promises, until 2001, he suddenly has a new discovery. 5 dollars a month, there are 100 yuan, 1,000 yuan a year down there. Tian yuan a year to 365 yuan for each child.

from 2002 to 2006, the old Yan gradually funded 8 children from poor families. In order to fulfill its commitments, full to the brim of his day's work: getting up early in the morning closing the street to empty cylinder; morning from the bank to the gas station after work quickly inflated; afternoon after work, house to house carrying a gas tank sent home; busy nine o'clock at night, the old Yen to see the door and rushed to the securities companies ... ... in vigil Jiangdu dawn dusk, not many people noticed the busy worker, noted that his hard work and happy to do the thing.

Cunxin affectionate

Over the years, the old Yan has always insisted the object does not meet with his student: I do not need anything in return. Furthermore, taking into account the child's self-esteem, the students may be embarrassed in front of them.

carry all the old gas tank for a long time student Yan keeping everything a secret, even his wife did not tell, he is also a student by the name With the increasing number of children funded by the old Yen to send the gas extracted from the capital to keep up with the student, entered, took home the money side of pad. Whether the number pad, the old do not count from the Yen account. a line.

for his wife, the old Yan did not have much psychological burden, but he admits is the most unworthy of his daughter, in her daughter's growth, the Yen is very old and need the money, but he was never willing to spend. Someone else money, no money to control their own old daughter of a good long time, Yen said, some blame him, slowly the past two years to understand him. Yan talked about old daughter both guilty and relieved, 18 people, the money he spent annually to 6000 yuan student. This amount may seem small, but it is the old Yen carry more than 12,000 gas tank little by little, save come. Some calculations: The average bottle of gas to Kangshang 4 floors, 11 meters in height around one year old Yen carry 12,000 bottles of gas, equivalent to 15 times up and down Mount Everest.

hard work all year round, making only 47-year-old Yan amplified old photo: Thanks carved top of the head of deep wrinkles, dark bearded face. As long move, carry gas cylinders, old hands full of calluses Yan, greasy fingers on how to clean black wash is also not clean.

old Yan told reporters call him , the hotel is 195 kg weight with the gas tank, I still carry the to go! Yan said the old, as long as these children need help, he will still be subsidizing them, Old student Yan set criteria: nine-year compulsory education 360 yuan per person per year during the period, entering the first 600 yuan per person per year in high school, into college more than two score of 5 or more 1,500 yuan per person per year. have some contribution to society is enough.

- Hung Yen Exhibition (Xinhua Shen Lin)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dedication to humanitarian love

