Thursday, March 3, 2011

August 24 Post SG Investor speculation stay in the lithium (e), thin (soil) and the central enterprises ...

 First, the market and opportunities for interpretation of hot tips
1, Market Forecast:
around the relatively flat stock market. European stock dividend by the acquisition of good news and mineral stimulation, a slight rebound; U.S. stocks due to technical Powei, relatively cautious investors in the case of U.S. stocks the three major indexes fell across the board. futures market, due to the recent strength of the U.S. dollar, resulting in crude oil, nonferrous metals and other commodity prices continue to run low. A-share market yesterday shrinkage finishing, the market is still hot spots around the chain expansion, hoping to lead to other hot spots, or market can not be sustained. operational position to continue strict control, understand the situation until later, do Masukura action.
2, hot prediction:
1), speculation or remain In the media, sports or related stocks. (Zhang Ludong)
3, Investment Highlights
1), the first semi-annual report released funds. The first fund semi-annual report released today, the Fund looks at the economic slowdown the context of the policy of selective relaxation during the year will be a high probability event. for investment, corporate earnings growth decline and is about to usher in the small plates, the GEM tide lifting of the ban, the risk of a fund two points of concern. investment in the second half will focus on three main lines: First, look for earnings growth sectors identified to avoid the risk of economic fluctuations, followed by the strategic allocation of new energy, new technologies and applications and other emerging industries, concerned with the valuation advantage Periodic industry opportunities. from the Fund investment strategy perspective, the expected policy easing a consensus, in fact, related indicators in the economy continued to drop the cases, monetary policy, the policy of gradual relaxation of pressure, which is to maintain growth as a prerequisite, an inferior race, an important choice to promote structural adjustment. From this perspective, we estimate that more regulation in the investigation of real estate, public opinion and so level, property taxes will significantly delayed, but in terms of liquidity, such as the deposit reserve ratio also lowered expectations. from the investment opportunities, the Fund that the valuation is to determine the level of market risk remains to determine the size of the basis of growth or defensive uncertainty in species, most of the choice of agencies.
2), Beijing more than six thousand kinds of drugs average price of 16%. Beijing Municipal Health Council held a news conference that more than six thousand kinds of drugs 16% of the average price throughout the year 3.0 billion profit concession to the public. to drugs, prices lower final price. The focus on bidding for, including military hospitals, including two or more hospitals and designated medical institutions, retail pharmacies are not within the scope of the bidding. The largest reduction in drugs 52%. cheap drugs shortage not participate in the bidding. It should be noted that the unity of the hospital and lower drug prices will affect social retail pharmacy price changes, and the government-led bidding drugs, drugs can effectively stop the area of procurement, a number of Some pharmaceutical companies are not competitive in the new rules, one after another out. Beijing, the health reform initiatives forward if successful, for the nationwide promotion will play an important exemplary. We believe that some large pharmaceutical companies, as well as patent technology and other core competencies of the pharmaceutical companies will be long-term benefit. Some types of high-priced generic drugs medicine will be affected in the reform, which to some extent, will affect gross profit.
3), BYD are applying to the A Stock Exchange. BYD Chairman Wang said the company is applying to the A share market is expected to be listed in the second half, the company tends to Shenzhen market. BYD 23 in interim results press conference held in Hong Kong, the first half of the net profit more than doubled over the same period, reaching 2.42 billion. Wang pointed out that the second quarter of China's auto market slowdown, the domestic auto industry in the future will be expected to maintain moderate growth. Previously, BYD will be the year production and marketing plans from 800,000 down to 600,000. the recent series of stock market speculation lithium abnormal hot, no doubt Yadi A-share listed by the stimulation, of course, a substantial rise in stocks after the synchronization is difficult to keep up with current performance, the stock price most at risk, and a huge profit taking participants need to honor but also the future problems facing the family when the stock market looking for the opportunity when the lithium battery, this section of the hype will peak, so we think that stage to be honored or is a wise choice, the risk has been a great chase. (Liu Haijie)
II stock information on the essence of the day
a), Notice Comments: Weichai Power (000338) High Growth + High Bonus
events: semi-annual report the company announced. Basic earnings per share of 3.88 yuan, increased 163.95 percent from a year earlier, net assets of 17.68 yuan per share, diluted net assets yield 21.9657%, the weighted return on net assets 24.19%; to achieve operating income of approximately 3,322,440.64 ten thousand yuan yuan, up 110.32 percent from a year earlier; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of approximately 323,458.88 million yuan, increased 164.69% over last year. interim distribution plan for the 10 turns 10.
