Thursday, April 28, 2011

Love is a cup of water ~ `` tolerance

Water love, tolerance, such as cups

When Love precipitation, you can gently shake the cup.

believe that we will never regret it, choose each other as their most sincere lover of life ... ...

believe that none of us forget when we met the beautiful, romantic dating, embrace sweet ... ...

However, another wonderful life, there is always attributed to a routine day; love again warm, but also gradually lose color when
no taste, love began to fade it? No, the love precipitates.

Thus, we no longer have surprises, no passion, no ups and downs, no more ripples ... ...

Thus, we often say, if not met me, who will tell you so good, you are so self-willed subject who's the ... ... our heart begins to gradually disappointed, because we have too much love expectations.

So many good things in our eyes washed out, faded final ... ... and some sad, but slowly brewing, hidden ... ...

fact, life as a scene, emotions and intentions to ... ... as long as we interpret, completely cast into, and sometimes, there will be the role of the feeling of dislocation ... ...

since the parties choose to love, everything will be all that ... ... so we are willing to put all of the limited time to spend with each other, to feel tangled together, embrace the feeling of ... ... interdependent with each other comfort. Maybe sometimes just to talk about thoughts, listen to the voice of each other ... ... or just snuggling with the walking phase, the same happiness ... ...

life we ​​always easy to ignore some very important things, such as happiness - when being in close proximity, we always see clearly what it is ... ... do not understand value, non-selective. Only when it left, we place Huangwu feeling sad: So, what we had close to a happy ... ...

drunk, short and art is wine concentration; loved, party knowingly weight.

So, love, so that the two have become mere experience of life ... ...

the world, very beautiful, very complex, what kind of people and things are likely to encounter. When we began to lose myself, and when some of our loss-stricken when ... ... we can comfort each other. Lonely and cold night, we need most is their loved one's warm and comfort ... ...

So, sometimes feel love is a comfort, one from each other's concerns and soothe the mind. Love makes a strong, warm people, people no longer lonely, no loss ... ...

perhaps, who in true love, we will not know the reason.

If love is water, then the tolerance is the cup.

our love pure and transparent, with a really easy, but you want to protect it for life, but not easy.

because we want our love of the water, never bad, do not drain, do not dry up, more need to be careful not to let it precipitate ... ...
When there is precipitation
love it?

will! Is now.

precipitation of love, the above is a dew, crystal clear, tasteless. However, it will make you love slowly broken ... ...

then you took it up and gently shake, shake it precipitated love ... ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

About Constellation

Associate 's terrible, do not believe you can see.
one word to describe 【12】
the dark side of the constellation Aries - child;
Taurus - greed;
twin - evil;
Cancer - Yam;
Lions - - mad;
Virgin - Diao;
scales - bullying;
Scorpio - hot;
scorer - to play;
Capricorn - wild;
bottle - absolutely;
Pisces - fans.
Aries constellation of self-worth: only love their most important,
Taurus: to bring themselves and others a sense of security,
Gemini: communication skills,
Cancer: motherhood care,
lion: a goal and confident,
Virgin: careful and considerate and practical,
Scorpio: the mysterious charm,
Libra: Let us take into account each person to get along smoothly,
shooter : a little optimism in the second,
Capricorn: mature and rich social experience,
bottle: Special thoughts also with different line
Pisces: good-natured, innocent and cute

sexy constellation Scorpio 98%
striker 95%
Pisces 89%
Lions 85%
Aries Taurus 82%
Libra 74%
bottles 44%
Capricorn 41%
Gemini Cancer 35%
Virgin 32%

【12 constellations will become heart of what? 】
Aries: The lovers are no longer fresh and
Taurus: The temptation,
Gemini: the pursuit of freshness,
Cancer: Valentine's asking for too much and choose to escape,
Lions: unfaithful lover allowed to make difficult things,
Virgin: No self-confidence and you forever,
scales: not refuse to love him,
Scorpio: Love to suffocate him,
shooter: No prodigal son with love and stability,
Capricorn: You made no use of the value of his work,
bottle: used its own independent,
Pisces: given out too freely Love

【12 unique constellation of quirks have? 】
Aries: the face that they please.
Taurus: kung fu super sticky.
Gemini: born to acting camp.
Cancer: to stop the annoying chatters as a habit.
Lions: 得理不饶人.
Virgin: Never feel too fat.
scales: extreme grass is always greener.
Scorpio: hearsay evidence into the habit.
shooter: a natural lack of sense of direction.
Capricorn: never understand tenderness.
bottle: too random lost sense of proportion.
Pisces: something all right cute.