 Mm humanitarian fraternity dedicated to create task. In addition to the human, financial and material support was given, but is still very tight financial situation, do everything possible to raise funds every year for the Red Cross to ensure the proper and orderly conduct of the work. In every aspect of daily work, we are permeated with the Red Cross play in the Red Cross in the teaching-oriented, dynamic and guarantee. In recent years, the school has made great achievements the Red Cross, schools, Red Cross Red Cross recognition of the county many times. control Law , now create a work report is as follows:
First, a sound organization, deepening the spirit of the Red Cross, fully implement the Party's education policy.
create a I established a school principal, branch head of the book is, to vice president, dean of Church and State Director of the Young Pioneers as the total members of the Red Cross counselors to create a leading group. the Red Cross youth work into the school teaching the development of the master plan. for different grade students to develop a variety of ideological and moral education and social practice targets, to take the form of a variety of activities, integrating the various Red Cross activities in the school work, and to let the teachers and students see red Cross the spiritual connotation, and consciously build awareness of the Red Cross and the quality of scientific awareness. focus on research and teaching in the education role in promoting our national project on DEVELOPMENT
study with the source to carry out.
Second, clear goals, sound institutions, to promote institutionalization of the Red Cross school.
Red Cross Work, work plan, the Red Cross mission clear and specific measures. and the work place, supervision, assessment, summarized in place.
Red Cross to ensure the normal development of the school, our school to strengthen the Red Cross organization and team building The Red Cross is responsible for the implementation of principal leadership and administration system, the establishment of parent committees and community education organizations. formed by the level of field leadership, middle-level cadres, grade team leader, class, ideological and moral Teachers formed the backbone of the Red Cross team, and the full education Politics educational system, social services system, a major anniversary of the education system, the Red Cross reward system, mental health education system, helping the vulnerable, supporting the elderly, disabled and other social systems.
three practical to do routine work to promote Red Cross on the stage.
all the work starting from the bit. school Red Cross can not aim too high, should be practical to do routine work. I work in the school of the Red Cross, mainly from the following aspects: the < br> 1, focus on targeted to carry out revolutionary tradition, seed of hope.
2, according to various Red Cross educational activities planned. active members of broad participation in youth organizations, social assistance and voluntary service activities.
3, the Red Cross mental health education and activities combine . Mental health talks conducted by organizing lectures and other forms of legal education, to prevent Liu Sheng, crime prevention, and there are plans to carry out self-help and mutual aid, love life, AIDS prevention, stay away from drugs and stay away from tobacco, unpaid blood donors, donated blood stem cell and other health knowledge of health and safety training.
4, strive to do the work of the Red Cross class, the Red Cross to create a good environment. The class is an integral part of the school, the school Red Cross can not do without each class. We demand a serious and responsible teacher can and coordination between all the teachers to effectively organize collective activities. and give full play to the role of student body, Huanjingyuren role. in the class set up a investment, and creative. rationally to greening the campus standard. outdoor tree flowers, four seasons fragrance, school spirit, school motto was always everywhere educating people to create an atmosphere, bright and spacious room classroom building, complete the implementation of modern education, scene hand, broadcasting and other forms of international humanitarian law students basic knowledge of the Red Cross movement and the publicity and education to enable students to grow in the nurture.
four practice paid off, Fruit of quality education.
recent years, I school to create a work as the starting point, with difficulties, supporting the old, disabled Arts Festival, organized students to watch the prevention of crime, stay away from drugs photo exhibition experience to carry out educational activities such as holiday team; hire outside counselors, legal principal, invited them to the school held a , great picture, the founder of the magazine, the campus television station, radio stations and promotional positions red scarf, set up a fully operational, the school has made great achievements the Red Cross. The school has access to the Chinese Education Society, Party for seven consecutive years, strong sense of responsibility, can serve as role models. The school repeatedly advanced unit in the county Department of Education as Moral Education, Science Engineering Wing, Sun Jianjun, B Jean Yu Mingjing teachers and other provincial cities and counties more than 150 people moral advanced individuals, the honorary title of outstanding teacher, there are nearly 300 times teachers papers, lesson plans, courseware at the national, provincial, city and county competitions in all kinds of awards, nearly 100 people in the thinking of teachers and other quality products selected in the award-winning courses, significantly improved the quality of students and actively participate in social assistance and voluntary service activities, basically the participation of all members of the Red Cross Youth Red Cross activities in a good situation at all levels made great achievements in competitions, nearly 400 people at all levels of students in various competitions, winning numerous awards, the general form good habits, can to achieve self-esteem, self-love, self-protection, self-reliance, self-improvement, positive, have self-care, diligent hands of the work habits, a strong sense of knowing the law in recent years, no case of our school students have criminal acts, the students good moral behavior formation rate of 100%. helping the vulnerable, supporting the elderly, disabled formation of a good social climate, quality education and fruitful.
review and overview of the creation of our school, we see clearly, to promote quality education, strive for creating model schools of the province of the Red Cross work, rich content, the higher level so far, many of our work is only at a preliminary stage, many ideas are to be improved, people-oriented management philosophy, activities, bases outside the Red Cross, Red Cross expenses of preparation, external humanitarian assistance activities carried out, remains to be further improved and perfected. We are determined to continue to learn and practice, careful control .
now all teachers and students to our morale, soaring energy, the confidence of times for my school to create a