SG Analysis:
1 The company main for the research, production and sales of engines and parts, heavy vehicles, heavy vehicle axles, transmissions and other automotive components business .2010 in the first half, the company sold 222,000 heavy trucks with the engine units, an increase of 118.7%, an increase of 5.8 percentage points higher than the industry; total sales of 68,000 units of construction machinery engine, an increase of 64.4%, sales 5 tons loader engine 61,000 units, up 58.1%; owned subsidiary of Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co., Ltd. With the excellent market performance of new vehicles, heavy trucks were sold in the first half of 60,000, an increase of 118.2%, in the heavy truck industry, ranked fourth; owned subsidiary, Shaanxi Fast Gear Co., Ltd. sold a total of 492,000 transmissions Taiwan, an increase of 109.0%, to maintain the absolute leading position within the industry.
2, to benefit from macroeconomic recovery, rehabilitation and low base logistics demand factors, the first half of this year, a substantial increase China's auto market, China's heavy truck market were 584,000, an increase of 112.9%, the fastest-growing vehicle segments, has sold the equivalent of the total year 2009 to 91.8%. Chinese construction machinery market, approximately 35.8 million units were sold, an increase of 68.1%, which 5 tons of large construction machinery loader sales 84,000 units, up 74.7%. the company as a leading heavy truck and construction machinery enterprises, the development of the full enjoyment of the industry brought about by the rapid growth opportunities. the company from January to September 2010 is expected to vest shareholders of listed companies over the previous year net profit growth of 70.00% -120.00% over the same period, mainly due to rising market demand, the company main products significantly enhance the performance of synchronization.
3, the company's proprietary high-power high-speed ; blue engine a record high, reports of sales 10m12L States Ⅲ engine 196,000 units. Ⅳ emission standards for the implementation of the country soon, the Chinese engine market in the next few years will become more intense competition, but the company with leading edge technology, large-scale, high-quality product manufacturing and a solid loyal customer base, high-power engine in the market will continue to lead.
4, from the shareholders point of view, the top ten shareholders of circulation, in addition to the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited, the total for the public offering funds, which in the second quarter of Post Growth Fund holdings of 1,603.92 million shares, is the second largest shareholders of circulation, indicating a particularly promising for the company. from holding 8316 shares per household, although the 10,763 shares over a quarter have scattered, but still very concentrated. simple estimate, the company earnings for 2010-2012 are about 11 times the dynamic, 10.6 times and 10 times, valuation is not high. (Luan Li-ping)
b), Notice Comments: Hunan Love (002,306) net profit up growth of 27.10%
Event: SG
semi-annual report of the company announced:
1, revenues of 443.76 million yuan during the period, an increase of 20.74%, net profit of 45 million yuan, an increase of 27.10% per share 0.22 yuan gains, ROE3.88%, gross profit margin of 65.93%, down 1.37%. reporting period, food and beverage revenue increased rapidly, mainly in 2008 and 2009 the new shop quickly matured, and the operation period is longer than the previous year , old store revenue growth is also steady growth in the main. margin decline was due to rising raw material costs dishes.
2, during the period the company has accelerated market expansion. the first half of Shanghai store, the acquisition of the Tibetan shop on Shanghai stores were renovated, May 7 by the Shanghai World Expo of the machine shop in the new makeup welcome; Beijing Guangqumen shop, Xidan two built and put into operation; July 18 and 19, and the Office of Wuhan, Hubei Hongshan wedding shop stores were opened in Nanjing situation. At the same time, Hohhot store, shipping warehouse stores, shops, Xi'an, Zhengzhou shop, looking for new projects.'s rapid replication of results for the next few years lay the foundation for explosive growth, promising the next 2-3 years the company's growth.