sign long-term weather nirvana live close tight peg to him: Scorpio, Aquarius
control of his money: Virgo, Pisces
to bind with family responsibilities : Taurus, Gemini, Leo
maintain their value: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius
as important helper of his career: Cancer, Capricorn
【】 authority of the extent of 12 constellations Kaopu:
Leo Kaopu 95%
Kaopu 92%
Aries Sagittarius Taurus Kaopu Kaopu 90%
Cancer by 85%
spectrum of 85%
Kaopu 84%
Capricorn Aquarius Kaopu 75%
Libra Scorpio Kaopu 65%
Kaopu Kaopu 65%
Pisces Virgo by 60%
Gemini spectra of 55%
Kaopu 45%

Aries constellation vacuum Miaofang: Sports,
Taurus: massage,
Gemini: Chat gossip,
Cancer: crying,
Lion: the body must rest with friends and family of,
Virgin: Keep physical labor,
Libra: Hot Springs SPA,
Scorpio: XXOO,
shooter: go for a ride,
magic Jie: Air bubbles before going to sleep enough,
bottle: do not spend their brains to find some activities to stimulate his brain temporarily shorting,
Pisces: Fantasy
constellation Cancer the word level : credit rating of 95%
Scorpio: credit rating of 92%
Virgo: credit rating of 90%
Taurus: credit rating of 85%
Leo: credit rating of 85%
Capricorn: 84 credit degree %
Aquarius: credit rating of 75%
Aries: credit rating of 65%
Libra: credit rating of 65%
Pisces: credit rating of 60%
Sagittarius: credit rating of 55%
Gemini: credit rating of 45%

Cancer constellation possessive possessive possessive Scorpio 92%
Taurus: Pisces 90%
possessive possessive Leo 89%
Libra 85%
possessive possessive possessive 78%
Aries Capricorn: Virgo 45%
possessive possessive occupies 40%
Aquarius For 28%
Gemini: Sagittarius 20%
possessive possessive 15%

offend the 12 constellations 【Results】
Aries woman will call you,
Taurus maxed out your card,
Gemini will never forgive you,
Cancer family report will help you,
Lions tour to punish you,
famous virgin makes you famous, but they are smelly,
scales reportedly living better than you,
Scorpio has been reported but no reported cardiac capacity,
methodology to ruthless striker II,
Capricorn scorn you,
bottle let the world know what you damn,
think finally put Beas no less than you

【12 constellations most afraid of? 】
Aries: is the cause of the workaholic thorn,
Taurus: people who do not want to get married,
Gemini: loner lonely ghost,
Cancer: Family complicated person,
lion: who looks Mensao impatient,
Virgin: the artist's self-refined personality,
Libra: playful and lively welcome by the opposite sex who,
Scorpio: more mysterious than their own people ,
shooter: king of clay body,
Capricorn: a companion,
bottle: Ray,
Pisces: Do not put yourself at ease with people

Aries constellation of reasons for despair: the oppressed,
Taurus: economic hardship,
Gemini: family pressure,
Cancer: Family change,
Lion: The betrayal,
Virgin: unfaithful lovers together with the cause of ring true,
scales: not so difficult to choose,
Scorpio: that life is not objective,
shooter: not free,
Mount Jie: Valentine fell in love with their closest people,
water bottles: living hard and fast,
Pisces: Do not be concerned about Valentine

after breaking up the constellation Aries: How do you do to me, how can I for you.
Taurus: eat a big meal first, and then counted,
Twins: No need to.
Cancer: The lovers miss but more.
Lions: afraid to meet again.
Virgin: hated.
Libra: ignore the more they want to do each other the more friends, but friends will do the other side to take the initiative to avoid each other.
Scorpio: Enyuanfenming.
striker: no need to re-contact.
Capricorn: still friends.
bottle: to find the next.
Pisces: remember to get angry.

Aries constellation of ways of doing things: casual Suozhi!
Taurus: will not act blindly.
Gemini: rapid response.
Cancer: work quite satisfactory.
Lions: preference for the important work hard!
Virgin: strict process of setting goals.
scales: calm never exaggerated impatience.
Scorpio: own man not like other people say.
shooter: a flexible environment for anti-traditional.
Capricorn: willing to work to stop to take on more work.
bottle: can not be predicted.
Pisces: abstract thinking, careful and creative.