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7 customs around the world

 Sailungaidi plain
a long time, Africa has always been in our mind is a distant and mysterious place. Speaking of this land in my mind the picture very complex, horrifying famine, war documentary news photos, United States, can fully show the film, but no matter from what perspective on the African earth, always escape from wild animals.
was said to be filtering ads, wildlife and mysterious African continent, the land between this kind of humanity has always can not intervene in the link, located between Tanzania and Kenya proved this statement Sailungaidi prairie.
Sailungaidi in the Masai language means Perhaps this comes from living in the grasslands of the annual mass migration habits of animals. Every July and August, thousands of animals on the prairie residents would migrate to the west by the Sailungaidi grassland areas north of lush, October the south for calving, and then turned back to the western prairie. year after year, regardless of what the road will encounter bad weather and the environment, regardless of the number of road opportunistic predators devour their cubs in their migration times and routes, as the clock as accurate as if the earth's rotation can not be changed. this animal on the prairie has an annual migration of thousands of miles into the instincts into. Why do they migrate? Why do they always take the same route, how they pass on the knowledge of these migratory population in the pups? scientists trying to understand the mystery, but if you were not a wildebeest, how can they know what it means to migrate?
We do not know anything, we can only make an outsider Watch and praise. sitting in the van roof can be opened into the Sailungaidi prairie, you have entered the strange world of wild animals, elephants, buffalo, zebra, hippos, antelope, giraffe is everywhere, good luck also to see lions, bald eagle or ostrich. as long as the prospective operator of the moment, waiting in the only way animals move, you can see the endless brigade zebra, wildebeest free Mercedes-Benz on the grasslands. They run the , raised the dust in the sunlight as if enveloped in a layer of gauze on the prairie. may be used to describe such a magnificent scene of the spectacular migration of it, the roar of the ear, in front of horses, are the life force display. This power is so amazing, can break through all obstacles. Tanzanian government once for human development perspective, migration of animals on the way in setting the barbed metal fences, preventing them from going north. man's attempt to intervene Sailungaidi order to block tens of thousands of animals for a thousand years of journey, the result is certainly not polite to overcome the force of movement of the fence, thousands of miles to their journey. Nothing can stop them, they are the masters here. Salem Getty flow of grassland will not stop anyone. This is the essence of life. Here you will find the most beautiful moment of a horse rider, there is no control, no halter restraint, the free moment of Mercedes-Benz . the charm of life to continue moving forward in these animals is no doubt expose.
number of interventions may be the only Sailungaidi this wonderful natural world of human beings is the local indigenous Masai people. But they look in the eyes of outsiders is singular to family, they live in houses built with cow dung, wearing national costume features Masai, particularly surprising is that they wear full ear on a variety of accessories, and even hung on the nose also full of jewelry. they are also a group of people we can not understand.
Sailungaidi we will not stop our exploration of the Sailungaidi the owner will not bother because we stop their migration. Sailungaidi flow is eternal.
Geographic profile:
eastern Africa between Kenya and Tanzania, grasslands, a radius of 31,080 square kilometers, including the national parks in Tanzania and Kenya Sailungaidi Masai Mara Wildlife Reserve, which 马萨伊玛拉 Wildlife of Kenya's largest wildlife sanctuary is also inhabited by indigenous people where the Masai people.
Swahili, English, Masai language
minimum average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, the average maximum temperature of 26 degrees Celsius for the rainy season, March to June each year.
Sailungaidi grassland 2,000,000 kinds of live wild animals, including 1.5 million gazelles, 2000 lions and 250 cheetahs. June of each year, beginning on the grassland in the dry season, herds of wild animals begins with a large-scale western prairie Sailungaidi migrate to the north where the river, until the rainy season began, the animals went to the southeast to the litter, and then back to the western prairie. They walked the same route every year, again and again, year after year as one.
Loire Valley - to a full taste of the French Garden
French style, takes only go to two places, one in Paris, first, the Loire Valley. If the convergence of multi-cultural romantic and avant-garde in Paris on behalf of the French side, then the Loire Valley quiet after the French classical garden. Paris, the United States, the United States in a variety of culture and style between the impact and contradictions; and the Loire Valley is beautiful in her sweet and pure French style.
Loire is the longest in France She is the middle section of the most beautiful valley. There are many fine rivers are filtered ads hills, ancient castles nestled in green leaves. These castles were mostly built in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance castle deep house, moss mottled, to the vicissitudes of the French added some sense of the garden. Hundred Years War, the French royal family had fled to refuge in the Loire Valley, the Loire Valley, also known as the the legend of the royal family anecdotes, which makes up the castle becomes more mysterious.