3, corresponding to 10-12 years, the company is trading at 45 times PE , 32 times, 24 times higher valuation. (Yu Ningbo)
c), Notice Comments: Jidong Cement (000401) intends to build a new line in Xinjiang
event: Deputy General Manager Li Zhanjun said, the management are discussing whether to build cement market investment projects in Xinjiang.
SG Analysis:
1, the higher the gross margin to attract the company. Xinjiang market, cement, a ton can be sold for 400 dollars or more, Xinjiang in late July Urumqi area of cement prices have risen 480 yuan / ton, higher than the same period last year continuous level of more than two months. companies regard the market has just completed a study of Xinjiang, there are good projects on hand is being communicated.
2, but because of Xinjiang market has attracted many investors, it has yet to make a final decision to enter Xinjiang. cement industry is considered to be serious excess capacity the industry, the country's restrictions do not apply to new orders in Xinjiang. The state should vigorously support the development of Xinjiang, the cement as infrastructure, raw materials, it is absolutely impossible to drag the. As of now, the region of Xinjiang this year, production of cement clinker production line of a total of 4, by the end there will be nine, in addition to dozens of clinker production lines under construction. only one in Kashgar, the landscape of cement, Tianshan shares, pine built there two days of 5000 tons, two capacity of 4,000 tons and a daily production of 3,000 tons of production lines are under construction. Xinjiang concerns about future overcapacity The main reason is the company hesitated.
3, the next two years will focus on the release of the company production capacity, production and sales are expected to remain high growth, compound annual growth rate of 40%. By 2011 the company has 11 production lines will be put into operation cumulative contribution to the cement production capacity of about 2,000 tons of total capacity in 2010 to more than 80 million tons of cement, the annual output of 55 million tons. expected the dynamic price-earnings ratio for 2010-2011 was 17 times, 13 times, valuation is not high. (Zhang Shengguo )
d), notice Comment: Zhong Ke San Huan (000,970) grew into the fast lane
Event: Zhong Ke San Huan semi-annual report released in 2010.
SG Comments:
1, the company first half of 2010 achieved total revenue of RMB 1,034,997,304.09, an increase of 69.54%; in the first half operating profit of RMB 100,921,026.39, an increase of 553.25 percent; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 75,489,043.80 yuan, up 391.54 percent; attributable to shareholders of listed companies The profit after deducting non-recurring net profit of 72,653,914.26 yuan, up 854.11 percent; basic earnings per share of 0.1487 yuan, net assets of 2.55%. the company in 2010 first half net profit increased substantially in 2010 over-year second quarter net profit 97%.
2, the main business of Zhong Ke San Huan (000970) is a professional NdFeB permanent magnet materials manufacturers, the largest, the world's second, the current capacity of 12,000 tons NdFeB / year. in the world about 10% market share, behind Japan, Neoma.
in the domestic market share of about 10%.
3, as the technology leader in high-tech companies, the technical advantage of survival, according to magnetic indicators, production of N48 can reflect the fundamental strength of enterprises.'s majority shareholder of Beijing San Huan New Materials High Technology Company is under
high-tech enterprises in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences of the support in the development of new permanent magnet materials have been under 20 years, the company the highest grades for the industrialization of N52, is the industry leader in clear competitive advantage.
4, the dynamic price-earnings ratio for the 2010-2011 estimated 42 times, 31 times, the company entered the fast track business growth, valuation is not high. (Shi Jing Jun)
e), notice Comment: the dawn of shares (600,303) product structure optimization, lower than expected sales of hybrid electric bus
events: January-June the company achieved operating income of 279,656.97 million , 69.65% over last year; to achieve operating profit of 11,846 yuan, up 49.29% over last year; a net profit of 8,741 yuan, up 49.22 percent over last year; attributable to shareholders of the Company's net non-recurring net profit 84.2516 million yuan, an increase of 182.72%; net profit after non-recurring basic earnings per share 0.38 yuan, an increase of 182.72%.