Aspects of marriage 【12】
constellation Aries: wait on another person outside the mother,
Taurus: singles who helped me free massage,
Gemini: rather single,
Cancer: Mom that marriage be considered as individuals,
Lions: After just listen to my words,
Virgin: How divorce married wanted to deal with
Libra: married to wear a wedding dress!
Scorpio: I married you, my, or I,
shooter: get married? free and then I go first contact,
Capricorn: marriage must end, but gradually so,
bottle: Marriage is too out!
Pisces: Where to honeymoon?

Constellation confident first impression is Aries,
quiet docile is Taurus,
eloquent is the twin,
Cancer shy and others often deliberately keep their distance,
The lion looks wearing very seriously,
Virgin performance from the beginning of the United States to meet,
scales inherently social expert,
Scorpio always protect yourself,
optimistic Sagittarius is all bright pistachio,
Capricorn and humans are not strengths,
bottle like to show their talents,
Pisces eyes discharge, easy access to other people a good impression

【12 constellations you need to talk about how many men (female) friends, be considered mature! 】
First: Gemini 21.
Second: Sagittarius 18.
Third: Pisces 15.
Fourth: Aquarius 12.
S Five: Libra 9.
sixth: Virgo 8.
seventh: Aries 7.
eighth: Cancer 6.
ninth: Scorpio 5 months.
tenth: Leo 4.
eleventh: Capricorn 3.
twelfth Name: Taurus 2.

constellation Aries rejection index: 80%;
Taurus: 20%;
Gemini: 90%;
Cancer: 35%;
Leo: 70%;
Virgo: 30%;
Libra: 65%;
Scorpio: 40%;
Sagittarius: 90%;
Capricorn: 70%;
Aquarius: 70% ;
Pisces: 20%

the world's most ambiguous 【Top】
first constellation Pisces,
second scales,
third bottle,
Gemini IV,
fifth Scorpio,
sixth shooter,
seventh Taurus,
eighth virgin,
ninth Cancer,
tenth Capricorn,
XI Aries,
XII Lions

Postscript 【12】
constellation Pisces will lovelorn drunk of a;
Taurus will cry.
Cancer will call complain;
Leo will go to the beach hair.
Sagittarius will look over all the movies;
Virgo will retreat for three days and nights. Capricorn will carefully review
Aries will go to KTV screaming.
Libra'll eat all the food;
Scorpio will find the next lover. Gemini will provide JiPiao abroad
Aquarius will be crazy shopping.

【your sign is cold is hot】
Aries: Taurus
Raisin: Raisin
Gemini: Cancer of external heat in cold
: hot and cold
Leo : external heat cooled
Virgo: Raisin
Libra: Scorpio lukewarm
: Raisin
Sagittarius: Capricorn external heat cooled
: neither cold nor Hot
Aquarius: hot and cold
Pisces: lukewarm

Twelve Constellation 【】
Secret infatuation large degree Aries: 1 minute.
Taurus: 7 years.
Gemini: 1 day.
Cancer: a quarter.
Leo: 1 hour.
Virgo: 1 week.
Libra: 1 month.
Scorpio: 1 night.
Sagittarius: 1 second.
Capricorn: 10 years.
Aquarius: life.
Pisces: 1 year.

list 【12】
bother to bring the first signs: Sagittarius 97 minutes.
second: Gemini 95.
third: Pisces 94.
fourth: Aquarius 90.
fifth: Libra 85.
sixth: Aries 78.
seventh: Leo 69.
eighth: Cancer 55 points.
ninth: Capricorn 45 minutes.
tenth: Taurus 43 points.
eleventh: Virgo 33 minutes.
twelfth Name: Scorpio 33 points.

【Top】 12 constellations most
1 2
2 Sagittarius Pisces Gemini
4 Aries Libra Cancer
6 bottles
7 Block
9 Leo Taurus Capricorn
12 Virgo Scorpio

the most macho 【】
constellation Libra Blood type 0 B-Libra Gemini Sagittarius B-type AB type AB Type Sagittarius

favorite constellation Aries porridge lover of the opposite sex of God,
Taurus personality honest and prudent people porridge,
Twins most wanted is the ability to talk to the object,
Cancer needs to be the object of marriage,
strength conditions of the lion looks first priority,
Virgin hardly critical favorite,
scales the outside must be superior,
gentle and strong character of Scorpio porridge,
striker wants everyone to have fun,
Capricorn porridge people willing to listen to his command,
rice warm water bottles, such as friends,
Pisces romance is