number of the most famous castle to Shen Nong Sjöberg (Chenonceau), left and right wings of the castle across sub-tributary of the Loire River Car (Cher) on both sides bridges connected to the middle of the five-hole, often referred to as Renaissance architectural style luxury very elegant style. Here used to live several of the king's Aifei and ladies, therefore, and the castle will always love anecdotes related to the shadow. The most famous of the Diana Henry II's concubine most (Diane) and Princess Catherine (Catherine) jealousy between. this elegant and ethereal castle was originally a gift of Henry II donated Aifei Diana, and later Henry II pilot killed in a gun games, harem chaos. Results Katrina were right off the Diana. hostess of careful care of through the ages, the castle's furnishings filling the luxury and elegance of the French royal family, wander in the castle, watch decorated luxurious rooms, it is conceivable that year the days of kings and nobles flashy extravagance.
Hong Fort (Chambore) is the Loire Valley and a wonderful location. It is built in the Francois I, the French royal hunting palace. However, the motive of the original castle was built because of Francois I just fell in love with a girl living here. This is the castle in the Loire Valley, one of the largest of all, the castle, there were 440 rooms, 84 staircases, there are 365 light the chimney. Castle is the most special two-ramp, which has two sets of stairs railings separate but intertwined, it is said to avoid this design met the Queen and the King's mistress dispute. Hong Building in Fort style combines the traditional architecture of the French and Italian Renaissance, regarded as national treasures by the French .1981, Hong Fort Heritage List included in the century.
a magazine that deals forthrightly with direct French Loire region French is the most pure, and are not afraid it would cause so-called This is the Loire Valley of France Gardens. will be written here. their lives, their works are inseparable with the valley's beauty, but also a gift to make this garden a touch of French scholarly, can be said that the Loire writing them, or they write a Loire.
Loire Valley's most unique features is the garden of France sunsets. Did you ever think in a summer evening, sitting on a balcony overlooking the Loire on the scene, look across the mysterious quiet of the ancient Fort and the distant vineyards are gorgeous sunset afterglow dyed inexplicable, entirely a work of Impressionist master Claude Monet. a small stone castle will allow the water the reflection of waves around a circle with the water go through. air Valley of flowers is a faint fragrance, and your hands are holding a glass of white wine produced in the Loire Valley. such a laid-back style is purely French, in addition to the Loire Valley, which corner of the world can still be found?
Geographic profile: Loire Valley is located in central France, Loire River Valley plains, a radius of 27,500 square miles. Loire is the longest river in France, about 1020 km wide, sandy banks, fall into the flood season each year.
population: five hundred and fifty million people
lived in this celebrity: George Sand, De Padi about, Proust, Balzac, Rabelais, Descartes, etc.
Climate: temperate
specialty: Castle, white wine and other writers
Castle: Castle of Blois (Blois), snow Varney Castle (Cheverny) and other
Blois castle: once as the Queen of France City over a century, the castle buildings are prominent source of the symbol of the French royal lilies mm image.
snow Varney Castle: Castle in the Loire Valley, all the furniture, the most beautiful I have a
love St. Peter's Cathedral, which is the earth's most beautiful decorations.
mm Emerson
Most of us repeatedly through life every day, work hard and fast, a life without passion. may be so One day, suddenly everything is different, and changes may be thousand reasons, but one must have an ad to be filtered because you get to the Vatican.
Few people can resist the charm of the Vatican. The area is only 44 hectares of the total population but more than 1,000 people, the world's smallest countries, but is the world's religious center for more than eight hundred million Catholics, except for their brilliant historical sites, where the art on display giant too much, it is the heart of God Chi drunk. < br> Suddenly into this treasure trove of art, a moment, as if falling into a medieval time and space, as you collapse in the former but not color Taishan people, inevitably absence. Michelangelo, Raphael, Rodin, and Sport Ding Siji, Dali, Munch hh can only look up the names of all normal eyes suddenly became a real presence in the densely woven around you played a network, network live in your eyes and your heart. Rodin that art is a deeply spiritual nature, spiritual and found that it contains are the joy. The Vatican's temperament is art in the course of history through the baptism of countless, countless times before settling success. Everyone can put the Vatican as a books to read, one beyond the politics, interests, money, art history textbook of human civilization. where each piece of art for hundreds of years to wash away the scars of dead drifting, wash away the worldly honor of the uproar, in which was embarked on a experienced a pure and beautiful like a pilgrimage.
face the art itself, the taste of the history of which emotions hidden, no matter who will daydreams with Pina. boarded the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, panoramic vista of the moment , like in the lake dropped a stone, long-forgotten happiness of mind and emotion, long as a wave-like spread to. the first time, as intelligent people who are very proud.
Country Name: Vatican
Capital City State: Vatican City
Location: Located in the northwest corner of the Vatican in Rome, Italy on high ground, is located in the Tiber River (the Tiber River) on the right bank.
area: 0.44 square kilometers, less than a New York one-eighth of Central Park is the smallest country in the world.
Population: about 1,400 people, the resident population of only 500 people