SG Analysis:
1, in the first half mainly due to earnings growth in car sales growth caused by, including: revenue of 105,426 million passenger cars period, 51,796 yuan more than last year, an increase of 96.58%; Yellow Bus The sales revenue of 53,256 million yuan, 17,711 yuan more than last year, an increase of 49.83% .
2, a large range of product structure optimization. in the first half sales SUV, pickup truck more than 17,000 units, up 92.32%; Yellow seat passenger car sales of 400 units, an increase of 72% and improve the products of a single bus structure; new Demonstration good effect energy bus, hybrid bus to achieve a bulk sales, for the follow-up to lay the foundation for market-oriented operations; the company's new CUV flag victory in the first half 5677 sales, operating income of 440 million, becoming the company's new growth.
3, the company ended 30 June 634 million stocks, 11% of total assets, accounting for half the average monthly income of 1.36 times, in the reasonable range; company balance as high as 73.52%, with re- finance financial needs.
4, second half of the boom of the automotive industry will continue to fall, the company expects full-year growth can be maintained at between 20-30%. the company is trading on price-earnings ratio, respectively, corresponding to 25 10/11 times, 19 times, valuation is reasonable. (Jin Wenyun)
VI), announced Comments: Kang the United States Pharmaceutical (600518) Construction of the proposed rights issue of 3.5 billion fund-raising Chinese industry chain
events: Hong Mei Pharmaceutical (600518) V the sixth session of the Board 2010 interim meeting to consider adoption of the 1, placement of shares for every 10 shares of this placement is not more than 3 shares, is expected to raise funds not exceeding a total of 3.5 billion, to supplement production and operation of all the necessary working capital, will focus on the company's future years, Construction of the industrial chain, trying to get the Chinese medicine industry chain production, distribution, retail, full profit.
2, Hong Mei Pharmaceutical main business income of Chinese Herbal Medicine in 2009 sales over 870 million yuan, ranking the first industry-scale production and sales, the company has become Pieces of Chinese medicine industry standard-setting participants. in recent years has accelerated the pace of Chinese industry chain resource integration, active investment and development of the original medical supply, pharmaceutical logistics, traditional Chinese medicine market, business, medicine and food products and medical clinics homology upstream and downstream industries such as medicine .2010 in the first half, the company acquired National Medicines Co., Ltd. Anhui Bozhou 100% stake in Century, Bozhou Chinese medicinal herbs market is currently the largest and most powerful Chinese medicinal herbs distribution market, local living in the country's first annual production of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
3, the next few years, Hong Mei medicine will invest 300 million yuan building Hong Mei (Beijing) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. production base of Chinese medicine, invest 4 billion yuan in building northeast ginseng, Chinese herbal medicine product platform, the construction investment of 900 million yuan three Chinese Herbal Medicine of the expansion project, the construction investment of 1.5 billion Hong Mei (Bozhou) Hua City, and other international medicine, capital requirements exceed 3.0 billion of its own funds currently can not meet the funding needs of the project.
4, 2010, the company half earnings per share were 0.182 yuan, and net income were up 23% and 41%, earnings growth and stability. 2010-2012 Dynamic PE company is expected to 36 times, respectively, 27 times, 21 times the valuation is reasonable. (Li Jinlong )
g), Notice Comments: Golden Horse Group (000,602) income does not increase profits
event: the company released semi-annual report, the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 543,066,500 yuan, an increase of 677.05%, to achieve ownership of listed companies -13035.56 million in net profit to shareholders.
SG Analysis:
1. 2010 in the first half, the company's aluminum business major difficulties encountered, the company's owned subsidiary of Aluminum Corporation of Meishan Venus 1 - April 84 electrolyzer only state in production since early May were launched, the remaining 84 cell production, to the end of May, all 168 units to resume production cell. by industry overcapacity, rising costs and the impact of slotting fees during the reporting period of loss of Meishan Aluminum Venus 157 million. resulting in the first half of 2010 the company experienced substantial losses.