constellation Aries the feeling of love: love and hate clear large emotional changes,
Taurus: love can not tolerate competition, rival,
CANCER: cynicism is very headstrong,
giant Crab: pay more than the other feelings,
Lion: like a few people at the same time love,
Virgin: not cheat,
Libra: Love like dudes and babes,
Scorpio: other sexy would be dead set,
striker: Favorite cohabitation,
Capricorn: the opposite sex will like to marry,
bottle: as long as there is feeling,
Pisces: a love forget all

constellation Aries can not accept: offensive to the dignity and confidence to do damage,
Taurus: to borrow from them,
Gemini: gossip his privacy,
Cancer: criticism of his family and friends,
lion: do not count on what he said,
Virgin: No credit of the people,
scales: direct sharp criticism,
Scorpio: betrayal
shooter: the loss of free space, not to be trusted,
Capricorn: contempt for other people behind him,
bottle: do not respect his ideas,
Pisces: to force him to face the reality and give up love

love is blind 【12】
constellation Aries: too easy to believe that appearance,
Taurus: Always stick the other side are getting taken seriously,
Gemini: Good strongman and wealth lost, br> Cancer: choose the wrong person has refused to recognize his mistake,
lion: do not know the wrong people,
Virgin: scare away the object is too picky,
Libra: wronged themselves into each other like the class shape,
Scorpio: A letter to the whole letter,
shooter: just do not know for patience,
Capricorn: to change themselves into slaves,
bottle: from the can control the overall situation, br> Pisces: tell ourselves

twelve constellations of the first IQ: IQ 130
second Gemini: Sagittarius IQ 125
third: IQ 120
fourth Scorpio: Taurus IQ 110
Fifth: IQ 105
sixth Virgo: Capricorn IQ of 102
seventh; Aquarius IQ of 102
eighth: Leo IQ 100
ninth: Libra 95
tenth IQ: IQ 90
eleventh Cancer: Aries IQ of 80
twelfth Name: Pisces IQ of 75

【more like friends than lovers】
with a constellation, Taurus woman virgin male
VS II, VS Cancer, Libra men
three women, two children, VS Pisces Male
four male lions
five women VS Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries Male Female VS
six Capricorn Aquarius Male Female VS

【M】 how to deal with 12 constellation Aries
: Direct to resolve the problem,
Taurus: The thing he feared threatened him,
Gemini: To both hard and soft,
Cancer : cool deal,
Lions: Always use a soft,
Virgin: certain than they,
scales: we must first calm,
Scorpio: a sudden cold,
shooter: Eat soft do not eat hard,
Capricorn: This paper presents evidence of authority to him to his knees saying,
bottle: the way with jokes and satire, said light short description,
Pisces: first in front of him crying < / p>

constellation Aries motto of happiness: You can warm but not emotional,
Taurus: stubborn is blocking their way to happiness,
Gemini: vision to help you more happiness,
giant Crab: bold careful to point outside,
Lions: talented but also have a good temper,
Virgin: patient care is coupled with the capital,
Libra: heart, dreams do not fly,
Scorpio : Convergence of apathy out of power,
shooter: Pride goes before destruction,
Capricorn: believe in yourself,
bottles: back from the commitment to face life,
Pisces: reduce unnecessary Fantasy

【12 constellations hate people things】
Aries pipe: work decision.
Taurus: dinner with friends.
Gemini: change his mind concept.
Cancer: Family.
Lions: ask too much detail.
Virgin: How to buy things tube.
Libra: You have made a decision.
Scorpio: his privacy.
shooter: unimportant trivia.
Capricorn: with money-related matters.
bottle: to require a bunch of restriction of liberty.
Pisces: Who to call.

【12】 constellation lovers can only pass
Aries: Pisces.
Taurus: Sagittarius.
Gemini: Capricorn.
Cancer: Aquarius.
Leo: Cancer.
Virgo: Aries.
Libra: Taurus.
Scorpio: Gemini.
Sagittarius: Scorpio.
Capricorn: Leo.
Aquarius: Virgo.
Pisces: Libra.