Climate: typical Mediterranean climate, summers are hot and dry; mild and rainy winter
Currency: Vatican lira? euro?
heads of state: Pope
Religion: Catholic world center, special caliphate. Vatican City as early as the 8th century AD, has become the center of the Papal States annexed the Kingdom of the Pope in Italy .1870 States, 1929 Pope retreated to the Vatican, Italy signed an agreement with the pope, the Vatican as a sovereign state.
main attractions:
Piazza San Pietro (St. Peter's Square) is known as the world's most symmetrical, most magnificent Square, the famous 17th century architect Bernini spent 11 years into a masterpiece. Square, oval-shaped, 340 meters long, 240 meters wide, on both sides surrounded by a semicircular colonnade of marble, 284 columns and 88 square columns , sub-row four, the formation of the three corridors. pillars towards the top of each square platforms, each with a 3.2-meter-high marble saints like. plaza stands a central square tip 26 meters high monument. monument tip is shape of the cross of Jesus crucified, the stone monument was built that year made a special trip from Egypt to the. Yinhua in the square on each side of a beautiful fountains splash.
St. Peter's Cathedral (St. Peterrs Basilica) in the Square south-west, was once the largest church in the world. the entire building showing the cross structure, shape and sacred tradition. the church was first built in 324 years, beginning in the fifteenth century, rebuilt after a number of leading architects and artists participation changes, completed in 1626. St Peter's Church is not only magnificent appearance, but also a treasure house of art.
Cathedral 187 meters from east to west, from north to south 137 meters, can accommodate 5 people, roof and walls are decorated with the bronze canopy, third, Bernini designed the throne of St. Peter. In addition, the central dome of the church is Michelangelo designed dome, dual structure, the circumference of 71 meters, the highest point of the city of Rome, visitors can take an elevator summit overlooking the city of Rome. guards guarding the left side of the church, wearing their uniforms chic 500 years, the hands of Zhang Ge is the 15th century product.
Vatican Museums (The Vatican Museum), located in St. Peter's Church the north, covering about 5.5 million square meters, was built in the 5th century, the early stage of a papal palace, and later integrated into the museum, has 12 galleries and five art gallery, a collection of Greek and Roman ancient artifacts and the essence of Renaissance art, a collection of Pacific island
Palau Palau (Palau) is located 700 miles south of Guam on the western Pacific islands at the state, is one of the Pacific gateway into Southeast Asia.
Palau from the Big Island (Babeldaob), Colorado Island (Koror), Peleliu Island (Peleliu), Anchor Island (Angaur) and other major islands, north of a number of atolls and islands west of the Rock (Rock Islands) composition. local legend, the Palau is a very greedy boy Yul (Uab) changes to the body. He ate all the edible things that are filtered ads confused Naoqi town of famine Therefore, we decided to get rid of Yul. everyone in the Yul lit around the fire spread to Yul who, he struggled desperately lying on the ground up. so his feet became Peleliu Island and Anchor Island His legs became Colorado Island, and his huge body to become a big island. this strange legend, the locals do not know the first is not to frighten children, warning them not to be too greedy when I come . island properties only coconut, sugarcane, pineapple, sweet potatoes and the like, food and daily necessities are imported. It seems that the islanders fear of hunger and the idea is not unreasonable.
Palau 340 large and small volcanic islands and coral islands, only eight are permanent residents of the island. archipelago located in the sea 640 kilometers north to south, and of the coastline of 1519 km. Most of the foreigners here are intended to enjoy the scenery of the tropical ocean, swaying palm trees , gentle sea breezes, white sandy beaches, and underwater wonders. Here is a famous diving Holy Land.
true if you aspire to pure water, then you are looking for is the paradise of Palau. Palau's Rock Islands in the Pacific marine ecosystems in the purest one of the last pure land from industrial pollution. whether bright sunny day, or warm, pleasant evening, you can walk in the fine white sand and feel the world is most clear and transparent water. Here the water had a strange blue-green, so pure and yet strange, unbelievable, they dare not touch, I'm afraid they broke a hand in front of dreams. In Palau, you will re-learn what is the sea, what is the way, what is light, what is hot. hot air, cool water, here, forget, forget the outside world is really not a difficult thing. God created Palau seems to show that they can create a wonderful world.
historical natural state:
4000 years ago was inhabited .1710 .1885 Spanish explorers found was the Spanish occupation in 1898 was sold to Spain, Germany. First World War was occupied by Japan during World War II by the U.S. capture of .1947, the United Nations to pay U.S. custody, and the Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia Pacific Islands Trust Territory constituted a political entity .1969 4 years, the future political status of Palau started negotiations with the United States. and in August 1982 with the United States signed the can be passed in November .1993 referendum held in the eighth, and finally passed the treaty. Under the treaty, Palau on October 1, 1994 to end its trusteeship, became an independent sovereign state, but the U.S. remains special relationship. In the same year in December, Palau joined the United Nations.
Palau enjoys a tropical maritime climate, four seasons are summer, the sun is shining every day of good weather, even in July to 10 months of the rainy season, but also at most, only afternoon thunderstorms.
common language is English, a common currency is U.S. dollars.