2. the company is currently engaged in information and communication services, and aluminum production business. the company's information and communication services are private network services, customer is relatively stable, but it is difficult to expand the market. In response to these problems, the company will continue to adjust their business strategy, increase marketing efforts, give full play to the company resources, while continuing to expand the size of the original user at the same time, broaden the market scope of business , opening up new consumer markets, and strive to maintain the original size of the user on the basis of the business, continue to provide new business services. the company's aluminum business is facing great difficulties, a larger loss, the company will actively track the market changes in raw material procurement by reducing the cost of long-term agreement, through strengthening management, lower costs, reduce losses.
3. the high valuation of the company short-term, may be concerned about the situation in the second half of the cost and sales. (Linqiao Song)
III Market Summary
0824 around the periphery Market Overview: European shares was up U.S. stocks continued to fall, global stock markets remained sluggish U.S. stock market
: Economic data is not ideal, coupled with technical Powei U.S. stocks, the market enthusiasm for failure to do more, 23 New York Stock Exchange continue to fall, At the close, the Dow Jones index closed at 10,174.41 points, down 39.21 points, or 0.38%; Nasdaq index closed at 2159.63 points, down 20.13 points, or 0.92%; the S & P index closed at 1067.36 points, down 4.33 points, or 0.40%.
other markets: European stocks 23 rebound. in which the Financial Times index was up 0.76%; Germany DXA index rose 0.10%; the French CAC40 index rose 0.77%. In Asia, China, A shares Monday shock consolidation, new energy and other topics stocks in focus, the Shanghai index eventually closed at 2,639.37 points, down 2.94 points, or 0.11%. refers to the decline in Shenzhen as 11.60 points, or 0.10%, the total amount of 186.1 billion deal between the two cities than in the previous trading day of a sharp decline of nearly 600 million, after falling on Friday the market experienced wait and see mood worsened. Asia is still the majority of other stock markets fell on the 23rd. including Tokyo's Nikkei fell 0.68%; the Taiwan stock market rose 0.61%; Singapore shares down 0.36% ; the Korean stock market fell 0.44%; Hong Kong stock market downturn in the day, the Hang Seng Index finally closed at 20,889.01 points, down 92.81 points, or 0.44%; Hang Seng China Enterprises Index closed at 11,670.39 points, down 109.28 points, or 0.93%.
crude oil market: As Investors worried about a slowdown in global economic recovery of energy consumption, international oil prices continue to fall 23. New York October crude oil futures price of $ 72.99 a barrel, down $ 0.83, down 1.12%, again four Lianyin.
Metal market: the stock market decline in crude oil and the impact of the commodity futures market in London metal prices continue to slump 23 most varieties, including London fell 0.14% aluminum; Copper & edged up 0.05%; London was up 0.05% Pb; London fell 0.72% tin; London fell 1.65% Ni; London fell 0.65% zinc; the 23rd international gold prices also fell slightly, the main December contract closed at $ 1,228.0 / oz, down 0.8 cents, or 0.07%. New York main contract price of silver was up 0.01%.
Market Watch and the latest news:
yesterday Market Watch:
1, European and American stock market. As the unemployment data released last weekend, contrary to investor expectations, coupled with continuous sluggish trend in making money to do more to leave and other factors, the U.S. stock market continues to slump, the Dow Jones index fell for a third day. European stock markets in Australia and the resource tax will be abolished and some positive stimulation of M & A news, rebound, including strong performance of mining stocks.