according to your sign, to give you a word of advice.
Aries (3/22--4/20): While you are optimistic, but everything to stabilize the point.
Taurus (4/21--5/20): occasionally taken the conservative, is a benign adventure.
Gemini (5/21--6/21): curious, active, fun, exciting your life better.
Cancer (6/22--7/22): to reduce the number of emotional turmoil, and your life better.
Leo (7/23--8/22): accidentally shifted the blame to the strong self-esteem.
Virgo (8/23--9/22): attention to small details, but also to grasp the general direction.
Libra (9/23--10/23): to hold a middle course to enjoy a stable life.
Scorpio (10/24--11/22): to loneliness, but not closed.
Sagittarius (11/23--12/21): the pursuit of freedom, close to the sun.
Capricorn (12/22--1/20): pragmatic style to help you reach your goals.
Aquarius (1/21--2/19): love of knowledge, a rich spiritual life.
Pisces (2/20--3/21): To strengthen the exercise willpower.

master Friendly sentence
twelve constellations Aries (3/22--4/20): more patience, friendship and steady as a mountain.
Taurus (4/21--5/20): Do not persist in the first impression.
Gemini (5/21--6/21): witty conversation, friends a lot.
Cancer (6/22--7/22): Your tolerance so inspiring.
Leo (7/23--8/22): willing to take care of your friends around.
Virgo (8/23--9/22): distributed in every possible way you warm.
Libra (9/23--10/23): position of calm, very popular.
Scorpio (10/24--11/22): not met over the world, as long as the bosom friend a few people.
Sagittarius (11/23--12/21): hearty personality makes active close.
Capricorn (12/22--1/20): the social and ultimately compromise.
Aquarius (1/21--2/19): grades than you special trust you.
Pisces (2/20--3/21): sentimental, human good.

grasp the love word
twelve constellations Aries (3/22--4/20): Use your heart hot melt each other.
Taurus (4/21--5/20): think twice as action.
Gemini (5/21--6/21): sense of humor, love the game master.
Cancer (6/22--7/22): the fiery attitude to love even more fortunate.
Leo (7/23--8/22): Who can escape from a powerful lion claw it?
Virgo (8/23--9/22): relaxation of standards, are perfect lover.
Libra (9/23--10/23): take the initiative to knock on the door of love enthusiastically embraced it.
Scorpio (10/24--11/22): blazing flame, is the Scorpio character.
Sagittarius (11/23--12/21): Cupid's arrow no matter how you launch.
Capricorn (12/22--1/20): love to love it, do not be shy.
Aquarius (1/21--2/19): no lack of female friends, but fortunately single-minded love.
Pisces (2/20--3/21): easily tempted, it is difficult to break away

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


chat buddies in the morning and a chance to know , Haagen-Dazs on the edge of the house NEWZEALAND actually down
I did not eat , he actually poured out to be Master Kong
last trip to KLCC, I'd look into , then I wanted , FZ also has , or influence the lives of the people for the right home , more save points RM back
This is just great ~ I'm a not Laozhao , he poured out ~
is beef noodle soup poured out ~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to draw a beautiful eye makeup

 Step one, within the liner within the liner
is the first step in eye makeup, painted by hand first when the liner gently lift the upper eyelid, exposing the white mucous membrane section, and then picks up with the eyeliner pencil to fill the lash roots carefully the gap, to fill all the inner mucosa is also coated with black eyeliner. After the draw a good eye liner, eye immediately become God, look not so scattered. Step inside the liner

Second, the liner
Step1, paintings focus on eye liner close to the lash roots to not leave gaps. Can hold the eyelids gently with your fingers, starting from the first sub-painted eyes, the line should be smooth and fluid, though not necessarily a step unfinished, but must be connected.
the liner Step1
Step2, at the end of eye liner must be extended effectively visually enlarge the eyes, elongated after the Eye. Face will accordingly smaller. Finger painting is lifted at the end of eye lids, the end of the liner, near corner of the eye position of the liner increases, about 1cm, and tilt part of the bold, painted triangle. Note painted triangle is the key, must take the end of eye area are filling a triangle, can not reveal the white eye meat. Step2
step three on the liner, open the eyes
top priority here! Painted the inside corner of the steps that we ignore, the effect is very significant. We superb skills, do not do surgery to open his eyes like the eyes of the purpose of amplification can be achieved. Method is to stretch out the inner corner of 2mm, so that the tip of the inside corner of a natural triangle, and closed down two liner, remember that if the parallel, just like your eyes have been like to grow as natural. On the inside corner
Step Four, the next liner
Step1, as a starting point to begin the bottom of the eye painted outside under the liner, it is important at the next end of eye liner to draw a parallel to the eyes, looks like you Like his own eyes, in fact it is false, that is, it makes your eyes look larger. Where the end liner and the liner to be connected, painted Eye liner under Step1
Step2, in the upper and lower end of eye liner at the open with a small brush blooming, pale pink eye shadow under the selection of painted eye liner, and then point silver glitter, so watery eyes, full power.
eye liner under the Step2
Step3, eyeliner with pink paint all over the inner mucosa, pink, white, softer than natural, with its painted eye liner, eye can instantly begin! eyes must be painted in the next mucosa, and it has strengthened in the eyes of the first place, so you can make eyes look brighter. Under the liner Step.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ten words never hurt a child