Paris Paris has always seemed a dream city. the official website, she is called City people called her What kind of a city, but everyone is sure they will be spent in Paris were the most memorable day. be filtered ads most tourists longing heart, is an ancient and romantic Paris, which is along the Louvre mm mm Champs Elysees Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde mm in the axis of this perfect start their journey. Indeed, Paris is a great sense of history of the city, where monuments have been enough to unforgettable. coexistence of these monuments is the classic Another Paris, full of avant-garde and bohemian atmosphere of Paris.
just to catch the subway in Paris, you can clearly feel it. Paris Metro has a long history, some stations deliberately keep intact the original style, looks like an antique museum, and some station was full of futuristic, like a science fiction world, such as la defence station. from the station onto the ground, standing in front of you is unique in the world tremendous exaggeration mm mm Champs Elysees Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde mm of this axis of the ulterior motive with the Arc de Triomphe distant sea, a great ambition to break the perfect harmony.
such . If the Louvre represents the ancient civilization of France, the Pompidou Centre is a symbol of modern Paris. This is the temple of avant-garde art, displaying various styles of 20th century Western works of art. and the center itself design is also giving a strong visual impact of the avant-garde architecture. all the columns, stairs, pipes, etc. used to be deliberately hiding things have been on the outside, the whole building looks like being colorful steel wrapped around the pipe River chemical plant plant. had the Art of the by the city. There are relaxed political atmosphere, students, scholars, artists, set off against cultural trends, that is, the so-called bohemian culture, so people choose to go to Paris to stray .20 century the twenties and thirties, gathered in Paris many American writers, including Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald. these young people a vision of the good life is the impact of a war was no place to hide, they can not stand, to escape, they need artistic atmosphere, because they will continue to Writing for a living, but they also threw no less than sensory and material comforts, they need coffee, need a woman and wine, you need to dance, so they fled to Paris. their only option is to Paris, it seems that only Paris can accommodate these sometimes sober, sometimes drunk young men. they are just a brief moment in Paris, but stay in the city left a deep mark. They use a pen to Paris, the eternal moment, but also to a part of his life will always remain in Paris. walk in the Seine river, sat by the roadside cafe, a stranger to Paris, the city may be able to experience a touch of melancholy and stray complex. the last century, the Too many stray and sentimental atmosphere, to this day remain. walk when the Paris you never know what will stay longer in the memory of that afternoon was one of the Arc de Triomphe or the open-air cafe in a cup of coffee.
which they need doses of heart medicine. From this sense, Paris is the most suitable stranger stay. you can go to the Louvre enjoy the ; you can go to the Paris Opera, you can also go to the Champs Elysees on the Moulin Rouge; you can go to Paris to escape life, but also can come here and just enjoy life.
fact, everywhere in Paris throughout the world. Maybe you have not been to Paris, but you are likely to live in their own city is called a products, you can experience Paris
maritime attractions worth visiting:
Louvre: originally a French palace, has been built since 1190, has lived here 50 king and queen. Now the Louvre has become the world's largest of museums, collections of 400,000 rare treasures from around the world. It includes six exhibition halls, exhibition halls 198. up? Vinci's God statue of Venus is set in ancient Greece and Rome galleries.