2, the futures market. The dollar index yesterday continued a strong rebound, Zhong Pan to close at 83.32 points, or 0.31%. affected by international oil prices continue to fall, non-ferrous metals and other commodity markets also sluggish. the international dry bulk shipping Composite Index ( BDI) 23 日 13 days straight up to close at 2841 points, up 3.08% over the previous session, continue to pay attention. (Zhang Ludong)
four, the risk prompts
a), silver, placed under the net kit released Notice
shares traded company is a financial information service in the area of China, Bank of imaging applications focused on the development of national high-tech software companies, software imaging applications in the bank is an industry leader (Shenzhen ticker: 300085) . The restricted shares can be traded volume of 300 million can be traded at the August 26, 2010. investors of restricted shares traded on the secondary market, the impact of risk. (Yu Ningbo)
II), Tongling Nonferrous Metals public offering restricted shares of non-lifting of restrictions on sale
company is the most promising one of cathode copper production, has more than 800,000 tons / year of copper smelting capacity, the highest ranks of global top five . The main products include copper, gold, silver, sulfuric acid, iron pellets, iron concentrates, copper. in which the company copper sales account for about 70% of total revenue (Shenzhen Stock Exchange code: 000630). The Restricted shares can be traded the actual number of 430 million shares, 33.22% of total share capital, all of the controlling shareholder of the controlling shareholder of Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings Co., Ltd. all, this restricted shares can be traded Date: 2010 Aug. 26 days. Although according to the company announcement, the controlling shareholder holding colored no plan to lift restrictions on restricted shares within six months after sale by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange auction system to sell 5% of the lifting of restrictions on sale of shares outstanding, but the size of the recent tide of non-lifting of the ban, not rule out the possibility of controlling shareholders slightly underweight, it still drew the attention of investors to risk reduction. (Luan Li-ping)
five main funds SG Venus in the Level2 market trends tracking
, through a single analysis by Handicap reduction theory, restore and identify the main real money entrusted to a single, real-time monitoring trends in main funds.
1, plate 月 23 日 capital
8 net inflow of funds the main list of the top plate section name
< br> net inflows main constituent stocks of the top banks
Agricultural Bank, Construction Bank, 601939, 600016 Minsheng Bank, Bank of Ningbo, 002142, 600036 China Merchants Bank
New Energy < br> 600846 Tongji Science and Technology, 002227 Ott Xun, 002,239 gold feeder, 000973 Fosugufen, 000,758 shares in the color
shares of textile and apparel
600400 red beans, 002,239 of gold feeder, the essence of 600,152 Veken , 000,936 West Village, 000,158 shares
002227 Ott fast low-carbon economy, 600160 Juhua, 002,076 snow Wright, 000541 Foshan Lighting, 002,218 extension Nisshin can
Deep Huafa electronic information
000020 A, 002008 Han's Laser, 600,764 CLP Guangtong, 002,288 over China Science and Technology, 600360 China
8 月 23 日 Microelectronics net capital outflow from the main list of the top plate
ranking < br> section name
main net outflow of funds among the top component stocks
deep Hung Kai Real Estate
000040, 000005 Fountain, 000,608 shares in the sun, 600,393 Donghua Enterprise Co., 000,567 shares Hyde
Rhine biological medicine
002166, 002365 Wing medicine, 600,666 southwest of medicine, 002 030 Da An Gene, 600,285 Lingrui Pharmaceutical
002209 Tech-Long, 000157 Zoomlion, 002,328 shares of new friends, 002,097 Sunward, 600031 Sany
International Industrial Coal Oil
000159, 000552 Jingyuan Coal, 000983 Xishan Coal and Electricity, 600,157 shares of Lu Yun , 600508 Shanghai Energy
elegant engineering and construction
002314 shares, 000065 Northern International, 000,090 deep Tianjian, 600545 Xinjiang Urban Construction, 600248 extension of the building
2, stock funds
8 月 23 the main active stocks on the list Masukura 月 23 日
8 lighten up the main active stock list stock name

top ranking
stock name

stock name
stock name
000020 Shenzhen Huafa A
002227 1002380 Ott Branch Xun Yuan shares
002331 Anhui Technologies
002,170 Batian shares
600969 Chen Xinhua International
600265 Jinggu Forestry
600071 Phoenix Zhongguancun optical
000931 8002008 Han's Laser
002166 Rhine biological
002417 three yuan of
600846 Tongji Science and Technology
600764 CLP Guangtong
000733 Vibration China Science and Technology
600992 shares of your rope red beans
600086 East Gold Wing Yu
002365 Pharmaceutical
10 < br> 000040 Shenzhen Hongji (Zhang)
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