 Heart never hurt a child ten things to remind parents mouths mercy, do not hurt the child's heart and then language, ruin the child's future. At the same time to tell their parents, the child should say, and what parents should do in a positive, positive, healthy, beautiful child perspective, certainly children, praise the child, encouraging children.

[first sentence], You do not want the child to be ] Children learn to talk with the child

talk back to the time when children and their parents will be more shocking silence

[third sentence], > Do not play

[fourth sentence] br> stop the empty talk
respect for criticism is the best way to
child, be careful not to hurt the child
tolerant children br>
[the fifth sentence], jump to touch or how to help children the most effective

let the child know what they are because of the lovely
Let the child know that learning is a matter of his own children's scores
Do not look too important < br>
[sixth sentence] > What a fool!
educate their children is sparse and not blocking
tell them to do something every day

[eighth sentence],

straighten the balance
never expected the children said: You can not make a confident

children need parents appreciated the willingness to be affirmed
kids a chance and let him get rid of the child to exercise
shadow hearts of inferiority

[ninth sentence] mode, the child should be individualized
not a piece of paper, not free to apply
not let your child suffer, The key to good to let children learn what

game with their own children grow at their own pace in his

[X sentence]

child's favorite way to
what kind of education their children play with heart on study
children to learn in a relaxed environment appropriate
children to play with video games < br> can not be deprived of the power of kids to play to play a child's self-confidence

; today's children lack most of the 4 aspects:

1, the lack of happy childhood;

; 2, the lack of spiritual culture;

3, the lack of family communication;

; 4, the lack of a sense of accomplishment.

to the father and mother of five advice: < br>
1, important than the success growth;

2, has experienced important than ranking;

; 3, to pay than to give important;

4, an important dialogue than confrontation;

; 5, motivate important than the accused.

* 1, the growth important than the success

- afford to lose a child the most successful
< br> Now the parents have a strange phenomenon, what are dry for the child, that child's task is to study. I organized a summer camp, a small child watching boiled eggs in a daze, I said !, process, are arranged the cut into four pieces on the front of food, so do the old default result, but to attach importance to the growth process, take a good foot of the road, able to lose a child is the most successful child!

* 2, has experienced important than the ranking

- caused by over-indulgent incompetence

said children now bear the child psychology poor, can not afford setbacks, this is because parents do not give them through the mill, take the opportunity to failure and frustration. Can accommodate children, let their children be the last haven; can understand him, let him find the warmth and security, in a loss and no way, give him that way and not give him a wall.

* 3, to pay than to give important

- the children love the opportunity to

only give love a child , let them no sense of responsibility, it will only request. A laid-off workers know that children like to eat them, teeth bought from the market to see children eating with relish that he could not bear to Dongkuaizi, seeing the children have finished eating, my mother could not help but want to try one, the child said, Much spoiled, unlimited condone the growth of the child's selfishness, so that children are conscious of themselves, not others.

* 4, an important dialogue than confrontation

- Do not talk to kids parents For example talking about puppy love, many parents simply, brutally obstruction, forced to suppress.

adolescent children are at increased rapidly in the adult sense, but psychology is not mature period, he wants the respect of adults, but also the lack of basic trust of parents, so antagonistic strong psychological, spiritual peers towards the door only to open, this time the special needs of spiritual care that he needs to understand.

* 5, an important incentive than the accused

- enjoy the kids, telling him to express dissatisfaction with their children, demanding perfection, to bring the child's negative message to children sign of weakness, depression, and even world-weary mood. I was a child has two hobbies, one draw, 5 years old drew a big cock, my mother said: , I love painting, blackboard painting from one year to the third year, to jump the queue to farmers in rural newspapers, and later on to do the I'm an actor there. Results unfortunate thing happened: When I wear small pants, vest, hands behind the legs stand up straight after a teacher passed by me, gave me the once said, After that I think of dancing, then later on can not jump, and then later simply do not jump. So I said to the parents, the children grew up in, talent is not important is to have no interest and confidence. Do not see others, boldly cheered for the children, I believe that your child will create a miracle!