Arc de Triomphe: The Louvre echoed Napoleon's brilliant for people to remember their record ordered built. arches and inside the top side are carved with Bonaparte Battle sizes available, and his men inside the walls the names of 588 generals. Every year the major festivals or special occasions, the French will be studied under the Carnival Triumph. Arc de Triomphe has become French flag. Triumph sects is to commemorate the war dead of two world wars of the Tomb of Unknown Soldier. Every year on July 14 National Day of France, the French president laid a wreath to be here.
Notre Dame: Notre Dame is a Gothic a masterpiece of architecture, there are many beautiful statues and reliefs. but most people did not come to Notre Dame to see buildings, but the sunset on the Seine. to dusk, church people slowly increased recently. It is said that the church tower to watch the sunset, and sometimes the team had an hour rafts.
Eiffel Tower: Paris has now become even a symbol of the Eiffel Tower in France, when controversial when built, was a joint protest all walks of life to as many as 300 people, including a famous writer Emile Zola and Dumas. But as time goes on, Parisians come to accept and love the iron and steel 1971, 370 people have been as many as top of the tower so the placement of the guardrail.
Canadian Maritimes
If you happen to know the novelist Lucy? Montgomery (Lucy Maud Montgomery) and her famous novel soak into the depths shaped canopy fragrance issued, showing colorful canopy at the end of the gorgeous sunset, the purple twilight enveloped the earth hh personal response to all this.
overseas in this continent, filled the air with a strong European flavor. a lot of blue, green, red walk on the main theme of Prince Edward Island, clear and soft. Bihaiqingtian between a seagull flying, Lam lush hillside, flocks of sheep wander in the green between the terraced rice paddies crimson hold green rolling farmland. blossoming sea spray from the junction of friction, the tide toward the down from between pink rolling on a road white sandy beach, blue, sky blue, indigo sapphire blue lace up, layer upon layer to spread to the ocean depths. brownish red bluffs rise on the beach side of the cliff top green grass, live like a shaman of the green powder, cocoa cake.
locals call In order to prove the book's description. This land is worthy of a dedicated book lovers. Now the Cavendish (Cavendish) is described by Montgomery in 1908, ; (Green Gable) is also still fresh school of stand on the hillside, white walls and green roof, are gardens, lawns, barns, streams, forests surrounded. a small courtyard, littered with farm tools, horse, wooden chair, room were filled with Anne's clothing, books, handbags, as if the owner will come back at any time. out the window, sunflowers, roses wind smile. to here, put down the distractions, fun, deep breaths, relax enjoy the air with the smell of the sun.
quietly, quietly, Prince Edward Island, guarding the sunrise and sunset every day, just the share of calm and quiet to fascination. red land outlined charming scenery, delicious seafood is always a mouth-watering, red-haired Anne The story is still human lips, Victorian-style houses always brightly colored. seemingly prosaic, and one has revealed unlimited temptation, perhaps this is the nature of Anne of Green Gables.
Location: north of Maine, Canada East, including the Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
area: 51,000 square miles, Canada accounted for total land area of 1.4%
climate: wet, windy and foggy, a minus the monthly mean temperature of 5 ℃, the average July temperature is 22 ℃, the best tourist season in August September.
Population: 1.8 million
languages: English, French, Canadian Maritime Provinces
gluttonous trip :
Canadian coast are rich in lobster, New Brunswick is the lobster burger. it tastes, the proportion of lobsters more than bread.
salmon is salmon
local aftermath and, coupled with Canada's other major specialty maple syrup, has become a local specialty: Maple sugar smoked salmon. plump salmon, maple syrup fragrant, but when serving mouth-watering fragrance. In addition there's a salmon sandwich with pickled cucumber, salmon Ban Cheng stuffing with fresh fennel, did not feel the fish fishy, only appetizing.
Prince Edward Island mussels are a specialty, in every restaurant can eat. with a tender and delicious mussels served with celery, carrots, add a little white wine clear cook, eat, when dipped in butter, very interesting.
provinces Features:

Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia has a long history, ancient fishing villages and lighthouses in almost all parts of the province, is the reward Feng, a good place for whale watching. the province's most famous tourist attractions in the capital when the number of Halifax (Halifax) west of the lighthouse, Peggy Wan.
New Brunswick
  capital city has many historic buildings, galleries, museums and distinctive Boyi Si market (Boyce Market). Hartland from the city to the farming town along the way, both sides of maple, and river town wild scenery, autumn is a fiery red. New Brunswick in the winter is called a pure platinum, where 900 km 6,000 km cross-country ski trails and snow lane.

Prince Edward Island Gulf of St. Lawrence, Prince Edward Island is Canada's smallest province to Island, also in the Green Room (Green Gable) is known, it is the writer Lucy? Montgomery (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Anne source of inspiration for the story. scattered in the island's most beautiful white sand beaches in North America, the most pollution-free beaches.
together the three major religions of the

Monday, January 10, 2011

Experts said the identity of the Mona Lisa was originally a nobleman's daughter crack

 Data for:

According to the British clues, she has solved the true identity of works of mystery hero.

Gloria karaoke
art historian says, by Dan Brown's novel .) Bianca is a 500 years ago, aristocratic daughter of the Duke of Milan  , the Mona Lisa in the eye last month, found the letters S and G, Bianca is the full name of the abbreviation.

and Bobbio City at the time under the rule of the aristocracy Moro. Bridge can be seen through a magnifying glass, 72 this figure, Trebbia Bridge is a bridge, in 1472 was flood washed away, and later reconstruction, so the bridge Bobbio City locals also confirmed that Leonardo da Vinci painting the bridge and the bridge, there are many similarities.

Gloria says: the collection were known. Leonardo da Vinci is very likely to have been to Bobbio, returned to France a few years later, with memories to paint the scene at that time. Despite centuries of change, when the scenery has changed, but the paintings in the broad highway, in today's Bobbio still retained some traces.

However, the Gloria in the theory does not get all the experts. Retired professor Oxford University, da Vinci expert  said: Observations Bobbio Bridge, did not show any similarities.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Authorities running race

 The day before yesterday morning, the author of authorities in the race with a distance of about 2,500 meters, a total of about 40 people attended, I , can achieve such : A Political and trade unions make arrangements for .18 days ago decided to carry out this activity, the official preparations for about 2 days (selected locations, measuring distances, the purchase of souvenirs and arrange for transportation vehicles, etc.).
2, a big gap between physical fitness: some like very well as long-distance runners to reach the end, some physical fitness was almost a half run half walk, Some have even reached the end of the car quietly, worse, half-truths to make you someone to run!
3 , the unit cost is not small: about 5,000 yuan souvenirs, choice of site, distance and driving the vehicle fuel consumption and repair costs, etc. 500, the collective Breakfast about 500 male and female top 3 prize 1200, the total direct costs 7,000 yuan.
4, everyone's attitudes and perceptions: some say is different and marked a new, unnecessary, and some that does not matter, some think it is necessary, but need to be improved. I agree with the third point of view.